enum Season
spring, summer=100, fall=96, winter
typedef enum
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
int main(void)
char * files[] = {"f","b","d","g"};
printf("sizeof files = %d
printf("sizeof int = %d
char *p = NULL;
printf("sizeof p = %d
/* Season */
", spring); // 0
printf("%d, %c
", summer, summer); // 100, d
", fall+winter); // 193
enum Season mySeason=winter;
printf("mySeason is winter
"); // mySeason is winter
int x=100;
if(x == summer)
printf("x is equal to summer
"); // x is equal to summer
printf("%d bytes
", sizeof(spring)); // 4 bytes
/* Weekday */
printf("sizeof Weekday is: %d
", sizeof(Weekday)); //sizeof Weekday is: 4
Weekday today = Saturday;
Weekday tomorrow;
if(today == Monday)
tomorrow = Tuesday;
tomorrow = (Weekday) (today + 1); //remember to convert from int to Weekday
return 0;
sizeof files = 16
sizeof int = 4
sizeof p = 4
100, d
mySeason is winter
x is equal to summer
4 bytes
sizeof Weekday is: 4
Terminated with return code 0
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