The DataGridView is a common .Net control used to display and permit editing of tabular data. It can be filled in via code or by attaching a data source to it.
DataGridViews, like most controls, are not thread-safe. That is, you need to perform operations on them using the same thread as they were created on. However, sometimes OpenSpan developers will accidently modify the DataGridView from another thread because the operation is coming from an event in another application.
A safe way to correct this problem and to ensure it doesn't accidently happen is to postpone updating the control during a OnPaint() event if it happens from another thread. This is done by handling an exception and then flagging the control to be redrawn when the MessagePump is run. You can do this by creating a .Net class that inherits from DataGridView and overrides the OnPaint() event. You will need access to a C# compiler to build this. Once built, you add it to the OpenSpan Studio Toolbox and replace your DataGridView controls with it.
处理的方法,重新封装DataGridView 控件,重新OnPaint 方法,代码如下:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace test { class DataGridViewNew : DataGridView { protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { try { base.OnPaint(e); } catch { Invalidate(); } } } }