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  • 图学习*速递[2021/10/13]


    [ 1 ] GraPE: fast and scalable Graph Processing and Embedding

    作者:Luca Cappelletti,Tommaso Fontana,Elena Casiraghi,Vida Ravanmehr,Tiffany J. Callahan,Marcin P. Joachimiak,Christopher J. Mungall,Peter N. Robinson,Justin Reese,Giorgio Valentini
    机构:AnacletoLab, Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS)
    摘要:Graph Representation Learning methods have enabled a wide range of learning problems to be addressed for data that can be represented in graph form. Nevertheless, several real world problems in economy, biology, medicine and other fields raised relevant scaling problems with existing methods and their software implementation, due to the size of real world graphs characterized by millions of nodes and billions of edges. We present GraPE, a software resource for graph processing and random walk based embedding, that can scale with large and high-degree graphs and significantly speed up-computation. GraPE comprises specialized data structures, algorithms, and a fast parallel implementation that displays everal orders of magnitude improvement in empirical space and time complexity compared to state of the art software resources, with a corresponding boost in the performance of machine learning methods for edge and node label prediction and for the unsupervised analysis of graphs.GraPE is designed to run on laptop and desktop computers, as well as on high performance computing clusters


    [ 2 ] ConTIG: Continuous Representation Learning on Temporal Interaction  Graphs

    作者:Xu Yan,Xiaoliang Fan,Peizhen Yang,Zonghan Wu,Shirui Pan,Longbiao Chen,Yu Zang,Cheng Wang
    备注:12 pages; 6 figures
    摘要:Representation learning on temporal interaction graphs (TIG) is to model complex networks with the dynamic evolution of interactions arising in a broad spectrum of problems. Existing dynamic embedding methods on TIG discretely update node embeddings merely when an interaction occurs. They fail to capture the continuous dynamic evolution of embedding trajectories of nodes. In this paper, we propose a two-module framework named ConTIG, a continuous representation method that captures the continuous dynamic evolution of node embedding trajectories. With two essential modules, our model exploit three-fold factors in dynamic networks which include latest interaction, neighbor features and inherent characteristics. In the first update module, we employ a continuous inference block to learn the nodes' state trajectories by learning from time-adjacent interaction patterns between node pairs using ordinary differential equations. In the second transform module, we introduce a self-attention mechanism to predict future node embeddings by aggregating historical temporal interaction information. Experiments results demonstrate the superiority of ConTIG on temporal link prediction, temporal node recommendation and dynamic node classification tasks compared with a range of state-of-the-art baselines, especially for long-interval interactions prediction.


    [ 3 ] SlideGraph+: Whole Slide Image Level Graphs to Predict HER2Status in  Breast Cancer

    作者:Wenqi Lu,Michael Toss,Emad Rakha,Nasir Rajpoot,Fayyaz Minhas
    机构:Tissue Image Analytics (TIA) Centre, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, UK, Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre, Division of Cancer and Stem Cells, School of Medicine, Nottingham City Hospital, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
    备注:20 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables
    摘要:Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is an important prognostic and predictive factor which is overexpressed in 15-20% of breast cancer (BCa). The determination of its status is a key clinical decision making step for selection of treatment regimen and prognostication. HER2 status is evaluated using transcroptomics or immunohistochemistry (IHC) through situ hybridisation (ISH) which require additional costs and tissue burden in addition to analytical variabilities in terms of manual observational biases in scoring. In this study, we propose a novel graph neural network (GNN) based model (termed SlideGraph+) to predict HER2 status directly from whole-slide images of routine Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) slides. The network was trained and tested on slides from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) in addition to two independent test datasets. We demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with area under the ROC curve (AUC) values > 0.75 on TCGA and 0.8 on independent test sets. Our experiments show that the proposed approach can be utilised for case triaging as well as pre-ordering diagnostic tests in a diagnostic setting. It can also be used for other weakly supervised prediction problems in computational pathology. The SlideGraph+ code is available at https://github.com/wenqi006/SlideGraph.


    [ 4 ] GCN-SE: Attention as Explainability for Node Classification in Dynamic  Graphs

    作者:Yucai Fan,Yuhang Yao,Carlee Joe-Wong
    机构:Carnegie Mellon University
    备注:Accepted by ICDM 2021
    摘要:Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are a popular method from graph representation learning that have proved effective for tasks like node classification tasks. Although typical GCN models focus on classifying nodes within a static graph, several recent variants propose node classification in dynamic graphs whose topologies and node attributes change over time, e.g., social networks with dynamic relationships, or literature citation networks with changing co-authorships. These works, however, do not fully address the challenge of flexibly assigning different importance to snapshots of the graph at different times, which depending on the graph dynamics may have more or less predictive power on the labels. We address this challenge by proposing a new method, GCN-SE, that attaches a set of learnable attention weights to graph snapshots at different times, inspired by Squeeze and Excitation Net (SE-Net). We show that GCN-SE outperforms previously proposed node classification methods on a variety of graph datasets. To verify the effectiveness of the attention weight in determining the importance of different graph snapshots, we adapt perturbation-based methods from the field of explainable machine learning to graphical settings and evaluate the correlation between the attention weights learned by GCN-SE and the importance of different snapshots over time. These experiments demonstrate that GCN-SE can in fact identify different snapshots' predictive power for dynamic node classification.

    因上求缘,果上努力~~~~ 作者:每天卷学习,转载请注明原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/BlairGrowing/p/15401240.html

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BlairGrowing/p/15401240.html
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