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  • English trip V1

    In this lesson you will learn to talk about the past.


    I was born in 1986.

    I started school at 6 years old.

    I comleted my school life at 2001

    I started my first job in 2002 and  At 3 months after , left that work.

    because, I want use some technology in my job. not just talking with people.

    So, I joined IT learning for 3 year. I completed IT learning in 2007,After that 

    I found new job, I work till now.

    I met my wife in 2008 and we got married in 2014.Last year had my daughter. 

    I feel so happyness and responsibility.I plan to finish English learning ,spend more times

    with my family.

    词汇(Key Word )

    born  出生的,问世的

    charity  慈善;慈善团体

    cinema  电影院

    fact 事实;实际

    Seattle 西雅图

    university  大学

    have -> had

    buy -> bought 

    go -> went

    see -> saw

    get -> got

    decide -> decided

    think -> thought

    do -> did

    meet -> met

    want -> wanted

    stay -> stayed

    wash -> washed


    Margaret:On Friday my daughter wanted to go shopping, and we bought

    lots of things for our holiday. On Saturday morning, I cleaned the house and played with my son,

    Chip.We went to my sister June's for her birthday lunch,and saw her new house. I really liked it - it was fantastic.

    When we got home we watched a DVD together.

    Chip  (Chip)人名;(朝)蛰;(英)奇普;(柬)吉,姬 (女名)

    Margaret    n. 玛格利特(女子名)


    • adj. 奇异的;空想的;异想天开的;古怪的;极好的,极出色的;不可思议的;不切实际的
    • n. 古怪的人

    Max: Marina and I stayed at home on Friday night, played cards, and watched a DVD.(We thought it was  terrible.

    On Saturday,I did nothing all day. Sunday was a nice day.

    I decided to go for a walk - and I washed the car! YES!In the evening,I met my brother in town for a drink.

    Marina (Marina)人名;(罗、塞、葡、西、意、英)马里纳,玛丽娜(女名)  n. 码头,[船] 小艇船坞;散步道

    Max  n. 马克斯(男子名,等于Maximilian)

    a. Margaret had a lovely weekend.

    b. Her daughter wanted to go shopping

    c. They bought a lot of things.

    d. She want to her sister's and saw her new house.

    e. Max stayed at home on Friday and watched a DVD.

    f. He thought the DVD was terrible.

    g. On Sunday he decided to go for a walk and he washed the car

    h. In the evening, he met his brother for a drink.

    Cross out the wrong answer.  划掉错误的答案

    Example: We went a walk/for a walk.

    a. I went out with my brother yesterday evening/night.

    b. She saw them a few days ago/ago a few days.

    c. We met her last week/the last week.

    d. They lived here on/in 2002.

    e. I stayed in/at home last night.

    f. I must do/make my homework.

    g. We can go shopping/to shopping.

    h. They went home/at home after the lesson.




    How Much Is It?

    It was winter, and Mrs.Hermann had a lot of shopping to do, so she waited until it was Saturday.When her

    husband was free, she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry her parcels.They 

    went to a lot of shops, and Mrs. Hermann bought a lot of things. She often stopped and said,"Look,Joe!

    Isn't that beautiful!"

    He then answered,"All right, dear,how much is it?" and took his money out to pay for it.

    It was dark when they came out of the last shop, and Mr.Hermann was tired and thinking about other

    things,like a nice drink by the fire at home. Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said,"Look at that beautiful moon,Joe!"

    Without stopping,Mr.Hermann answered,"All right,dear,how much is it?"

    Extra Vocabulary


    vt. 拿,扛;携带;支持;搬运
    vi. 能达到;被携带;被搬运
    n. 运载;[计] 进位;射程
    n. (Carry)人名;(英)卡里

    parcels n. 包裹,小包  vt. 打包;捆扎

    Hermann  n. 赫尔曼(男子名)

    1. How much is it?  多少钱

    2. husband 丈夫

    3. pay for 给...付钱

    4. parcel 包裹

    5. suddenly 突然

    6. look up 往上看

    7. without  prep. 没有

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/10198682.html
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