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  • org.json package

    • JSON is a light-weight,language independent,data interchange format.
    • org.json package implement JSON encoders/decoders in Java.It also includes the cpability to convert between JSON and XML,HTTP headers,Cookies and CDL.
    • This is a reference implementation.
    • The package compiles on Java 1.6-1.8
    • JSONObject.java:The JSONObject can parse text from a String or a JSONTokener to produce a map-like object.The object provides methods for manipulating its contents,and for producing a JSON compliant object serialization.
      •   public JSONObject();
          public JSONObject(JSONObject jo, String[] names);
          public JSONObject(JSONTokener x) throws JSONException ;
          public JSONObject(Map<?, ?> m);
          public JSONObject(Object bean);
          public JSONObject(Object object, String names[]);
          public JSONObject(String source) throws JSONException;
          public JSONObject(String baseName, Locale locale) throws JSONException;
    • JSONArray.java:The JSONArray can parse text from a String or a JSONTokener to produce a vector-like object.The object provides methods for manipulating its contents,and for producing a JSON compliant array serialization.
      •   public JSONArray() {
              this.myArrayList = new ArrayList<Object>();
          public JSONArray(JSONTokener x) throws JSONException;
          public JSONArray(String source) throws JSONException;
          public JSONArray(Collection<?> collection);
          public JSONArray(Object array) throws JSONException;
    • JSONTokener.java:The JSONTokener breaks a text into a sequence of individual tokens.It can be constructed from String,Reader,or InputStream.
      •   public JSONTokener(Reader reader);
          public JSONTokener(InputStream inputStream);
          public JSONTokener(String s);
    • JSONException.java: The JSONException is the standard exception type thrown by this package.
      •   public class JSONException extends RuntimeException{
              public JSONException(final String message) {
              public JSONException(final String message, final Throwable cause) {
                  super(message, cause);
               public JSONException(final Throwable cause) {
                  super(cause.getMessage(), cause);
    • Cookie.java: Cookie provides support for converting between JSON and cookies.
      •   public static JSONObject toJSONObject(String string) throws JSONException {
          String         name;
          JSONObject     jo = new JSONObject();
          Object         value;
          JSONTokener x = new JSONTokener(string);
          jo.put("name", x.nextTo('='));
          jo.put("value", x.nextTo(';'));
          while (x.more()) {
              name = unescape(x.nextTo("=;"));
              if (x.next() != '=') {
                  if (name.equals("secure")) {
                      value = Boolean.TRUE;
                  } else {
                      throw x.syntaxError("Missing '=' in cookie parameter.");
              } else {
                  value = unescape(x.nextTo(';'));
              jo.put(name, value);
          return jo;
    • CookieList.java: CookieList provides support for converting between JSON and cookie lists.
      •   public static JSONObject toJSONObject(String string) throws JSONException {
          JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
          JSONTokener x = new JSONTokener(string);
          while (x.more()) {
              String name = Cookie.unescape(x.nextTo('='));
              jo.put(name, Cookie.unescape(x.nextTo(';')));
          return jo;
    • HTTP.java: HTTP provides support for converting between JSON and HTTP headers.
      •   public static JSONObject toJSONObject(String string) throws JSONException {
          JSONObject     jo = new JSONObject();
          HTTPTokener    x = new HTTPTokener(string);
          String         token;
          token = x.nextToken();
          if (token.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("HTTP")) {
          // Response
                      jo.put("HTTP-Version", token);
                      jo.put("Status-Code", x.nextToken());
                      jo.put("Reason-Phrase", x.nextTo(''));
                  } else {
          // Request
                      jo.put("Method", token);
                      jo.put("Request-URI", x.nextToken());
                      jo.put("HTTP-Version", x.nextToken());
          // Fields
                  while (x.more()) {
                      String name = x.nextTo(':');
                      jo.put(name, x.nextTo(''));
                  return jo;
    • XML.java: XML provides support for converting between JSON and XML.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Black-Cobra/p/8862630.html
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