
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # encoding: utf-8 3 # @author: Alin 4 # @file: .py 5 # @time: 2020/7/5 8:58 6 import os 7 import xlrd 8 9 10 class ExcelUtils: 11 def __init__(self, file_path, sheet_name): 12 ''' 13 :param file_path: 文件路径 14 :param sheet_name: 文件标签名称 15 ''' 16 self.file_path = file_path 17 self.sheet_name = sheet_name 18 self.sheet = self.get_sheet() 19 20 def get_sheet(self): 21 ''' 22 :return:将文本打开后,将相应方法传个sheet并返回 23 ''' 24 wookbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.file_path) 25 sheet = wookbook.sheet_by_name(self.sheet_name) 26 return sheet 27 28 def get_row_count(self): 29 ''' 30 :return: 返回行数 31 ''' 32 row_count = self.sheet.nrows 33 return row_count 34 35 def get_col_count(self): 36 ''' 37 :return: 返回列数 38 ''' 39 col_count = self.sheet.ncols 40 return col_count 41 42 def __get_cell_value(self, row_index, col_index): 43 """ 44 读取相应单元格中内容 45 :param row_index: 行号 46 :param col_index: 列号 47 :return: 48 """ 49 cell_value = self.sheet.cell_value(row_index, col_index) 50 return cell_value 51 52 def get_merged_info(self): 53 """ 54 :return:返回的是一个列表,每一个元素是合并单元格的位置信息的数组,数组包含四个元素(起始行,结束行,起始列,结束列) 55 """ 56 merged_info = self.sheet.merged_cells 57 return merged_info 58 59 def get_merged_cell_value(self, row_index, col_index): 60 """ 61 读取合并单元格、或普通单元格内的cell 62 :param row_index:行号 63 :param col_index:列号 64 :return: 65 """ 66 for merged in self.get_merged_info(): 67 if (row_index >= merged[0] and row_index < merged[1] and col_index >= merged[2] and col_index < merged[3]): 68 return self.__get_cell_value(merged[0], merged[2]) 69 return self.__get_cell_value(row_index, col_index) 70 71 def get_sheet_data_by_dict(self): 72 """ 73 :return:将所有数据已字典格式返回 74 """ 75 all_data_list = [] 76 first_row = self.sheet.row(0) 77 for row in range(1, self.get_row_count()): 78 row_dict = {} 79 for col in range(0, self.get_col_count()): 80 row_dict[first_row[col].value] = self.get_merged_cell_value(row, col) 81 all_data_list.append(row_dict) 82 return all_data_list
数据读取(common estdata_utils.py)

1 import os 2 import pandas as pd 3 from common.excel_utils import ExcelUtils 4 from common.local_config_utils import local_config 5 from common.sql_utils import SqlUtils 6 7 current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) 8 test_data_path = os.path.join(current_path, '..', local_config.CASE_DATA_PATH) 9 10 11 class TestDataUtils(): 12 def __init__(self, data_path=test_data_path): 13 """ 14 :param data_path:excel数据存放路径 15 """ 16 self.data_path = data_path 17 self.test_data = ExcelUtils(data_path, 'Sheet1').get_sheet_data_by_dict() 18 self.test_data_by_mysql = SqlUtils().get_mysql_test_case_info() 19 20 def __get_test_case_data_dict(self): 21 ''' 22 :return: 返回字典格式数据 23 ''' 24 use_case_dict = {} 25 for row_data in self.test_data: 26 use_case_dict.setdefault(row_data['测试用例编号'], []).append(row_data) 27 return use_case_dict 28 29 def get_test_case_data_list(self): 30 """ 31 :return: 封装成字典格式case_id为key,case_info为value 32 """ 33 test_case_list = [] 34 for k, v in self.__get_test_case_data_dict().items(): 35 one_case_dict = {} 36 one_case_dict["case_id"] = k 37 one_case_dict['case_info'] = v 38 test_case_list.append(one_case_dict) 39 return tuple(test_case_list)
[default] # 配置接口测试的主机地址 URL = https://api.weixin.qq.com [path] # 配置测试数据的存放路径 CASE_DATA_PATH = test_data est_case.xlsx # 运行日志存放路径 LOG_PATH = .logs # 运行报告存放路径 REPORTS_PATH = . est_reports # 测试用例存放路径 CASE_PATH = .api_testcase

1 import os 2 import configparser 3 4 current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) 5 config_path = os.path.join(current_path, '..', r'conf/config.ini') 6 7 8 class LocalConfigUtils(): 9 def __init__(self, config_path=config_path): 10 self.cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() 11 self.cfg.read(config_path, encoding='utf-8') 12 13 @property # 把方法变为属性方法 14 def URL(self): 15 url_value = self.cfg.get('default', 'URL') 16 return url_value 17 18 @property 19 def CASE_DATA_PATH(self): 20 case_data_path = self.cfg.get('path', 'CASE_DATA_PATH') 21 return case_data_path 22 23 @property 24 def LOG_PATH(self): 25 log_path = self.cfg.get('path', 'LOG_PATH') 26 return log_path 27 28 @property 29 def REPORTS_PATH(self): 30 reports_path = self.cfg.get('path', 'REPORTS_PATH') 31 return reports_path 32 33 @property 34 def CASE_PATH(self): 35 case_path = self.cfg.get('path', 'CASE_PATH') 36 return case_path 37 38 @property 39 def LOG_LEVEL(self): 40 log_level = int(self.cfg.get('log', 'LOG_LEVEL')) 41 return log_level
封装requests相应方法(commom equests_utils.py)

1 import ast 2 import re 3 import jsonpath 4 import requests 5 from requests.exceptions import RequestException 6 from requests.exceptions import ProxyError 7 from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError 8 from common.local_config_utils import local_config 9 from common.check_util import CheckUtil 10 11 12 class RequestsUtils(): 13 def __init__(self): 14 self.hosts = local_config.URL 15 self.headers = {"ContentType": "application/json;charset='utf-8'"} 16 self.session = requests.session() 17 self.temp_variables = {} 18 19 def __get(self, get_info): 20 try: 21 url = self.hosts + get_info['请求地址'] 22 response = self.session.get(url=url, 23 params=ast.literal_eval(get_info['请求参数(get)']) 24 ) 25 response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding 26 27 if get_info["取值方式"] == "json取值": 28 value = jsonpath.jsonpath(response.json(), get_info["取值代码"])[0] 29 self.temp_variables[get_info["传值变量"]] = value 30 elif get_info["取值方式"] == "正则取值": 31 value = re.findall(get_info["取值代码"], response.text)[0] 32 self.temp_variables[get_info["传值变量"]] = value 33 result = CheckUtil(response).run_check(get_info['期望结果类型'], get_info['期望结果']) 34 except ProxyError as e: 35 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:代理错误异常,原因:%s' % (get_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 36 except ConnectionError as e: 37 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:连接超时异常,原因:%s' % (get_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 38 except RequestException as e: 39 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:Request异常,原因:%s' % (get_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 40 # except Exception as e: 41 # result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:系统异常,原因:%s' % (get_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 42 return result 43 44 def __post(self, post_info): 45 try: 46 url = self.hosts + post_info['请求地址'] 47 response = self.session.post(url=url, 48 headers=self.headers, 49 params=ast.literal_eval(post_info['请求参数(get)']), 50 json=ast.literal_eval(post_info["提交数据(post)"]) 51 ) 52 response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding 53 54 if post_info["取值方式"] == "json取值": 55 value = jsonpath.jsonpath(response.json(), post_info["取值代码"])[0] 56 self.temp_variables[post_info["传值变量"]] = value 57 elif post_info["取值方式"] == "正则取值": 58 value = re.findall(post_info["取值代码"], response.text)[0] 59 self.temp_variables[post_info["传值变量"]] = value 60 result = CheckUtil(response).run_check(post_info['期望结果类型'], post_info['期望结果']) 61 except ProxyError as e: 62 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:代理错误异常,原因:%s' % (post_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 63 except ConnectionError as e: 64 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:连接超时异常,原因:%s' % (post_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 65 except RequestException as e: 66 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:Request异常,原因:%s' % (post_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 67 except Exception as e: 68 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '[%s]请求:系统异常,原因:%s' % (post_info["接口名称"], e.__str__())} 69 return result 70 71 def request(self, step_info): 72 try: 73 requests_type = step_info['请求方式'] 74 param_variable_list = re.findall('\${w+}', step_info["请求参数(get)"]) 75 if param_variable_list: 76 for param_variable in param_variable_list: 77 step_info["请求参数(get)"] = step_info["请求参数(get)"] 78 .replace(param_variable, '"%s"' % self.temp_variables.get(param_variable[2:-1])) 79 if requests_type == "get": 80 result = self.__get(step_info) 81 elif requests_type == "post": 82 param_variable_list = re.findall('\${w+}', step_info["提交数据(post)"]) 83 if param_variable_list: 84 for param_variable in param_variable_list: 85 step_info["提交数据(post)"] = step_info["提交数据(post)"] 86 .replace(param_variable, '"%s"' % self.temp_variables.get(param_variable[2:-1])) 87 result = self.__post(step_info) 88 else: 89 result = {'code': 1, 'result': '请求方式不支持'} 90 except Exception as e: 91 result = {'code': 4, 'result': '用例编号[%s]的[%s]步骤出现系统异常,原因:%s' % (step_info['测试用例编号'], step_info["测试用例步骤"], e.__str__())} 92 return result 93 94 def request_by_step(self, step_infos): 95 self.temp_variables = {} 96 for step_info in step_infos: 97 temp_result = self.request(step_info) 98 if temp_result['code'] != 0: 99 break 100 return temp_result

1 import ast 2 import re 3 4 5 class CheckUtil(): 6 def __init__(self, check_response=None): 7 self.check_response = check_response 8 self.check_rules = { 9 '无': self.no_check, 10 'json键是否存在': self.check_key, 11 'json键值对': self.check_keyValue, 12 '正则匹配': self.check_regexp 13 } 14 self.pass_result = { 15 'code': 0, 16 'response_reason': self.check_response.reason, 17 'response_code': self.check_response.status_code, 18 'response_headers': self.check_response.headers, 19 'response_body': self.check_response.text, 20 'check_result': True, 21 'message': '' # 扩展作为日志输出等 22 } 23 self.fail_result = { 24 'code': 2, 25 'response_reason': self.check_response.reason, 26 'response_code': self.check_response.status_code, 27 'response_headers': self.check_response.headers, 28 'response_body': self.check_response.text, 29 'check_result': False, 30 'message': '' # 扩展作为日志输出等 31 } 32 33 def no_check(self): 34 return self.pass_result 35 36 def check_key(self, check_data=None): 37 check_data_list = check_data.split(',') 38 res_list = [] # 存放每次比较的结果 39 wrong_key = [] # 存放比较失败的key 40 for check_data in check_data_list: 41 if check_data in self.check_response.json().keys(): 42 res_list.append(self.pass_result) 43 else: 44 res_list.append(self.fail_result) 45 wrong_key.append(check_data) 46 if self.fail_result in res_list: 47 return self.fail_result 48 else: 49 return self.pass_result 50 51 def check_keyValue(self, check_data=None): 52 res_list = [] 53 wrong_items = [] 54 for check_item in ast.literal_eval(check_data).items(): 55 if check_item in self.check_response.json().items(): 56 res_list.append(self.pass_result) 57 else: 58 res_list.append(self.fail_result) 59 wrong_items.append(check_item) 60 if self.fail_result in res_list: 61 return self.fail_result 62 else: 63 return self.pass_result 64 65 def check_regexp(self, check_data=None): 66 pattern = re.compile(check_data) 67 if re.findall(pattern=pattern, string=self.check_response.text): 68 # print(self.pass_result) 69 return self.pass_result 70 else: 71 return self.fail_result 72 73 def run_check(self, check_type=None, check_data=None): 74 code = self.check_response.status_code 75 if code == 200: 76 if check_type in self.check_rules.keys(): 77 result = self.check_rules[check_type](check_data) 78 return result 79 else: 80 self.fail_result['message'] = '不支持%s判断方法' % check_type 81 return self.fail_result 82 else: 83 self.fail_result['message'] = '请求状态码%s,非200' % str(code) 84 return self.fail_result

1 import warnings 2 import unittest 3 import paramunittest 4 from common.request_utils import RequestsUtils 5 from common.testdata_utils import TestDataUtils 6 7 case_infos_by_mysql = TestDataUtils().get_test_case_data_list_by_mysql() 8 case_infos_by_excel = TestDataUtils().get_test_case_data_list() 9 10 @paramunittest.parametrized( 11 *case_infos_by_excel 12 ) 13 class APITest(paramunittest.ParametrizedTestCase): 14 def setUp(self) -> None: 15 warnings.simplefilter('ignore', ResourceWarning) 16 17 def setParameters(self, case_id, case_info): 18 self.case_id = case_id 19 self.case_info = case_info 20 21 def test_api_common_function(self): 22 self._testMethodName = self.case_info[0].get('测试用例编号') 23 self._testMethodDoc = self.case_info[0].get('测试用例名称') 24 actual_result = RequestsUtils().request_by_step(self.case_info) 25 self.assertTrue(actual_result.get('check_result'), actual_result.get('message'))
生成测试报告(使用的是HTMLTestReportNg.py,封装至test_runner un_case.py)

1 import os 2 import unittest 3 from common.local_config_utils import local_config 4 from common import HTMLTestReportCN 5 from common.email_utils import EmailUtils 6 7 current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) 8 test_case_path = os.path.join(current_path, '..', local_config.CASE_PATH) 9 test_report_path = os.path.join(current_path, '..', local_config.REPORTS_PATH) 10 11 12 class RunCase: 13 def __init__(self): 14 self.case_path = test_case_path 15 self.report_path = test_report_path 16 self.title = 'VXAPI接口自动化报告' 17 self.description = '自动化接口框架学习专用' 18 self.tester = '我们' 19 20 def load_test_suit(self): 21 discover = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover(start_dir=self.case_path, 22 pattern='api_test.py', 23 top_level_dir=self.case_path) 24 all_suite = unittest.TestSuite() 25 all_suite.addTest(discover) 26 return all_suite 27 28 def run(self): 29 report_dir = HTMLTestReportCN.ReportDirectory(self.report_path) 30 report_dir.create_dir(self.title) 31 report_file_path = HTMLTestReportCN.GlobalMsg.get_value('report_path') 32 fp = open(report_file_path, 'wb') 33 runner = HTMLTestReportCN.HTMLTestRunner(stream=fp, 34 title=self.title, 35 description=self.description, 36 tester=self.tester) 37 runner.run(self.load_test_suit()) 38 fp.close() 39 return report_file_path 40 41 42 if __name__ == '__main__': 43 report_path = RunCase().run() 44 EmailUtils(open(report_path, 'rb').read(), report_path).send_mail()

1 import os 2 import smtplib 3 from email.mime.text import MIMEText 4 from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart 5 from common.local_config_utils import local_config 6 7 8 class EmailUtils: 9 def __init__(self, smtp_body, smtp_attch_path=None): 10 self.smtp_server = local_config.SMTP_SERVER 11 self.smtp_sender = local_config.SMTP_SENDER 12 self.smtp_password = local_config.SMTP_PASSWORD 13 self.smtp_receiver = local_config.SMTP_RECEIVER 14 self.smtp_cc = local_config.SMTP_CC 15 self.smtp_subject = local_config.SMTP_SUBJECT 16 self.smtp_body = smtp_body 17 self.smtp_attch = smtp_attch_path 18 19 def mail_message_body(self): 20 meassge = MIMEMultipart() 21 meassge['from'] = self.smtp_sender 22 meassge['to'] = self.smtp_receiver 23 meassge['Cc'] = self.smtp_cc 24 meassge['subject'] = self.smtp_subject 25 meassge.attach(MIMEText(self.smtp_body, 'html', 'utf-8')) 26 if self.smtp_attch: 27 attach_file = MIMEText(open(self.smtp_attch, 'rb').read(), 'base64', 'utf-8') 28 attach_file['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' 29 attach_file.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', 30 filename=('gbk', '', os.path.basename(self.smtp_attch))) 31 meassge.attach(attach_file) 32 return meassge 33 34 def send_mail(self): 35 smtp = smtplib.SMTP() 36 smtp.connect(self.smtp_server) 37 smtp.login(user=self.smtp_sender, password=self.smtp_password) 38 smtp.sendmail(self.smtp_sender, self.smtp_receiver.split(",") + self.smtp_cc.split(","), 39 self.mail_message_body().as_string())

1 import os 2 import logging 3 import time 4 from common.local_config_utils import local_config 5 6 current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) 7 log_out_path = os.path.join(current_path, '..', local_config.LOG_PATH) 8 9 10 class LogUtils(): 11 def __init__(self, log_path=log_out_path): 12 self.log_name = os.path.join(log_out_path, 'APITest_%s.log' % time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d")) 13 self.logger = logging.getLogger("APITest") 14 self.logger.setLevel(local_config.LOG_LEVEL) 15 16 console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() 17 file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.log_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8') 18 formatter = logging.Formatter( 19 '[%(asctime)s] %(filename)s->%(funcName)s line:%(lineno)d [%(levelname)s] : %(message)s' 20 ) 21 console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) 22 file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) 23 24 self.logger.addHandler(console_handler) 25 self.logger.addHandler(file_handler) 26 27 console_handler.close() 28 file_handler.close() 29 30 def get_logger(self): 31 return self.logger 32 33 34 logger = LogUtils().get_logger()