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  • English trip -- VC(情景课)2 D Reading



    Before you read 阅读准备

    Talk about the picture, what do you see?看图说话,你看到了什么?

    Listen and read 听并读


    Have fun at school!

    You need pencil ,The pencil in the desk.

    You need notebook, The notebook on my computer.

    You need dictionary, It's on the chair.

    You need eraser, It's on the desk.



    After you read 阅读回顾

    The pencil in the desk

    The notebook on the computer

    The dictionary is on the chair

    The eraser is on the desk

    Picture dictionary 图解词典

    Days of the week 一周里面的天;星期

    Monday 星期一

    Tuesday 星期二

    Wednesday 星期三  

    Thursday 星期四 

    Friday 星期五

    Saturday 星期六 

    Sunday 星期日

    Tips: 时间介词

    in   单纯的月份     e.g : My birthday is in December

    on  用于指某一天   On Monday, On December 1st    e.g: My English class is on Monday、Wednesday、Friday

    at  用于具体时间   at 7:00   at 5:00 

    morning  早上

    noon  中午  主要指12:00的那个一个小时

    afternoon  下午

    evening  晚上

    midnight  午夜

    周六的晚上九点  9 o'clock on Saturday night

    周一的早上六点  Six o'clock on Monday Morning

    周三的中午十二点  12 noon on Wednesday

    周二的下午三点  3 o'clock on Tuesday Afternoon

    周五的午夜二十三点  23 o'clock on  Friday  midnight  PS:午夜是指23点到1点之间


    position 位置

    object 物品,对象

    Weekdays  平日,工作日

    Workday  劳动日

    Weekend  周末

    native  本地人,土著  ['neɪtɪv]      

    natural [ˈnætʃrəl]  自然

    speaker  . 演讲者;扬声器

    Listen to local people  听听当地人的意见

    Listen to native speaker  听母语人士


    What day is it?


    What day is-it ?    连读,后面是元音轻读

    What day is it today?  # 2个爆破音出现的时候前面可省略读 —— 失去爆破

    Can I help you? 

    have a good time  玩得很开心

    have fun 玩的开心

    Do you need pencli?

    Yes , I do   / No I don't 

    Does she/she need notebook? # 第三人称 Do 变Does 

    Yes, she does / No, she doesn't


    What time did you watch the World Cup yesterday?  # did 是因为是过去时

    你昨天看世界杯 到几点

    Are there two pepole in the class room? 教室里有两个人吗? 因为有多个人使用的复数形式Are

    Yes,there are


    1.Maple 老师给我说掌握Unit 1 or Unit 2 单词,只需要闭上书回想起所有单词、句子就表示掌握了



    4.注意第三人称、do  -> does 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/9320930.html
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