1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading; 6 7 8 9 namespace QuickSort 10 { 11 class TimerObject 12 { 13 public int Counter = 0; 14 } 15 16 17 18 class Program 19 { 20 private static Random Seed = new Random();//Random Seed 21 22 23 24 /// <summary> 25 /// SortMethod 26 /// </summary> 27 /// <param name="arr">NumArray</param> 28 /// <param name="begin">FirstIndex</param> 29 /// <param name="end">LastIndex</param> 30 /// <param name="isRandomKey">IsRandomKey</param> 31 private static void QuickSort(int[] arr,int begin,int end,bool isRandomKey) 32 { 33 //The leftindex less than the rightindex,the sorting isn't complete. 34 if (begin < end) 35 { 36 int i = begin - 1, j = end + 1, key; 37 if (!isRandomKey) 38 key = arr[(begin + end) / 2]; 39 else 40 key = arr[Seed.Next(begin, end)]; 41 42 while (true) 43 { 44 while (i < end && arr[++i] < key) ; 45 while (j > 0 && arr[--j] > key) ; 46 47 if (i >= j) 48 break; 49 Swap(arr, i, j); 50 } 51 QuickSort(arr, begin, i - 1,isRandomKey);//Left part recursion. 52 QuickSort(arr, j + 1, end,isRandomKey);//Right part recursion. 53 } 54 }//end SortMethod 55 56 57 58 /// <summary> 59 /// SortMethod 60 /// </summary> 61 /// <param name="arr">NumArray</param> 62 private static void BubbleSort(int[] arr) 63 { 64 int i,j; 65 for (i = 0; i < arr.Length - 1; i++) 66 for (j = 0; j < arr.Length - 1 - i; j++) 67 if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) 68 Swap(arr,j,j+1); 69 }//end SortMethod 70 71 72 73 /// <summary> 74 /// Swap variables' values 75 /// </summary> 76 /// <param name="arr">Array</param> 77 /// <param name="i">Current left index</param> 78 /// <param name="j">Current right index</param> 79 private static void Swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) 80 { 81 int temp = arr[i]; 82 arr[i] = arr[j]; 83 arr[j] = temp; 84 }//end method 85 86 87 88 static void timeFunc(Object state) 89 { 90 TimerObject s = (TimerObject)state; 91 s.Counter++; 92 } 93 94 95 96 static void Main(string[] args) 97 { 98 int ArrLen = 0;//Array length 99 ReInput: 100 Console.Write("Please input array length:"); 101 if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out ArrLen)) 102 { 103 Console.WriteLine("Error input !"); 104 goto ReInput; 105 } 106 int[] NumArr = new int[ArrLen]; 107 int[] NumArr_2 = new int[NumArr.Length]; 108 Console.WriteLine("Assignment values ..."); 109 for (int i = 0; i < NumArr.Length; i++)//Assign values 110 NumArr[i] = Seed.Next(-1000, 1000); 111 112 113 Console.WriteLine("Assignment to complete."); 114 115 Console.WriteLine("\nCopying array to array2 ..."); 116 for (int i = 0; i < NumArr.Length; i++)//Copy array 117 NumArr_2[i] = NumArr[i]; 118 119 120 Console.WriteLine("Copy completed."); 121 122 /*//Cancel the notes to output datas 123 Console.Write("Before Sort:"); 124 foreach(int a in NumArr) 125 Console.Write("{0} ",a); 126 */ 127 TimerObject s = new TimerObject(); 128 TimerCallback timerDelegate = new TimerCallback(timeFunc); 129 Timer timer = new Timer(timerDelegate,s,0,1); 130 Console.Write("\nBegin QuickSorting , please wait ......"); 131 QuickSort(NumArr, 0, NumArr.Length - 1, false); 132 // 133 Console.WriteLine("\nQuickSorting is Complete. Used time : {0} msec.", s.Counter); 134 /*//Cancel the notes to output datas 135 Console.Write("\n\n\nAfter Sorted:"); 136 foreach(int a in NumArr) 137 Console.Write("{0} ",a); 138 */ 139 timer.Dispose(); 140 //............................................................................................. 141 142 143 s = new TimerObject(); 144 timerDelegate = new TimerCallback(timeFunc); 145 timer = new Timer(timerDelegate,s,0,1); 146 Console.Write("\nBegin BubbleSorting , please wait ......"); 147 //Console.Write("\nBegin RandomQuickSorting ......"); 148 BubbleSort(NumArr_2); 149 //QuickSort(NumArr_2, 0, NumArr_2.Length - 1, true); 150 // 151 Console.WriteLine("\nBubbleSorting is Complete. Used time : {0} msec.",s.Counter); 152 //Console.WriteLine("\nRandomQuickSorting is Complete. Used time : {0} msec.",s.Counter); 153 /*//Cancel the notes to output datas 154 Console.Write("\n\n\nAfter Sorted:"); 155 foreach(int a in NumArr_2) 156 Console.Write("{0} ",a); 157 */ 158 timer.Dispose(); 159 //........................................................................................ 160 161 Console.ReadLine(); 162 }//end Main() 163 }//end class 164 }//end namespace