// 发起请求的function,服务器收到请求会启动一个任务,response中包含一个任务ID,比如用ticket_id字段表示。
$scope.run_test = function() {
$scope.running = true;
$http.get('/run-test', {
params: {
'target' : $scope.data_psm.target,
$scope.ticket_id = resp['ticket_id']; // 获取任务ID用于之后轮询
$scope.checkStatus(); // 开始轮询
$scope.reg_test_result = "ERROR";
if ('process' in resp['log']) {
$scope.reg_test_result = resp['log']['process'].join("
$scope.running = false;
var stop; // 定义一个stop变量,用于存储interval
$scope.checkStatus = function() {
// Don't start a new check_status if we are already checking
if ( angular.isDefined(stop) ) return; // 避免重复定义
stop = $interval(function() { // 轮询请求,根据ticket id进行轮询
params : {
$scope.result = resp;
// training
if ('process' in resp['log']) { // 从response中获取一些业务信息
$scope.process = resp['log']['process'].join("
$scope.reg_test_result = $scope.process
+ "
-----fail list-----
+ resp['fail_list'].join("
if (resp['status'] != "running") { // 如果ticket id对应的任务状态不是running,那么就停止轮询
$scope.running = false;
$scope.checkStatus(resp['ticket_id']); // 继续轮询,类似一种递归策略
$scope.process = resp; // 获取一些业务信息
$scope.stopCheckStatus(); // 遇到error也要停止轮询
$scope.running = false;
}, 2000);
$scope.stopCheckStatus = function() { // 定义停止轮询的function,执行interval.cancel
if (angular.isDefined(stop)) {
stop = undefined;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() { // 确保页面退出时,interval被销毁
// Make sure that the interval is destroyed too