Draw Something Cheat
Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB
Have you played Draw Something? It's currently one of the hottest social drawing games on Apple iOS and Android Devices! In this game, you and your friend play in turn. You need to pick a word and draw a picture for this word. Then your friend will be asked what the word is, given the picture you have drawn. The following figure illustrates a typical scenario in guessing the word.
As you see, when guessing a word you will be given the picture and 12 letters. You must pick some of these letters to form a word that matches the picture. Each letter can only be used once. It is a lot of fun if your friend is a talented painter, but unfortunately some drawings from your friend are totally incomprehensible. After several times of becoming mad by the drawings, you find a way to cheat in the game.
In this game, letters not included in the correct answer are randomly generated. If you cannot find the correct answer when guessing, you can write down all the letters and restart the game. Then you would find some of these letters are changed. Of course these changed letters will never appear in the answer. By eliminating these letters you are a step closer to the answer.
So In this problem, you need to write a program to automate the cheating process. Given N strings of letters to the same picture, you need to eliminate as many letters as possible, and output the remaining letters.
There are multiple test cases. The first line of the input is an integer T ≈ 1000 indicating the number of test cases.
Each test case begins with a positive integer N ≤ 20 indicating the number of times you have entered the game. Then N lines follow. Each line is a string of exactly 12 uppercase letters, indicating the candidate letters in one guess. It is guaranteed that the answer has at least 1 letter and has no more than 12 letters.
For each test case, output the remaining letters in alphabet order after the process described above. One line for each test case.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { int T,n,i,j,alph[26]; char str[15]; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { memset(alph,0,sizeof(alph)); scanf("%d",&n); for (i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%s",str); for (j=0;j<12;j++) alph[str[j]-'A']++; } for (i=0;i<26;i++) { if (alph[i]==n) printf("%c",'A'+i); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
Modular Inverse
Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB
The modular modular multiplicative inverse of an integer a modulo m is an integer x such that a-1≡x (mod m). This is equivalent to ax≡1 (mod m).
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input is an integer T ≈ 2000 indicating the number of test cases.
Each test case contains two integers 0 < a ≤ 1000 and 0 < m ≤ 1000.
For each test case, output the smallest positive x. If such x doesn't exist, output "Not Exist".
Sample Input
3 11
4 12
5 13
Sample Output
Not Exist
#include <stdio.h> int T,x,a,m; int main() { int i,t; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { x=-1; scanf("%d%d",&a,&m); for(i=0;i<1005;i++)//不知道这里要写多少,就写了个1000+ { t=m*i+1; if(t%a==0) { x=t/a; break; } } if(x>0) printf("%d\n",x); else printf("Not Exist\n"); } return 0; }
Yet Another Story of Rock-paper-scissors
Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB
Akihisa and Hideyoshi were lovers. They were sentenced to death by the FFF Inquisition. Ryou, the leader of the FFF Inquisition, promised that the winner of Rock-paper-scissors would be immune from the punishment. Being lovers, Akihisa and Hideyoshi decided to die together with their fists clenched, which indicated rocks in the game. However, at the last moment, Akihisa chose paper and Hideyoshi chose scissors. As a result, Akihisa was punished by the FFF Inquisition and Hideyoshi survived alone.
When a boy named b and a girl named g are being punished by the FFF Inquisition, they will play Rock-paper-scissors and the winner will survive. If there is a tie, then neither of they will survive. At first, they promise to choose the same gesture x. But actually, the boy wants to win and the girl wants to lose. Of course, neither of them knows that the other one may change his/her gesture. At last, who will survive?
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input is an integer T ≈ 1000 indicating the number of test cases.
Each test case contains three strings -- b g x. All strings consist of letters and their lengths never exceed 20. The gesture x is always one of "rock", "paper" and "scissors".
If there is a tie, output "Nobody will survive". Otherwise, output "y will survive" where y is the name of the winner.
Sample Input
Akihisa Hideyoshi rock
Sample Output
Hideyoshi will survive
#include <stdio.h> char b[25],g[25],x[25]; int T; int main() { scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { scanf("%s%s%s",b,g,x); printf("%s will survive\n",g); } return 0; }