1 struct _Poly 2 { 3 int factor;//系数 4 int Index;//幂 5 struct _Poly* next;//下一节点 6 }; 7 _Poly* poly[MAXTIMES+1]; 8 int Sum[MAXTIMES+1]; //每一个多项式所含项数
1 int main() 2 { int n; 3 cout<<"请输入要做运算的多项式数量"<<endl; 4 cin>>n; 5 for (int i=0;i<=n+1;++i) Init_Poly(i); 6 for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) Input_Data(i); 7 /*TaskMgr,任务判断*/ cout<<"请输入你要进行什么类型的运算?1为加法,2为乘法:"<<endl;; 8 cin>>Sum[0]; 9 if (Sum[0]==1) 10 { cout<<"f(x)="; 11 poly[0]=poly[1]; 12 for (int i=2;i<=n;++i) Plus_Poly(poly[0], poly[i]);//加法 13 Output_Poly(poly[0]);///Output加法结果 14 cout<<""<<endl; 15 } 16 else if (Sum[0]==2) 17 { cout<<"f(x)="; 18 poly[0]=poly[1]; 19 for (int i=2;i<=n;++i) Multiply_Poly(poly[0], poly[i]);//乘法 20 Output_Poly(poly[0]);///Output乘法结果 21 cout<<""<<endl; 22 } return 0; 23 }
(3)初始化模块Init_Po ly(int i);
1 void Init_Poly(int i) 2 { 3 poly[i]=NULL; 4 poly[i]=new _Poly; 5 poly[i]->next=NULL; 6 }
(4)插入结点Insert_Node(_Poly* Poly0,_Poly* node);
1 int Insert_Node(_Poly* poly0, _Poly* node) 2 { 3 while( poly0->next!=NULL ) 4 poly0=poly0->next;///遍历至表尾 5 poly0->next=new _Poly; 6 poly0=poly0->next; 7 poly0->factor=node->factor; 8 poly0->Index=node->Index; 9 poly0->next=NULL; 10 return 0; 11 }
(5)删除结点Delete_Poly(_Poly** Poly0);
1 int Delete_Poly(_Poly** poly0) 2 { 3 _Poly* tmp=NULL; 4 while( NULL!=*poly0 ) 5 { 6 tmp=*poly0; 7 *poly0=(*poly0)->next; 8 delete tmp; 9 } 10 return 0; 11 } 12
(6)输入模块Input_Poly(int i);
1 P.S. cout<<"----------------读入方式说明---------------"<<endl; 2 cout<<"输入幂次和对应系数,常数项幂次为0"<<endl; 3 cout<<"如对f(x)=x^5+x^2-54x+65"<<endl; 4 cout<<"请输入:4"<<endl; 5 cout<<" 1 5"<<endl; 6 cout<<" 1 2"<<endl; 7 cout<<" -54 1"<<endl; 8 cout<<" 65 0"<<endl;
1 void Input_Data(int i) 2 { 3 _Poly data; 4 cout<<"请输入第"<<i<<"个多项式项数:"<<endl;; 5 cin>>Sum[i]; 6 cout<<"请分别输入多项式1各项的系数和幂数,中间用空格隔开:"<<endl;; 7 for( int j=1; j<=Sum[i]; ++j) 8 { 9 cin>>data.factor>>data.Index; 10 Insert_Node(poly[i], &data); 11 } 12 cout<<"f"<<i<<"(x)="; 13 Output_Poly(poly[i]); 14 }
(7)输出模块Output_Data(_Poly Poly0);
1 int Output_Poly(_Poly* poly0) 2 { 3 if( poly0->next->Index!=0 ) 4 { 5 if (poly0->next->factor!=1) cout<<poly0->next->factor; 6 cout<<"x"; 7 if (poly0->next->Index!=1) cout<<'^'<<poly0->next->Index; 8 } 9 else 10 cout<<poly0->next->factor; 11 if (poly0->next->next!=NULL && poly0->next->next->factor>0) cout<<'+'; 12 poly0=poly0->next; 13 while( NULL!=poly0->next ) 14 { 15 if( poly0->next->factor>0 ) 16 { 17 if( poly0->next->Index==0 ) 18 cout<<poly0->next->factor; 19 else 20 { 21 if (poly0->next->factor!=1) cout<<poly0->next->factor; 22 cout<<"x"; 23 if (poly0->next->Index!=1) cout<<'^'<<poly0->next->Index; 24 } 25 } 26 else if( poly0->next->factor<0 ) 27 { 28 if( poly0->next->Index==0 ) 29 { 30 if( poly0->next->factor!=0 ) 31 cout<<poly0->next->factor; 32 } 33 else 34 { 35 if (poly0->next->factor!=1) cout<<poly0->next->factor; 36 cout<<"x"; 37 if (poly0->next->Index!=1) cout<<'^'<<poly0->next->Index; 38 } 39 } 40 if (poly0->next->next!=NULL && poly0->next->next->factor>0) cout<<'+'; 41 poly0=poly0->next; 42 } 43 cout<<endl; 44 return 0; 45 } 46
(8)加法模块Plus_Poly(_Poly* poly1, _Poly* poly2);//////完了完了我大作业这句标题写错了
1 ///预处理,先把两个链表相连,其他操作见后Merge_Poly(); 2 int Plus_Poly(_Poly* poly1, _Poly* poly2) 3 { 4 _Poly* head=poly1; 5 while( poly1->next!=NULL ) 6 poly1=poly1->next; 7 poly1->next=poly2->next;///将Poly2全部添加到Poly1后 8 Merge_Poly(head);///合并同类项 9 poly[0]=head; 10 return 0; 11 }
(9)乘法模块Multiply_Poly(int Sum);
1 ///将新乘出的元素加在链表后面,待进一步Merge&Sort进行运算 2 int Multiply_Poly(_Poly* poly1, _Poly* poly2) 3 { 4 _Poly data; 5 _Poly *poly0=NULL; 6 _Poly* head1=poly1; 7 _Poly* head2=poly2; 8 poly0=new _Poly; 9 poly0->next=NULL; 10 while( poly1->next!=NULL ) 11 { 12 while( poly2->next!=NULL ) 13 { 14 data.factor=(poly1->next->factor)*(poly2->next->factor); 15 data.Index=(poly1->next->Index)+(poly2->next->Index); 16 data.next=NULL; 17 Insert_Node(poly0, &data);///新求得元素插入 18 poly2=poly2->next; 19 } 20 poly2=head2; 21 poly1=(poly1)->next; 22 }//OutputPoly(pNew); 23 Merge_Poly(poly0);///合并同类项 24 poly[0]=poly0; 25 Delete_Poly(&head1); 26 Delete_Poly(&head2); 27 return 0; 28 }
(10)合并同类项,并排序Merge_Poly(_Poly* Poly0);
1 int Merge_Poly(_Poly* poly0) 2 { int sorted=0; ///标记可合并元素 3 _Poly* node; 4 _Poly* tmp; 5 _Poly* const head=poly0; 6 if( NULL==poly0 ) return -1; 7 node=head->next; 8 head->next=NULL; 9 while( node!=NULL ) 10 { 11 sorted=0; 12 poly0=head; 13 while( poly0->next!=NULL ) 14 { 15 if( node->Index==poly0->next->Index ) ///如果是幂数相同,则合并系数 16 { 17 poly0->next->factor+=node->factor; 18 node=node->next; 19 sorted=1; 20 break; 21 } 22 else if((node->Index) > (poly0->next->Index)) ///如果幂数大,转移该项至前 23 { 24 tmp=node; 25 node=node->next; 26 tmp->next=poly0->next; 27 poly0->next=tmp; 28 sorted=1; 29 break; 30 } 31 poly0=poly0->next; 32 }/*while2*/ 33 if( sorted==0 )///该项已无可合并项 34 { 35 tmp=node; 36 node=node->next; 37 poly0->next=tmp; 38 tmp->next=NULL; 39 } 40 }/*while*/ 41 return 0; 42 }
1 /* 2 By 3 Iris.Catch-22.S、` 4 Dept. of Mathematics, 5 School of Science, 6 HIT 7 November,2015 8 */ 9 #include<iostream> 10 #define MAXTIMES 110 11 using namespace std; 12 void CopyRight() 13 { 14 cout<<"------------By ICS,HIT,2015/11-------------"<<endl; 15 cout<<"--------多项式加法、乘法计算(链表)---------"<<endl; 16 cout<<"------------------Ver 0.9------------------"<<endl; 17 18 } 19 struct _Poly 20 { 21 int factor;//系数 22 int Index;//幂 23 struct _Poly* next;//下一节点 24 }; 25 /*定义*/ 26 _Poly* poly[MAXTIMES+1]; 27 int Sum[MAXTIMES+1]; 28 29 /*初始化Poly1、Poly2*/ 30 void Init_Poly(int i) 31 { 32 poly[i]=NULL; 33 poly[i]=new _Poly; 34 poly[i]->next=NULL; 35 } 36 /*插入节点*/ 37 int Insert_Node(_Poly* poly0, _Poly* node) 38 { 39 while( poly0->next!=NULL ) 40 poly0=poly0->next;///遍历至表尾 41 poly0->next=new _Poly; 42 poly0=poly0->next; 43 poly0->factor=node->factor; 44 poly0->Index=node->Index; 45 poly0->next=NULL; 46 return 0; 47 } 48 /*删除链表*/ 49 int Delete_Poly(_Poly** poly0) 50 { 51 _Poly* tmp=NULL; 52 while( NULL!=*poly0 ) 53 { 54 tmp=*poly0; 55 *poly0=(*poly0)->next; 56 delete tmp; 57 } 58 return 0; 59 } 60 /*输出多项式*/ 61 int Output_Poly(_Poly* poly0) 62 { 63 if( poly0->next->Index!=0 ) 64 { 65 if (poly0->next->factor!=1) cout<<poly0->next->factor; 66 cout<<"x"; 67 if (poly0->next->Index!=1) cout<<'^'<<poly0->next->Index; 68 } 69 else 70 cout<<poly0->next->factor; 71 if (poly0->next->next!=NULL && poly0->next->next->factor>0) cout<<'+'; 72 poly0=poly0->next; 73 while( NULL!=poly0->next ) 74 { 75 if( poly0->next->factor>0 ) 76 { 77 if( poly0->next->Index==0 ) 78 cout<<poly0->next->factor; 79 else 80 { 81 if (poly0->next->factor!=1) cout<<poly0->next->factor; 82 cout<<"x"; 83 if (poly0->next->Index!=1) cout<<'^'<<poly0->next->Index; 84 } 85 } 86 else if( poly0->next->factor<0 ) 87 { 88 if( poly0->next->Index==0 ) 89 { 90 if( poly0->next->factor!=0 ) 91 cout<<poly0->next->factor; 92 } 93 else 94 { 95 if (poly0->next->factor!=1) cout<<poly0->next->factor; 96 cout<<"x"; 97 if (poly0->next->Index!=1) cout<<'^'<<poly0->next->Index; 98 } 99 } 100 if (poly0->next->next!=NULL && poly0->next->next->factor>0) cout<<'+'; 101 poly0=poly0->next; 102 } 103 cout<<endl; 104 return 0; 105 } 106 void Input_Data(int i) 107 { 108 _Poly data; 109 cout<<"请输入第"<<i<<"个多项式项数:"<<endl;; 110 cin>>Sum[i]; 111 cout<<"请分别输入多项式1各项的系数和幂数,中间用空格隔开:"<<endl;; 112 for( int j=1; j<=Sum[i]; ++j) 113 { 114 cin>>data.factor>>data.Index; 115 Insert_Node(poly[i], &data); 116 } 117 cout<<"f"<<i<<"(x)="; 118 Output_Poly(poly[i]); 119 } 120 /*系数合并,降幂排列*/ 121 int Merge_Poly(_Poly* poly0) 122 { 123 int sorted=0; ///标记可合并元素 124 _Poly* node; 125 _Poly* tmp; 126 _Poly* const head=poly0; 127 if( NULL==poly0 ) return -1; 128 node=head->next; 129 head->next=NULL; 130 while( node!=NULL ) 131 { 132 sorted=0; 133 poly0=head; 134 while( poly0->next!=NULL ) 135 { 136 if( node->Index==poly0->next->Index ) ///如果是幂数相同,则合并系数 137 { 138 poly0->next->factor+=node->factor; 139 node=node->next; 140 sorted=1; 141 break; 142 } 143 else if((node->Index) > (poly0->next->Index)) ///如果幂数大,转移该项至前 144 { 145 tmp=node; 146 node=node->next; 147 tmp->next=poly0->next; 148 poly0->next=tmp; 149 sorted=1; 150 break; 151 } 152 poly0=poly0->next; 153 }/*while2*/ 154 if( sorted==0 )///该项已无可合并项 155 { 156 tmp=node; 157 node=node->next; 158 poly0->next=tmp; 159 tmp->next=NULL; 160 } 161 }/*while*/ 162 return 0; 163 } 164 /*多项式加法*/ 165 int Plus_Poly(_Poly* poly1, _Poly* poly2) 166 { 167 _Poly* head=poly1; 168 while( poly1->next!=NULL ) 169 poly1=poly1->next; 170 poly1->next=poly2->next;///将Poly2全部添加到Poly1后 171 Merge_Poly(head);///合并同类项 172 poly[0]=head; 173 return 0; 174 } 175 /*多项式乘法*/ 176 int Multiply_Poly(_Poly* poly1, _Poly* poly2) 177 { 178 _Poly data; 179 _Poly *poly0=NULL; 180 _Poly* head1=poly1; 181 _Poly* head2=poly2; 182 poly0=new _Poly; 183 poly0->next=NULL; 184 while( poly1->next!=NULL ) 185 { 186 while( poly2->next!=NULL ) 187 { 188 data.factor=(poly1->next->factor)*(poly2->next->factor); 189 data.Index=(poly1->next->Index)+(poly2->next->Index); 190 data.next=NULL; 191 Insert_Node(poly0, &data);///新求得元素插入 192 poly2=poly2->next; 193 } 194 poly2=head2; 195 poly1=(poly1)->next; 196 } 197 //OutputPoly(pNew); 198 199 Merge_Poly(poly0);///合并同类项 200 poly[0]=poly0; 201 Delete_Poly(&head1); 202 Delete_Poly(&head2); 203 return 0; 204 } 205 int main() 206 { 207 CopyRight(); 208 /*Init*/ 209 int n; 210 cout<<"请输入要做运算的多项式数量"<<endl; 211 cin>>n; 212 for (int i=0;i<=n+1;++i) 213 Init_Poly(i); 214 215 cout<<"----------------读入方式说明---------------"<<endl; 216 cout<<"输入幂次和对应系数,常数项幂次为0"<<endl; 217 cout<<"如对f(x)=x^5+x^2-54x+65"<<endl; 218 cout<<"请输入:4"<<endl; 219 cout<<" 1 5"<<endl; 220 cout<<" 1 2"<<endl; 221 cout<<" -54 1"<<endl; 222 cout<<" 65 0"<<endl; 223 cout<<"-------------------------------------------"<<endl; 224 /*InputData*/ 225 for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) 226 Input_Data(i); 227 /*TaskMgr*/ 228 cout<<"请输入你要进行什么类型的运算?1为加法,2为乘法:"<<endl;; 229 cin>>Sum[0]; 230 if (Sum[0]==1) 231 { 232 cout<<"f(x)="; 233 poly[0]=poly[1]; 234 for (int i=2;i<=n;++i) 235 Plus_Poly(poly[0], poly[i]); 236 Output_Poly(poly[0]);///Output 237 cout<<""<<endl; 238 } 239 else if (Sum[0]==2) 240 { 241 cout<<"f(x)="; 242 poly[0]=poly[1]; 243 for (int i=2;i<=n;++i) 244 Multiply_Poly(poly[0], poly[i]); 245 Output_Poly(poly[0]);///Output 246 cout<<""<<endl; 247 } 248 return 0; 249 } 250
--------Done By Iris.Catch-22.S、`