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  • 可重入函数与不可重入函数(转)








    unsigned int example( int para )


        unsigned int temp;
            Exam = para; //
            temp = Square_Exam( );
            return temp;
        此函数若被多个进程调用的话,其结果可能是未知的,因为当(**)语句刚执行完后,另外一个使用本函数的进程可能正好被激活,那么当新激活的进程执行到此函数时,将使Exam赋与另一个不同的para值,所以当控制重新回到“temp = Square_Exam( )”后,计算出的temp很可能不是预想中的结果。此函数应如下改进。

        unsigned int example( int para ) {
            unsigned int temp;
            [申请信号量操作] //(1)
            Exam = para;
            temp = Square_Exam( );
            return temp;

        * 动态堆栈变量(各子函数有自己独立的堆栈空间)
        * 受保护的全局变量和静态变量
        * 任务变量

        1) 函数体内使用了静态的数据结构;
        2) 函数体内调用了malloc()或者free()函数;
        3) 函数体内调用了标准I/O函数。

        A. 可重入函数
        void strcpy(char *lpszDest, char *lpszSrc)


        void SwapChar1(char *lpcX, char *lpcY)


        C. 不可重入函数2
        void SwapChar2(char *lpcX,char *lpcY)

            static char cTemp;//


        1) 不要使用全局变量。因为别的代码很可能覆盖这些变量值。
        2) 在和硬件发生交互的时候,切记执行类似disinterrupt()之类的操作,就是关闭硬件中断。完成交互记得打开中断,在有些系列上,这叫做“进入/退出核心”。
        3) 不能调用其它任何不可重入的函数。
        4) 谨慎使用堆栈。最好先在使用前先OS_ENTER_KERNAL。


        unsigned int sum_int( unsigned int base )

            unsigned int index;
            static unsigned int sum = 0; //
            for (index = 1; index <= base; index++)
                sum += index;
            return sum;


    A reentrant function may be shared by several processes at the same time. When a reentrant function is executing, another process can interrupt the execution and then begin to execute that same reentrant function.

    Normally, functions in Cx51 cannot be called recursively or in a fashion which causes reentrancy. The reason for this limitation is that function arguments and local variables are stored in fixed memory locations. Recursive calls to the function use the same memory locations. And, in this case, arguments and locals would get corrupted.

    The reentrant function attribute allows you to declare functions that may be reentrant and, therefore, may be called recursively. For example:

    int calc (char i, int b) reentrant  {
      int  x;
      x = table [i];
      return (x * b);

    Reentrant functions can be called recursively and can be called simultaneously by two or more processes. Reentrant functions are often required in real-time applications or in situations where interrupt code and non-interrupt code must share a function.

    As in the above example, you may selectively define (using the reentrant attribute) functions as being reentrant. For each reentrant function, a reentrant stack area is simulated in internal or external memory depending upon the memory model used, as follows:

    • Small model reentrant functions simulate the reentrant stack in idata memory.
    • Compact model reentrant functions simulate the reentrant stack in pdata memory.
    • Large model reentrant functions simulate the reentrant stack in xdata memory.

    Reentrant functions use the default memory model to determine which memory space to use for the reentrant stack. You may specify (with thesmall, compact, and large function attributes) which memory model to use for a function. Refer toSpecifying the Memory Model for a Function for more information about memory models and function declarations.

    The following rules apply to functions declared with the reentrant attribute.

    • bit type function arguments may not be used. Local bit scalars are also not available. The reentrant capability does not support bit-addressable variables.
    • Reentrant functions must not be called from alien functions.
    • Reentrant function cannot use the alien attribute specifier to enable PL/M-51 argument passing conventions.
    • A reentrant function may simultaneously have other attributes like using andinterrupt and may include an explicit memory model attribute (small,compact, large).
    • Return addresses are stored in the 8051 hardware stack. Any other required PUSH and POP operations also affect the 8051 hardware stack.
    • Reentrant functions using different memory models may be intermixed. However, each reentrant function must be properly prototyped and must include its memory model attribute in the prototype. This is necessary for calling routines to place the function arguments in the proper reentrant stack.
    • Each of the three possible reentrant models contains its own reentrant stack area and stack pointer. For example, ifsmall and large reentrant functions are declared in a module, bothsmall and large reentrant stacks are created along with two associated stack pointers (one for small and one for large).

    The reentrant stack simulation architecture is inefficient, but necessary due to a lack of suitable addressing methods available on the 8051. For this reason, use reentrant functions sparingly.

    The simulated stack used by reentrant functions has its own stack pointer which is independent of the 8051 stack and stack pointer. The stack and stack pointer are defined and initialized in theSTARTUP.A51 file.

    The following table details the stack pointer assembler variable name, data area, and size for each of the three memory models.

    Model Pointer Stack Information
    (1 Byte)
    The stack is located in indirectly accessible internal memory (idata). The maximum reentrant stack size is 256 bytes. To access the small reentrant stack, R0 or R1 is loaded with the value of ?C_IBP and the reentrant stack is accessed indirectly using the MOV A, @R0/@R1 and MOV @R0/@R1, A instructions.
    (1 Byte)
    The stack is located in Page-addressable external memory (pdata). The maximum reentrant stack size is 256 bytes. To access the compact reentrant stack, R0 or R1 is loaded with the value of ?C_PBP and the reentrant stack is accessed indirectly using the MOVX A, @R0/@R1 and MOVX @R0/@R1, A instructions.
    (2 Bytes)
    The stack is located in Externally accessible memory (xdata). The maximum reentrant stack size is 64K Bytes. To access the large reentrant stack, DPTR is loaded with the value of ?C_XBP and the reentrant stack is accessed indirectly using the MOVX A, @DPTR and MOVX @DPTR, A instructions.

    The simulated stack area for reentrant functions is organized from top to bottom—it stacks down. The 8051 hardware stack is just the opposite and is organized bottom to top—it stacks up. When using theSMALL memory model, both the simulated stack and the 8051 hardware stack share the same memory area but grow towards each other.

    The simulated stack and stack pointers are declared and initialized in the Cx51 Compiler startup code inSTARTUP.A51 which can be found in the LIB subdirectory. You must modify the startup code to specify which simulated stack(s) to initialize in order to use reentrant functions. You can also modify the starting address for the top of the simulated stack(s) in the startup code. Refer to STARTUP.A51 for more information on reentrant function stack areas.

    When calling a function with a reentrant stack, the compiler MUST know that the function has a reentrant stack. The compiler figures this out from the function prototype which should include the reentrant keyword (just like the function definition). The compiler must also know the memory model used by the function (to determine which reentrant stack to stuff arguments on). This is determined either from the memory model specified for the function, or the memory model specified to the compiler, or from the default memory model (small).

    To pass arguments, the compiler generates code that decrements the stack pointer and then "pushes" arguments onto the stack by storing the argument indirectly through R0/R1 or DPTR.

    When a reentrant function is called, it decreases the stack pointer (for local variables) and accesses arguments using the stack pointer plus an offset (which corresponds to the number of bytes of local variables).

    When a reentrant function returns, it adjusts the stack pointer to the value before arguments were pushed. So the caller does not need to perform any stack adjustment after calling a reentrant function.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/CodeWorkerLiMing/p/12007885.html
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