给 Firefox 加点机能。定制 Firefox,为 Firefox 增添功能,让上网变得更快、更安全,乐趣十足。
git clone git@github.com:mdn/webextensions-examples.git
,选择This Firefox
如果是content script
使用 web-ext
参考链接 https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/getting-started-with-web-ext/
npm install --global web-ext
cd borderify
web-ext run
Name | Description | JavaScript APIs |
annotate-page | Displays a sidebar that lets you take notes on web pages. | storage.local tabs.onActivated tabs.onUpdated tabs.query tabs.Tab windows.getCurrent windows.Window |
apply-css | Adds a page action to the toolbar. Click the button to apply a red border using injected CSS. Click the button again to remove the CSS. | pageAction.getTitle pageAction.onClicked pageAction.setIcon pageAction.setTitle pageAction.show tabs.insertCSS tabs.onUpdated tabs.query tabs.removeCSS tabs.Tab |
beastify | Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. Click the button to choose a beast. The active tab's body content is then replaced with a picture of the chosen beast. | extension.getURL runtime.onMessage tabs.executeScript tabs.insertCSS tabs.query tabs.removeCSS tabs.sendMessage tabs.Tab |
bookmark-it | Adds a bookmark button to the toolbar. Click the button to toggle a bookmark for the current page. | bookmarks.create bookmarks.onCreated bookmarks.onRemoved bookmarks.remove bookmarks.search browserAction.onClicked browserAction.setIcon browserAction.setTitle tabs.onActivated tabs.onUpdated tabs.query tabs.Tab windows.onFocusChanged |
borderify | Adds a solid red border to all webpages matching mozilla.org. | |
chill-out | Show a page action after a period of inactivity. Show cat gifs when the page action is clicked. | alarms.clearAll alarms.create alarms.onAlarm pageAction.hide pageAction.onClicked pageAction.show tabs.get tabs.onActivated tabs.onUpdated tabs.query tabs.update |
commands | Demonstrates using the commands API to set up a keyboard shortcut. The shortcut created is accessed using Ctrl+Shift+U (Command+Shift+U on a Mac). | commands.getAll commands.onCommand commands.reset commands.update tabs.create |
content-script-register | Illustrates how an extension can register URL-matching content scripts at runtime. | contentScripts.register runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage |
context-menu-copy-link-with-types | Add a context menu option to links to copy the link to the clipboard, as plain text and as a link in rich HTML. | contextMenus.create contextMenus.onClicked tabs.executeScript |
contextual-identities | List, create, and remove contextual identities. | contextualIdentities.query tabs.create tabs.query tabs.remove |
cookie-bg-picker | Allows the user to customize the background color and tiled pattern on sites the visit, and also saves their preferences via a cookie, reapplying them whenever they revisit a site they previously customized. | cookies.get cookies.onChanged cookies.remove cookies.set extension.getURL runtime.onMessage tabs.onActivated tabs.onUpdated tabs.query tabs.Tab tabs.sendMessage |
devtools-panels | Demonstrates some of the devtools APIs. | devtools.inspectedWindow devtools.panels runtime.getURL runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage tabs.executeScript |
discogs-search | Demonstrates adding a custom search engine with the chrome_settings_overrides key. | |
dynamic-theme | Dynamic theme example | alarms.create alarms.onAlarm theme.update |
emoji-substitution | Replaces words with emojis. | |
eslint-example | Demonstrates how to configure an extension with eslint. | |
export-helpers | Demonstrates how to use export helpers like cloneInto to share objects with page scripts. | notifications.create runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage |
favourite-colour | An example options page, letting you store your favourite colour. | browserAction.onClicked runtime.openOptionsPage storage.managed storage.sync |
find-across-tabs | Demonstration of the find API. | browserAction.onClicked extension.getBackgroundPage find.find find.highlightResults runtime.getURL runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage tabs.create tabs.query tabs.Tab |
firefox-code-search | Demonstrates how to use the omnibox API. | omnibox.onInputChanged omnibox.onInputEntered omnibox.setDefaultSuggestion tabs.create tabs.update |
forget-it | Demonstrates how to use the browsingData API. | browserAction.onClicked browsingData.remove notifications.create storage.local |
google-userinfo | Demonstrates how to use the identity API. | browserAction.onClicked identity.getRedirectURL identity.launchWebAuthFlow notifications.create |
history-deleter | History API demo: deletes history items for a given domain | history.deleteUrl history.search pageAction.show tabs.onUpdated tabs.query |
http-response | Demonstrates how to rewrite HTTP responses using the webRequest.filterResponseData() API. | webRequest.filterResponseData webRequest.onBeforeRequest |
imagify | Using a sidebar, illustrates the use of file picker and drag and drop. A content script replaces the current page content with the chosen image. | extension.getURL runtime.onMessage tabs.executeScript tabs.query tabs.sendMessage |
latest-download | Shows the last downloaded item, and lets you open or delete it. | downloads.erase downloads.getFileIcon downloads.open downloads.removeFile downloads.search |
list-cookies | This extensions list the cookies in the active tab. | cookies.getAll tabs.query |
menu-accesskey-visible | Shows how to set up a single letter access key for a menu item. | i18n.getMessage menus.update menus.create menus.onClicked |
menu-demo | Demonstrates adding and manipulating menu items using the menus API. | i18n.getMessage menus.create menus.onClicked menus.remove menus.update runtime.lastError tabs.executeScript |
menu-labelled-open | Shows how an extension can listen for the display of a menu and then add, remove, or update its menu items. | menus.create menus.onClicked menus.onShown menus.refresh menus.update tabs.update |
menu-remove-element | Shows how to detect the page element at the cursor position and remove that element, or a parent element, from the page. This example includes use of the polyfill, illustrating cross-browser extension development. | menus.create menus.onClicked menus.getTargetElement pageAction.openPopup pageAction.show tabs.executeScript |
menu-search | Illustrates how to retrieve a list of search engines and issue a search request, using search engine details added to the context menu for selected text. | search.search search.get menus.create menus.onClicked |
mocha-client-tests | This example shows two methods of testing an extension: running tests from within the extension, and running tests from the command line using Karma. | runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage |
native-messaging | Example of native messaging, including a Python application and an extension which exchanges messages with it. | browserAction.onClicked runtime.connectNative |
navigation-stats | Demonstration of the webNavigation API, showing basic stats about which pages you've visited. | storage.local webNavigation.onCommitted webNavigation.onCompleted |
notify-link-clicks-i18n | Shows a localized notification when the user clicks on links. | extension.getURL i18n.getMessage notifications.create runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage |
open-my-page-button | Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. When the browser action is clicked, the add-on opens a page that was packaged with it. | browserAction.onClicked tabs.create |
page-to-extension-messaging | Demonstrates how a web page and a content script can exchange messages. Visit https://mdn.github.io/webextensions-examples/content-script-page-script-messaging.html for the demo. | |
permissions | Demonstrates optional permissions using the permissions API. | browserAction.onClicked permissions.getAll permissions.remove permissions.request runtime.getURL tabs.create |
private-browsing-theme | Example dynamic theme: sets a dark theme for private windows. | theme.reset theme.update windows.getAll windows.onCreated |
proxy-blocker | Uses the proxy API to block requests to hosts specified on a list. | extension.getURL proxy.onRequest proxy.onError storage.local storage.onChanged |
quicknote | Allows the user to make quick notes by clicking a button and entering text into the resulting popup. The notes are saved in storage. | storage.local |
root-cert-stats | Shows how to get details about a request's TLS connection. | webRequest.getSecurityInfo |
runtime-examples | Demo of various runtime APIs. | browserAction.onClicked notifications.create runtime.getManifest runtime.onInstalled runtime.reload |
selection-to-clipboard | Demonstrates how to write to the clipboard from a content script | |
session-state | Demonstrates how to retrieve extension-defined state state from restored tabs. | menus.create menus.onClicked sessions.getTabValue sessions.setTabValue tabs.insertCSS tabs.onCreated tabs.onUpdated tabs.query |
store-collected-images | Demonstrates how to use the idb-file-storage library to store and manipulate files in an extension. | browserAction.onClicked contextMenus.create contextMenus.onClicked runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage tabs.create windows.create |
stored-credentials | Performs basic authentication by supplying stored credentials. | storage.local webRequest.onAuthRequired webRequest.onCompleted webRequest.onErrorOccurred |
tabs-tabs-tabs | Demonstrates tab manipulation: opening, closing, moving, zooming tabs. | browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor browserAction.setBadgeText tabs.create tabs.duplicate tabs.getZoom tabs.move tabs.onCreated tabs.onMoved tabs.onRemoved tabs.query tabs.reload tabs.remove tabs.setZoom tabs.Tab tabs.update |
theme-integrated-sidebar | A sidebar that integrates with the current theme. | theme.getCurrent theme.onUpdated windows.getCurrent |
theme-switcher | An example of how to use the management API for themes. | management.getAll management.setEnabled |
themes | A collection of themes illustrating:weta_fade: a basic theme employing a single image specified in theme_frame: .weta_fade_chrome: the weta_fade theme implemented with Chrome compatible manifest keys.weta_tiled: a theme using a tiled image.weta_mirror: a theme using multiple images and aligning those images in the header.animated: use of an animated PNG. |
top-sites | Demonstration of the topSites API. | topSites.get |
user-agent-rewriter | Demonstrates using the webRequest API to rewrite the User-Agent HTTP header. | extension.getBackgroundPage webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders |
user-script-register | Illustrates how an extension can register URL-matching user scripts at runtime. | userScripts.register runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage |
webpack-modules | Demonstrates how to use webpack to package npm modules in an extension. | runtime.onMessage runtime.sendMessage |
window-manipulator | Demonstrates how to manipulate windows: opening, closing, resizing windows. | windows.create windows.getAll windows.getCurrent windows.remove windows.update windows.Window |
open-irc-links | Demonstrates the use of protocol handlers. |