关于 xcode5 的no matching provisioning prof…
about the question in xcode5 “no matching provisioning profiles found "
when I was fitting with iOS7,I get the warning like this:no matching provisioning profiles found。
the reason may be that your project is in other group
(今天做ios7的适配 发现了no matching provisioning profiles found这个问题,在xcode5里面不一定是因为你的真机证书有问题,有可能是因为,项目本来在别的组里)
do like this:find the file named ***.xcodeproj in your protect,show the content of it。
(今天做ios7的适配 发现了no matching provisioning profiles found这个问题,在xcode5里面不一定是因为你的真机证书有问题,有可能是因为,项目本来在别的组里)
do like this:find the file named ***.xcodeproj in your protect,show the content of it。
you will see three files:
1.project.pbxproj 2.project.xcworkspace 3.xcuserdata
open the first ,search the uuid and delete the row 。
1.project.pbxproj 2.project.xcworkspace 3.xcuserdata
open the first ,search the uuid and delete the row 。