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  • shardingsphere-Proxy 初次使用


    shardingsphere-proxy 使用代理,什么意思呢,就是我只要发送给代理例如,

    select * from t_order where id = 1;

    的查询,而实际 shardingsphere-proxy 执行的分库分表中的 :

    select * from t_order_0 where id = 1;
    select * from t_order_1 where id = 1;

    然后框架封装结果返回给用户。 分次测试环境 : 数据库(MySQL), 操作系统(Window)


    下载地址 : https://mirror.bit.edu.cn/apache/shardingsphere/4.1.0/apache-shardingsphere-4.1.0-sharding-proxy-bin.tar.gz 下载完以后解压需要注意一下,window 环境不要用 7z 等解压工具(因为里面有些文件的文件名过长,解压软件会截断),window 环境下 cmd ,然后执行 :

      tar zxvf apache-shardingsphere-4.1.0-sharding-proxy-bin.tar.gz

    然后修改 /config 中的两个文件,我的 config-sharding.yaml 文件修改如下 :

    # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    # Here you can configure the rules for the proxy.
    # This example is configuration of sharding rule.
    # If you want to use sharding, please refer to this file; 
    # if you want to use master-slave, please refer to the config-master_slave.yaml.
    #schemaName: sharding_db
    #  ds_0:
    #    url: jdbc:postgresql://
    #    username: postgres
    #    password: postgres
    #    connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000
    #    idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000
    #    maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000
    #    maxPoolSize: 50
    #  ds_1:
    #    url: jdbc:postgresql://
    #    username: postgres
    #    password: postgres
    #    connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000
    #    idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000
    #    maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000
    #    maxPoolSize: 50
    #  tables:
    #    t_order:
    #      actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_order_${0..1}
    #      tableStrategy:
    #        inline:
    #          shardingColumn: order_id
    #          algorithmExpression: t_order_${order_id % 2}
    #      keyGenerator:
    #        type: SNOWFLAKE
    #        column: order_id
    #    t_order_item:
    #      actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_order_item_${0..1}
    #      tableStrategy:
    #        inline:
    #          shardingColumn: order_id
    #          algorithmExpression: t_order_item_${order_id % 2}
    #      keyGenerator:
    #        type: SNOWFLAKE
    #        column: order_item_id
    #  bindingTables:
    #    - t_order,t_order_item
    #  defaultDatabaseStrategy:
    #    inline:
    #      shardingColumn: user_id
    #      algorithmExpression: ds_${user_id % 2}
    #  defaultTableStrategy:
    #    none:
    # If you want to connect to MySQL, you should manually copy MySQL driver to lib directory.
    schemaName: sharding_db
    # 分库分表的信息 
        url: jdbc:mysql://
        username: root
        password: 12345678
        connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000
        idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000
        maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000
        maxPoolSize: 50
        url: jdbc:mysql://
        username: root
        password: 12345678
        connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000
        idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000
        maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000
        maxPoolSize: 50
    # 分片规则
          actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_order_${0..1}
              shardingColumn: order_id
              algorithmExpression: t_order_${order_id % 2}
            type: SNOWFLAKE
            column: order_id
          actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_order_item_${0..1}
              shardingColumn: order_id
              algorithmExpression: t_order_item_${order_id % 2}
            type: SNOWFLAKE
            column: order_item_id
        - t_order,t_order_item
          shardingColumn: user_id
          algorithmExpression: ds_${user_id % 2}

    sever.yaml 文件 :

    # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    # If you want to configure orchestration, authorization and proxy properties, please refer to this file.
    #  orchestration_ds:
    #    orchestrationType: registry_center,config_center,distributed_lock_manager
    #    instanceType: zookeeper
    #    serverLists: localhost:2181
    #    namespace: orchestration
    #    props:
    #      overwrite: false
    #      retryIntervalMilliseconds: 500
    #      timeToLiveSeconds: 60
    #      maxRetries: 3
    #      operationTimeoutMilliseconds: 500
          password: root
          password: sharding
          authorizedSchemas: sharding_db
      max.connections.size.per.query: 1
      acceptor.size: 16  # The default value is available processors count * 2.
      executor.size: 16  # Infinite by default.
      proxy.frontend.flush.threshold: 128  # The default value is 128.
        # LOCAL: Proxy will run with LOCAL transaction.
        # XA: Proxy will run with XA transaction.
        # BASE: Proxy will run with B.A.S.E transaction.
      proxy.transaction.type: LOCAL
      proxy.opentracing.enabled: false
      proxy.hint.enabled: false
      query.with.cipher.column: true
    # 这个属性会打印sql 语句
      sql.show: true
    # 该属性会允许范围查询,默认为 false ,要是我们分库分表是水平切分,可以想得到范围查询会像广播去查每一个表,比较耗性能能。
      allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding: true

    先在本地数据库建立两个分库,分别是 : demo_ds_0 和 demo_ds_1 ,运行项目,有可能会发现缺少 mysql-connect-java 依赖,去maven 仓库找到jar 包扔到 lib 目录下,然后在 bin 目录启动 start.bat ,启动成功后,

    然后打开本地数据库账号:root ,密码 : root ,端口号 : 3307 ,发现了里面有个 sharding_db,然后执行下面的建表语句 :

    CREATE TABLE `t_order` (
      `order_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `status` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=279205305122816001 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin;

    然后再打开本地的 demo_ds_0 和 demo_ds_1 你会发现代理帮你创建好表了


    然后再执行 :

    INSERT INTO `t_order` (`order_id`, `user_id`, `status`) VALUES (11, 0, '2');
    INSERT INTO `t_order` (`order_id`, `user_id`, `status`) VALUES (12, 1, '2');
    INSERT INTO `t_order` (`order_id`, `user_id`, `status`) VALUES (13, 0, '2');

    你会发现对应的 demo_ds_0 和 demo_ds_1 数据库已经有分片好的数据!


    • https://www.cnblogs.com/yeyongjian/p/10107078.html
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Benjious/p/12870176.html
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