1 #pragma GCC optimize(2) 2 #include<cstdio> 3 #include<cstring> 4 #include<algorithm> 5 #include<map> 6 #include<cctype> 7 typedef long long int lli; 8 const int maxn=5e5+1e2; 9 10 struct Point { 11 int x,y; 12 friend bool operator < (const Point &a,const Point &b) { 13 return a.x != b.x ? a.x < b.x : a.y < b.y; 14 } 15 }; 16 17 std::map<int,int> siz; 18 int w[maxn],hsw[maxn],hss[maxn],fix[maxn],bel[maxn]; 19 int lson[maxn],rson[maxn],lazyw[maxn],lazys[maxn],mxw[maxn]; 20 int root[maxn]; 21 22 typedef std::pair<int,int> pii; 23 __inline pii mp(const int &x,const int &y) { return std::make_pair(x,y); } 24 25 inline void maintain(int pos) { 26 mxw[pos] = std::max( std::max(mxw[lson[pos]],mxw[rson[pos]]) , w[pos] ); 27 } 28 inline void applyw(int pos,const int &ww) { 29 if( !pos ) return; 30 lazyw[pos] = std::max( lazyw[pos] , ww ) , hsw[pos] = std::max( hsw[pos] , ww ); 31 } 32 inline void applys(int pos,const int &ss) { 33 if( !pos ) return; 34 lazys[pos] = std::max( lazys[pos] , ss ) , hss[pos] = std::max( hss[pos] , ss ); 35 } 36 inline void push(int pos) { 37 if( lazyw[pos] ) applyw(lson[pos],lazyw[pos]) , applyw(rson[pos],lazyw[pos]) , lazyw[pos] = 0; 38 if( lazys[pos] ) applys(lson[pos],lazys[pos]) , applys(rson[pos],lazys[pos]) , lazys[pos] = 0; 39 } 40 inline pii split(int pos,int tar) { // split first tar nodes into left . 41 if( !pos ) return mp(0,0); 42 push(pos); 43 if( tar < pos ) { // split left . 44 pii spl = split(lson[pos],tar); 45 lson[pos] = spl.second , maintain(pos); 46 return mp(spl.first,pos); 47 } else { 48 pii spr = split(rson[pos],tar); 49 rson[pos] = spr.first , maintain(pos); 50 return mp(pos,spr.second); 51 } 52 } 53 inline int merge(int x,int y) { 54 if( x == y || !x || !y ) return x | y; 55 push(x) , push(y); 56 if( x > y ) std::swap(x,y); 57 if( fix[x] < fix[y] ) { // x will be the father . 58 rson[x] = merge(rson[x],y) , maintain(x); 59 return x; 60 } else { 61 lson[y] = merge(x,lson[y]) , maintain(y); 62 return y; 63 } 64 } 65 66 inline void remove(int x) { // split x from it's tree into a single node . 67 pii spr = split(root[bel[x]],x) , spl = split(spr.first,x-1); 68 root[bel[x]] = merge(spl.first,spr.second) , --siz[bel[x]]; 69 } 70 inline void insert(int x,int id) { // insert x into root[id] . 71 applyw(root[id],w[x]) , applyw(x,mxw[root[id]]); 72 pii sp = split(root[id],x); 73 root[id] = merge(merge(sp.first,x),sp.second) , applys(root[id],siz[id]++); 74 } 75 76 inline int getpos(const Point &p) { 77 static std::map<Point,int> cov; 78 static int cnt = 0; 79 if( cov.find(p) == cov.end() ) return cov[p] = ++cnt; 80 else return cov[p]; 81 } 82 83 inline char nextchar() { 84 static const int BS = 1 << 21; 85 static char buf[BS],*st=buf+BS,*ed=st; 86 if( st == ed ) ed = buf + fread(st=buf,1,BS,stdin); 87 return st == ed ? -1 : *st++; 88 } 89 inline int getint() { 90 int ret = 0 , fix = 1 , ch; 91 while( !isdigit(ch=nextchar()) ) fix = ch == '-' ? -fix : fix; 92 do ret=ret*10+ch-'0'; while( isdigit(ch=nextchar()) ); 93 return ret * fix; 94 } 95 96 int main() { 97 static int n,t; 98 n = getint(); 99 for(int i=1,x,y;i<=n;i++) mxw[i] = w[i] = getint() , x = getint() , y = getint() , insert(i,bel[i]=getpos((Point){x,y})) , fix[i] = i; 100 t = getint() , std::random_shuffle(fix+1,fix+1+n); 101 for(int i=1,p,x,y;i<=t;i++) p = getint() , x = getint() , y = getint() , remove(p) , insert(p,bel[p]=getpos((Point){x,y})); 102 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) remove(i); 103 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) printf("%lld ",(lli)hss[i]*hsw[i]); 104 return 0; 105 }
遠くても 届かなくても
即使已经远逝 已经无法传达
始まりの朝 一人ぼっち同士の誰かも
在新的早晨 让那些同样独身的沦落人
カタチ取る この胸の中
ささやかな嘘 さみしくないよ、なんて 微笑った
微微笑着说出一个小小的谎言 我并不寂寞哦
風に 揺れるけど
在风中 依旧不变的摇曳着