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  • HDU2468 Experiment on a … “Cable”







    对所有速度区间、探测器时间-位移区间、起点终点区间 做半平面交,得到凸包面积除以探测器时间-位移区间面积可得解。


      1 #include<stdio.h>
      2 #include<stdlib.h>
      3 #include<string.h>
      4 #include<math.h>
      5 #include<algorithm>
      6 using namespace std;
      7 const int maxn = 5111;
      8 const double eps = 1e-12;
      9 const double pi = acos(-1.0);
     10 typedef struct{double x, y;}Point;
     11 int dcmp(double x) {return (x > eps) - (x < -eps);}
     12 inline double det(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     13 {return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;}
     14 double cross(Point a, Point b, Point c)
     15 {return det(b.x -a.x, b.y - a.y, c.x - a.x, c.y - a.y);}
     16 bool EqualPoint(Point a, Point b)
     17 {return dcmp(a.x - b.x) == 0 && dcmp(a.y - b.y) == 0;}
     18 typedef struct{Point s, e;double ang, d;}Line;
     19 Point MakePoint(double xx, double yy)
     20 {Point res;res.x = xx, res.y = yy;return res;}
     21 void SetLine(Point a, Point b, Line &l)
     22 {
     23     l.s = a;
     24     l.e = b;
     25     l.ang = atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x);
     26     if(dcmp(a.x - b.x)) l.d = (a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y) / fabs(a.x - b.x);
     27     else l.d = (a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y) / fabs(a.y - b.y);
     28 }
     29 bool Parallel(const Line &la, const Line &lb)
     30 {
     31     return !dcmp( (la.e.x - la.s.x) * (lb.e.y - lb.s.y) -
     32             (la.e.y - la.s.y) * (lb.e.x - lb.s.x) );
     33 }
     34 Point CrossPoint(const Line &la, const Line &lb)
     35 {
     36     Point res;
     37     double u = cross(la.s, la.e, lb.s), v = cross(la.e, la.s, lb.e);
     38     res.x = (lb.s.x * v + lb.e.x * u) / (u + v);
     39     res.y = (lb.s.y * v + lb.e.y * u) / (u + v);
     40     return res;
     41 }
     42 int CompL(const void *a, const void *b)
     43 {
     44     Line la = *(Line*)a, lb = *(Line*)b;
     45     if(dcmp(la.ang - lb.ang)) return la.ang > lb.ang ? 1 : -1;
     46     return la.d > lb.d ? 1 : -1;
     47 }
     49 Line deq[maxn];
     50 bool HalfPanelCross(Line l[], int n, Point cp[], int &m)
     51 {
     52     int i, tn;
     53     m = 0;
     54     qsort(l, n, sizeof(Line), CompL);
     55     for(i = tn = 1; i < n; ++ i)
     56         if(dcmp(l[i].ang - l[i - 1].ang))
     57             l[tn ++] = l[i];
     58     n = tn;
     59     int front = 0, rear = 1;
     60     deq[0] = l[0], deq[1] = l[1];
     61     for(i = 2; i < n; ++ i)
     62     {
     63         if(Parallel(deq[rear], deq[rear - 1]) ||
     64             Parallel(deq[front], deq[front + 1]))
     65             return false;
     66         while(front < rear && dcmp( cross(l[i].s, l[i].e,
     67             CrossPoint(deq[rear], deq[rear - 1])) ) < 0) -- rear;
     68         while(front < rear && dcmp( cross(l[i].s, l[i].e,
     69             CrossPoint(deq[front], deq[front + 1])) ) < 0) ++ front;
     70         deq[++ rear] = l[i];
     71     }
     72     while(front < rear && dcmp( cross(deq[front].s, deq[front].e,
     73         CrossPoint(deq[rear], deq[rear - 1])) ) < 0) -- rear;
     74     while(front < rear && dcmp( cross(deq[rear].s, deq[rear].e,
     75         CrossPoint(deq[front], deq[front + 1])) ) < 0) ++ front;
     76     if(rear <= front + 1) return false;
     77     for(i = front; i < rear; ++ i)
     78         cp[m ++] = CrossPoint(deq[i], deq[i + 1]);
     79     if(front < rear + 1)
     80         cp[m ++] = CrossPoint(deq[front], deq[rear]);
     81     m = unique(cp, cp + m, EqualPoint) - cp;
     82     for(i = 0; i < m; ++ i)
     83     {
     84         if(dcmp(cp[i].x) == 0) cp[i].x = 0;
     85         if(dcmp(cp[i].y) == 0) cp[i].y = 0;
     86     }
     87     return true;
     88 }
     89 double PolygonArea(Point p[], int n)
     90 {
     91     if(n < 3) return 0.0;
     92     double s = p[0].y * (p[n - 1].x - p[1].x);
     93     p[n] = p[0];
     94     for(int i = 1; i < n; ++ i)
     95         s += p[i].y * (p[i - 1].x - p[i + 1].x);
     96     return fabs(s * 0.5);
     97 }
     98 Line l[maxn << 2];
     99 Point p[maxn << 2];
    100 double len;
    101 int n, m, ltp;
    102 double maxv, minv, ti;
    103 double start, end, v;
    104 int main()
    105 {
    106     int ca = 0;
    107     while(scanf("%lf", &len), dcmp(len))
    108     {
    109         ltp = 0;
    110         scanf("%d", &n);
    111         while(n --)
    112         {
    113             scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &minv, &maxv, &ti);
    114             SetLine(MakePoint(ti, 0), MakePoint(ti + 1, minv), l[ltp ++]);
    115             SetLine(MakePoint(ti + 1, maxv), MakePoint(ti, 0), l[ltp ++]);
    116         }
    117         scanf("%d", &m);
    118         while(m --)
    119         {
    120             scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &minv, &maxv, &ti);
    121             SetLine(MakePoint(ti + 1, len - minv), MakePoint(ti, len), l[ltp ++]);
    122             SetLine(MakePoint(ti, len), MakePoint(ti + 1, len - maxv), l[ltp ++]);
    123         }
    124         scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &start, &end, &v);
    125         printf("Case #%d: ", ++ ca);
    126         SetLine(MakePoint(0, 0), MakePoint(1, 0), l[ltp ++]);
    127         SetLine(MakePoint(1, len), MakePoint(0, len), l[ltp ++]);
    128         SetLine(MakePoint(start + 1, v), MakePoint(start, 0), l[ltp ++]);
    129         SetLine(MakePoint(end, 0), MakePoint(end + 1, v), l[ltp ++]);
    130         if(!HalfPanelCross(l, ltp, p, n)){printf("0.00000\n"); continue;}
    131         printf("%.5f\n", PolygonArea(p, n) / (end - start) / len + eps);
    132     }
    133     return 0;
    134 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/CSGrandeur/p/2679452.html
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