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  • 淘宝购物车随笔!




      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
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     14                     <span>您的位置:</span>
     15                     <span><a href="#" class="a">首页</a></span>
     16                     <span>></span>
     17                     <span><a href="#" class="a">我的淘宝</a></span>
     18                     <span>></span>
     19                     <span>我的购物车</span>
     20                 </p>
     21                 <ul class="order">
     22                     <li><div class="jt"></div><a href="#" style="color:white">1.查看购物车</a></li>
     23                     <li><div class="jt"></div><a href="#">2.确认订单信息</a></li>
     24                     <li><div class="jt"></div><a href="#">3.付款到支付宝</a></li>
     25                     <li><div class="jt"></div><a href="#">4.确认收货</a></li>
     26                     <li><a href="#">5.评价</a></li>
     27                 </ul>
     28                 <table class="list_group">
     29                     <tr class="list1">
     30                         <td class="w80">
     31                             <lable><input type="radio" id="all"/>全选</lable>
     32                         </td>
     33                         <td class="w350">店铺宝贝</td>
     34                         <td class="w80">获积分</td>
     35                         <td class="w80">单价(元)</td>
     36                         <td class="w100">数量</td>
     37                         <td class="w80">小计(元)</td>
     38                         <td class="w80">操作</td>
     39                     </tr>
     40                 </table>
     41                 <div class="xian"></div>
     42                 <div class="k">
     43                     <p class="shop">
     44                                 <span>店铺:</span>
     45                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚时尚鞋坊</a></span>
     46                                 <span>&nbsp;卖家:</span>
     47                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚</a></span>
     48                                 <div class="lxw"></div>
     49                     </p>
     50                     <table class="tab1">
     51                         <tr class="list">
     52                             <td class="w80"><input type="checkbox" class="choose"/></td>
     53                             <td class="w350">
     54                                 <div class="cp1"></div>
     55                                 <div class="cp1_z">
     56                                     <a href="#">
     57                                         <h2 class="t1">日韩流行风时尚美眉最爱独特米字拼图金属坡跟公主靴子黑色</h2>
     58                                     </a>
     59                                     <h2 class="t1">颜色:棕色&nbsp;尺码:37</h2>
     60                                     <h2 class="t1">保障:</h2><div class="logo_1"></div>
     61                                 </div>
     62                             </td>
     63                             <td class="w80_1" name="5">5</td>
     64                             <td class="w80_2">138.00</td>
     65                             <td class="w100">
     66                                 <button class="j1">-</button>
     67                                 <input class="doc" value="1"/>
     68                                 <button class="j2">+</button>
     69                             </td>
     70                             <td class="w80_3">138</td>
     71                             <td class="w80 clear"><a href="#">删除</a></td>
     72                         </tr>
     73                     </table>
     74                 </div>
     75                 <div class="k">
     76                     <p class="shop">
     77                                 <span>店铺:</span>
     78                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚时尚鞋坊</a></span>
     79                                 <span>&nbsp;卖家:</span>
     80                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚</a></span>
     82                     </p>
     83                     <div class="lxw"></div>
     84                     <table class="tab2">
     85                         <tr class="list">
     86                             <td class="w80"><input type="checkbox" class="choose"/></td>
     87                             <td class="w350">
     88                                 <div class="cp2"></div>
     89                                 <div class="cp1_z">
     90                                     <a href="#">
     91                                         <h2 class="t1">日韩流行风时尚美眉最爱独特米字拼图金属坡跟公主靴子黑色</h2>
     92                                     </a>
     93                                     <h2 class="t1">颜色:棕色&nbsp;尺码:37</h2>
     94                                     <h2 class="t1">保障:</h2><div class="logo_1"></div>
     95                                 </div>
     96                             </td>
     97                             <td class="w80_1" name="12">12</td>
     98                             <td class="w80_2">265.00</td>
     99                             <td class="w100">
    100                                 <button class="j1">-</button>
    101                                 <input class="doc" value="1"/>
    102                                 <button class="j2">+</button>
    103                             </td>
    104                             <td class="w80_3">265</td>
    105                             <td class="w80 clear"><a href="#">删除</a></td>
    106                         </tr>
    107                     </table>
    108                 </div>
    109                 <div class="k">
    110                     <p class="shop">
    111                                 <span>店铺:</span>
    112                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚时尚鞋坊</a></span>
    113                                 <span>&nbsp;卖家:</span>
    114                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚</a></span>
    116                     </p>
    117                     <div class="lxw"></div>
    118                     <table class="tab3">
    119                         <tr class="list">
    120                             <td class="w80"><input type="checkbox" class="choose"/></td>
    121                             <td class="w350">
    122                                 <div class="cp3"></div>
    123                                 <div class="cp1_z">
    124                                     <a href="#">
    125                                         <h2 class="t1">日韩流行风时尚美眉最爱独特米字拼图金属坡跟公主靴子黑色</h2>
    126                                     </a>
    127                                     <h2 class="t1">颜色:棕色&nbsp;尺码:37</h2>
    128                                     <h2 class="t1">保障:</h2><div class="logo_1"></div>
    129                                 </div>
    130                             </td>
    131                             <td class="w80_1" name="3">3</td>
    132                             <td class="w80_2">85.00</td>
    133                             <td class="w100">
    134                                 <button class="j1">-</button>
    135                                 <input class="doc" value="1"/>
    136                                 <button class="j2">+</button>
    137                             </td>
    138                             <td class="w80_3">85</td>
    139                             <td class="w80 clear"><a href="#">删除</a></td>
    140                         </tr>
    141                     </table>
    142                 </div>
    143                 <div class="k">
    144                     <p class="shop">
    145                                 <span>店铺:</span>
    146                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚时尚鞋坊</a></span>
    147                                 <span>&nbsp;卖家:</span>
    148                                 <span><a href="#">纤巧百媚</a></span>
    150                     </p>
    151                     <div class="lxw"></div>
    152                     <table class="tab4">
    153                         <tr class="list">
    154                             <td class="w80"><input type="checkbox" class="choose"/></td>
    155                             <td class="w350">
    156                                 <div class="cp4"></div>
    157                                 <div class="cp1_z">
    158                                     <a href="#">
    159                                         <h2 class="t1">日韩流行风时尚美眉最爱独特米字拼图金属坡跟公主靴子黑色</h2>
    160                                     </a>
    161                                     <h2 class="t1">颜色:棕色&nbsp;尺码:37</h2>
    162                                     <h2 class="t1">保障:</h2><div class="logo_1"></div>
    163                                 </div>
    164                             </td>
    165                             <td class="w80_1" name="12">12</td>
    166                             <td class="w80_2">12.00</td>
    167                             <td class="w100">
    168                                 <button class="j1">-</button>
    169                                 <input class="doc" value="1"/>
    170                                 <button class="j2">+</button>
    171                             </td>
    172                             <td class="w80_3">12</td>
    173                             <td class="w80 clear"><a href="#">删除</a></td>
    174                         </tr>
    175                     </table>
    176                 </div>
    177                 <button class="del" id="del">删除所选</button><br/>
    178                 <div class="right">
    179                     <p class="money">商品总价(不含运费):<span class="mon">0</span></p><br/>
    180                     <p class="cen">可获积分:<span class="ce">0</span></p><br/>
    181                     <button class="pay">立刻购买</button>
    182                 </div>
    183             </div>
    184         </div>
    185         <script src="js/taobao.js"></script>
    186     </body>
    187 </html>


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     1  //加号按钮点击时
     2             var j2=document.getElementsByClassName("j2");
     3             var j1=document.getElementsByClassName("j1");
     4             for(var x of j2){
     5                 x.onclick=add;
     6             }
     7             function add(){
     8                 shuliang=this.parentNode.childNodes[3];
     9                 shuliang.value++;
    10                 this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[11].innerHTML=this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[7].innerHTML*shuliang.value;
    11                 var jifen=this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[5];//积分节点
    12                 var jifenz=jifen.getAttribute("name");//积分值
    13                 jifen.innerHTML=parseInt(jifenz)*shuliang.value;
    14                 total();
    15             }
    16 //减号按钮点击时
    17             for(var x of j1){
    18                 x.onclick=minus;
    19             }
    20             function minus(){
    21                 shuliang=this.parentNode.childNodes[3];
    22                 if(shuliang.value>=2){
    23                 shuliang.value--;
    24                 this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[11].innerHTML=this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[7].innerHTML*shuliang.value;
    25                 var jifen=this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[5];//积分节点
    26                 var jifenz=jifen.getAttribute("name");//积分值
    27                 jifen.innerHTML=parseInt(jifenz)*shuliang.value;
    28                 }
    29                 total();
    30             }
    31 //获取总积分和总价格
    32             function total(){
    33                 var mon=document.getElementsByClassName("mon");//获取总价节点
    34                 var ce=document.getElementsByClassName("ce");//获取总积分节点
    35                 var money=document.getElementsByClassName("w80_3");//获取所有价钱节点
    36                 var jf=document.getElementsByClassName("w80_1");//获取所有积分值节点
    37                 var sum=0;
    38                 for(var i=0;i<money.length;i++){
    39                 sum+=parseInt(money[i].innerHTML);
    40                 }
    41                 mon[0].innerHTML=sum;
    42                 var jsum=0;
    43                 for(var i=0;i<jf.length;i++){
    44                 jsum+=parseInt(jf[i].innerHTML);
    45                 }
    46                 ce[0].innerHTML=jsum;
    48             }
    49 //删除键点击
    50             var dels=document.getElementsByClassName("clear");//获取所有删除键节点
    51             for(var x of dels){
    52                 x.onclick=clear;
    53             }
    54             function clear(){
    55                 this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.remove();//删除点击删除节点的物品栏
    56                 57                58                 total();
    59             }
    61 //全选点击时
    62             var all=document.getElementById("all");//获取全选按钮节点
    63             var choose=document.getElementsByClassName("choose");//获取所有勾选框节点数组
    64             all.onclick=function(){
    65                 for(var x of choose){
    66                     x.checked=true;
    67                 }
    68             }
    69 //删除所选点击
    70             var del=document.getElementById("del");//获取删除所选按钮节点
    71             del.onclick=del_choose;
    72             function del_choose(){
    73                 for(var i=choose.length-1;i>=0;i--){
    74                     if(choose[i].checked==true){
    75                         choose[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.remove();
    76                         all.checked=false;
    77                         total();
    78                     }
    79                 }
    80             }
  • 相关阅读:
    iOS UIScrollView 的基本用法
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    iOS XML 系统自带的解析方法
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cc-ll/p/8325303.html
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