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  • English trip V2-B 6 A Trip to Ireland 爱尔兰之旅 Teacher:Russell

    In this lesson you will learn how to talk about future arrangements.


    What activities would you do there?

    watch horse racing  观看赛马

    watch a rugby /'rʌɡbi/  game  观看橄榄球比赛

    go to a concert /'kɑnsɚt/ 听音乐会

    learn Irish dancing  学习爱尔兰舞蹈 (踢踏舞)

    What country would you like to visit?Why?

    I'd like to go to Japan,Because I like it's cherry tree.

    Republic of Ireland  爱尔兰共和国              Europe   /'jʊrəp/ 欧洲





    国 花:  三叶草

    国 歌: 战士之歌

     《战士之歌》(爱尔兰语:Amhrán na bhFiann)是爱尔兰共和国的国歌。原歌有三段,但仅副歌部分被定为国歌。[1]英语歌词作者为 Peadar Kearney,爱尔兰语歌词作者为 Liam Ó Rinn,曲作者为 Peader Kearney 和 Patrick Heeney。


    Sinne Fianna Fáil
    Atá faoi gheall ag Éirinn,
    Buíon dár slua
    Thar toinn do ráinig chughainn,
    Faoi mhóid bheith saor.
    Sean-tír ár sinsear feasta
    Ní fhágfar faoin tiorán ná faoin tráill
    Anocht a théam sa bhearna baoil,
    Le gean ar Ghaeil chun báis nó saoil
    Le gunna scréach faoi lámhach na bpiléar
    Seo libh canaig Amhrán na bhFiann.


    Soldiers are we
    whose lives are pledged to Ireland;
    Some have come
    from a land beyond the wave.
    Sworn to be free,
    No more our ancient sireland
    Shall shelter the despot or the slave.
    Tonight we man the bearna baoil (Gaps Of Danger)
    In Erin's cause, come woe or weal;
    'Mid cannon's roar and rifles' peal,
    We'll chant a soldier's song.


    一些 [战士] 自波浪以外之土地来
    今晚我们把守 bearna baoil(危险的空隙)


    Irish、Gaelic、Irish Gaelic

    1633万人 (2018年常住人口)  one thousand six hundred and thirty-three

    词汇(Key Word )

    arrangement  n. 布置;安排

    canoe  /kə'nu/ vi.划(或乘) 独木舟

    capital   /'kæpɪtl/ n.首都;省会

    comfortable  /ˈkʌmfɚtəbl/ 舒适的,舒服的

    concert  /'kɑnsɚt/   n.音乐会

    continuous  /kən'tɪnjʊəs/  adj.连续的,持续的

    dive  /daɪv/ vi.潜水

    Ireland  /'aɪrlənd/  n.爱尔兰

    perhaps   /pərˈhæps/   adv.也许,可能

    scuba  /'skjʊbə/  n.水中呼吸器,水肺

    toothache   /'tuθek/  n.牙痛

    windsurfing  /'wɪndsɝfɪŋ/  n. 帆板运动  v. 风帆冲浪(windsurf的ing形式)


    About  four million tourists from all over the world visit Ireland every year.


    Maybe It's because it's an interesting and very beautiful country.


    There are many activities you can do, such as windsurfing, sailing, horseback riding or sightseeing.


    I'm visiting my grandparents in Rome next year. 


    What country would you like to visit?


    You will need a tent and sleeping bag for this activity. 



    Present continuous  现在进行式

    I am visiting my grandparents in Rome next year.

    Come to our place next Saturday. We are having a party.

    Mom is taking my sister to London on Thursday.

    They are laving leave early in the morning.

    Are you going out toninght?

    No, I am staying at home.

    My brother is not coming on holiday with us this year. He is working in a shop for six weeks.

    I've got a toothache, so I am seeing the dentist tomorrow morning.  # dentist 牙科医生

    I've won a holiday for two Florida. I am taking my mum.

    Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane is taking off

    Because the shop is closing down, all the T-shirts are on sale for half price.

    - Are you still busy?

    - Yes, I am just finishing my work, and it won't take long

    I am going to the cinema this afternoon, but the film finishes quite early, so I am going to the bookshop after that.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/11267109.html
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