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  • English trip EM3-LP-1A MY ROUTINE Teacher:Lamb


     daily routine = everyday life

    # invite 

    1. Let's + V(原形)    e.g.  Let's go shopping

    2. How about + Ving  e.g. How about going out for a walk?

     how about…?:(询问信息)…怎么样,…情况如何;(提出建议)…怎么样,…行不行,…好吗。

    3. Would you like to + V(原形)   e.g.  Would you like to go out for a walk?   你愿意出去散步吗?

    Would you like...?是用来礼貌bai地询问对方的意du愿, 是否“想要……”或委婉zhi地提出请求dao、 建议或者陈述个人的想法。第一人称也可以用 should like。should / would like 与动词 want 同义,但语气比 want 更委婉,更礼貌。

    4. Why don't you ...             e.g. Why don't you have a cup of hot water?

    why don't you do sth. 表示为什么不做某事,与Why not do sth. 同义。Why为什么,表原因;Why not为什么不,表建议,后接原形动词。

    # Say Yes 

    1. That's good idea

    2. Sound good

    # Say No

    1. Sorry I cant, because...

    2. I'd love to ,but ...

    词汇(Key Word )

    wake  v.醒来    # Wake me up in time.

    shower n.淋浴    # I always take a shower after getting up.

    dressed  adj.穿着衣服的    # The woman dressed in blue is my sister. 

    leave v. 离开    # I'm not sure just what day he will leave.

    finish v. 结束    # What time do you finish work?

    midnight  n.午夜    # He did not go to bed until midnight

    brush v.刷    # I brush my teeth and hop in the shower.

    early adv.提早   # She roused early this morning

    yesterday n. 昨天    # They arrived in Beijing yesterday.

    tonight n.今夜    # We can hut on the mountain tonight.

    tomorrow n. 明天     # We propose an early start tomorrow.

    hungry  adj. 饿的    # The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of soup

    late adj. 迟到  # Better late than never 


    He wakes up at 7:30

    Le'ts see a movie.

    It's at 8:30 on Tuesday night.

    Loki wakes up at 6:00. then he watches face and brush teeth. He leaves home at 6:30 and goes to company.

    His works start at 8:30 and finish at 18:00. after then He goes school. and then His classes start at 19:00 and finish at 20:00. after then He goes home around 21:00

    He eats dinner at 21:30. He reviews English and goes to bed at midnight.


    A quarter    =    15分钟

    Half =  30分钟

    # # 八点十五分  三中表达形式

    quarter after eight           8:15

    quarter past eight           8:15     

    eight fifteen                    8:15     

    eight-oh-five                  8:05      # 八点零五分

    quarter to  nine             8:45      # 差十五分钟九点

    before yesterday 前天

    yesterday  昨天

    today  今天

    tomorrow 明天

    the day after tomorrow  后天

    tonight  今晚

    in the morning  在清晨

    in the afternoon  在下午

    in the evening  在傍晚

    at night  在晚上

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