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  • [lct][最小生成树][主席树] Bzoj P4046 Pork barre


    Winning the election was simpler than you expected: it was enough to promise to finally build 
    a good quality, country-wide road infrastructure, of course without crippling the budget_ Your 
    happiness did not last long, however: it seems, that the citizens have found a way to actually 
    hold you accountable for your promise! 
    There are n major cities in your country. The Ministry of Transport has prepared a detailed 
    map, outlining m possible highway connections, together with their costs. The Quality Assurance 
    Committee will not let you build a highway cheaper than l, and the National Spendings 
    Regulatory Committee will not let you build a highway more expensive than h. To claim a 
    "country-wide" network, you have to connect (possibly indirectly) as many pairs of cities, as it is 
    possible within these two constraints. You have to find the cheapest way to do it, and you have 
    to find it quickly! Of all networks that meet the constraints and connect the most pairs of cities, 
    compute the cost of the cheapest one. 
    To make things worse, both committees are heavily influenced by your angry competitors: 
    each time you publish your hard-prepared plan, they immediatelv change their rulings l and矗, 
    and vou are forced to start from scratch.


    • 按边权从大到小加边,用lct维护最小生成树。

    • 对于当前要加的边i,最小生成树上边权在[1,r]范围内的和就是询问[e[i].w,r]的答案。

    • 因为强制在线,所以用主席树存下所有历史版本即可


      1 #include <cstdio>
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <algorithm>
      4 using namespace std;
      5 const int N=200010,M=3600010;
      6 struct node{int x,y,w;}e[N];
      7 bool cmp(node a,node b){ return a.w>b.w; }
      8 int T,n,m,Q,x,y,ans,op,root[N],lson[M],rson[M],v[M],tot,f[N],son[N][2],val[N],sum[N],from[N],tmp[N],fa[N];
      9 bool rev[N];
     10 void Rev(int x) { if (!x) return; swap(son[x][0],son[x][1]),rev[x]^=1; }
     11 bool nroot(int x) { return !f[x]||(son[f[x]][0]!=x&&son[f[x]][1]!=x); }
     12 void pushback(int x){ if (rev[x]) Rev(son[x][0]),Rev(son[x][1]),rev[x]=0; }
     13 void pushup(int x)
     14 {
     15     sum[x]=val[x],from[x]=x;
     16     if (son[x][0]) if (sum[son[x][0]]>sum[x]) sum[x]=sum[son[x][0]],from[x]=from[son[x][0]];
     17     if (son[x][1]) if (sum[son[x][1]]>sum[x]) sum[x]=sum[son[x][1]],from[x]=from[son[x][1]];
     18 }
     19 int insert(int d,int l,int r,int L,int R)
     20 {
     21     int x=++tot;
     22     v[x]=v[d]+R,lson[x]=lson[d],rson[x]=rson[d];
     23     if (l==r) return x;
     24     int mid=l+r>>1;
     25     if (L<=mid) lson[x]=insert(lson[d],l,mid,L,R); else rson[x]=insert(rson[d],mid+1,r,L,R);
     26     return x;
     27 }
     28 int query(int d,int l,int r,int L,int R)
     29 {
     30     if (!d||L>R) return 0;
     31     if (L<=l&&r<=R) return v[d];
     32     int mid=l+r>>1,res=0;
     33     if (L<=mid) res=query(lson[d],l,mid,L,R);
     34     if (R>mid) res+=query(rson[d],mid+1,r,L,R);
     35     return res;
     36 }
     37 void rotate(int x)
     38 {
     39     int y=f[x],w=son[y][1]==x; son[y][w]=son[x][w^1];
     40     if (son[x][w^1]) f[son[x][w^1]]=y;
     41     if (f[y])
     42     {
     43         int z=f[y];
     44         if (son[z][0]==y) son[z][0]=x; else if (son[z][1]==y) son[z][1]=x;
     45     }
     46     f[x]=f[y],f[y]=x,son[x][w^1]=y,pushup(y);
     47 }
     48 void splay(int x)
     49 {
     50     int s=1,i=x,y;tmp[1]=i;
     51     while (!nroot(i)) tmp[++s]=i=f[i];
     52     while (s) pushback(tmp[s--]);
     53     while (!nroot(x)) 
     54     {
     55         y=f[x];
     56         if (!nroot(y)) if ((son[f[y]][0]==y)^(son[f[y]][0]==x)) rotate(x); else rotate(y);
     57         rotate(x);
     58     }
     59     pushup(x);
     60 }
     61 void access(int x) { for (int y=0;x;y=x,x=f[x]) splay(x),son[x][1]=y,pushup(x); }
     62 void makeroot(int x) { access(x),splay(x),Rev(x); }
     63 int split(int x,int y) { makeroot(x),access(y),splay(y); return from[y]; }
     64 void cut(int x,int y) { makeroot(x),access(y),splay(y),f[son[y][0]]=0,son[y][0]=0,pushup(y); }
     65 int find(int x) { return fa[x]==x?x:fa[x]=find(fa[x]); }
     66 void link(int x,int y) { makeroot(x),f[x]=y,access(x); }
     67 int ef(int x)
     68 {
     69     int l=1,r=m,mid,t=0;
     70     while (l<=r) if (e[mid=(l+r)>>1].w<=x) r=(t=mid)-1; else l=mid+1;
     71     return t;
     72 }
     73 int getid(int x)
     74 {
     75     int l=1,r=m,mid,t=0;
     76     while (l<=r) if (e[mid=(l+r)>>1].w>=x) l=(t=mid)+1; else r=mid-1;
     77     return t;
     78 }
     79 int main()
     80 {
     81     scanf("%d",&T);
     82     while (T--)
     83     {
     84         scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
     85         for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) fa[i]=i;
     86         for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) scanf("%d%d%d",&e[i].x,&e[i].y,&e[i].w);
     87         sort(e+1,e+m+1,cmp);
     88         for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) val[n+i]=sum[n+i]=e[i].w,from[n+i]=n+i;
     89         for (int i=1;i<=m;i++)
     90         {
     91             root[i]=root[i-1];
     92             if (find(e[i].x)==find(e[i].y)) 
     93             { 
     94                 int p=split(e[i].x,e[i].y); 
     95                 cut(p,e[p-n].x),cut(p,e[p-n].y),root[i]=insert(root[i],1,m,p-n,-e[p-n].w); 
     96             }
     97             else fa[fa[e[i].x]]=fa[e[i].y];
     98             link(e[i].x,n+i),link(e[i].y,n+i),root[i]=insert(root[i],1,m,i,e[i].w);
     99         }
    100         scanf("%d",&Q);
    101         for (int x,y;Q;Q--) scanf("%d%d",&x,&y),x=x-ans,y=y-ans,printf("%d
    102         for (int i=0;i<=n+m;i++) f[i]=son[i][0]=son[i][1]=val[i]=sum[i]=from[i]=rev[i]=0;
    103         for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) fa[i]=0;
    104         for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) root[i]=0;
    105         tot=ans=0;
    106     }
    107 }


  • 相关阅读:
    TCP系列22—重传—12、Forward Retransmit
    TCP系列19—重传—9、thin stream下的重传
    TCP系列18—重传—8、FACK及SACK reneging下的重传
    TCP系列16—重传—6、基础快速重传(Fast Retransmit)
    Centos 6.2 安装mysql5.5
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Comfortable/p/11360122.html
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