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  • 最大流Dinic算法模板(pascal)

     1 program rrr(input,output);
     2 const
     3   inf=123456789;
     4 type
     5   pointer=^nodetype;
     6   nodetype=record
     7      t,c:longint;
     8      next,rev:pointer;
     9   end;
    10 var
    11   a,cur:array[0..10010]of pointer;
    12   d,q:array[0..10010]of longint;
    13   p:pointer;
    14   i,n,m,s,t,c,x,y,ans:longint;
    15 function min(a,b:longint):longint;
    16 begin
    17    if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b);
    18 end;
    19 procedure add(x,y,c:longint);
    20 begin
    21    new(p);p^.t:=y;p^.c:=c;p^.next:=a[x];a[x]:=p;
    22 end;
    23 procedure bfs;
    24 var
    25   h,t:longint;
    26 begin
    27    for i:=1 to n do d[i]:=-1;
    28    h:=1;t:=1;q[1]:=s;d[s]:=0;
    29    while h<=t do
    30       begin
    31          p:=a[q[h]];
    32          while p<>nil do
    33             begin
    34                if (d[p^.t]=-1) and (p^.c>0) then
    35                   begin
    36                      d[p^.t]:=d[q[h]]+1;
    37                      inc(t);q[t]:=p^.t;
    38                   end;
    39                p:=p^.next;
    40             end;
    41          inc(h);
    42       end;
    43 end;
    44 function dfs(k,f:longint):longint;
    45 var
    46   ans,r:longint;
    47   p:pointer;
    48 begin
    49    if (k=t) or (f=0) then exit(f);
    50    ans:=0;
    51    p:=cur[k];
    52    while p<>nil do
    53       begin
    54          if (d[p^.t]=d[k]+1) and (p^.c>0) then
    55             begin
    56                r:=dfs(p^.t,min(f,p^.c));
    57                p^.c:=p^.c-r;
    58                p^.rev^.c:=p^.rev^.c+r;
    59                f:=f-r;
    60                ans:=ans+r;
    61                if f=0 then break;
    62             end;
    63          p:=p^.next;
    64          cur[k]:=p;
    65       end;
    66    if f>0 then d[k]:=-1;
    67    exit(ans);
    68 end;
    69 begin
    70    assign(input,'r.in');assign(output,'r.out');reset(input);rewrite(output);
    71    readln(n,m,s,t);
    72    for i:=1 to n do a[i]:=nil;
    73    for i:=1 to m do
    74       begin
    75          readln(x,y,c);
    76          if x=y then continue;
    77          add(x,y,c);add(y,x,0);
    78          a[x]^.rev:=a[y];a[y]^.rev:=a[x];
    79       end;
    80    ans:=0;
    81    while true do
    82       begin
    83          bfs;
    84          if d[t]=-1 then break;
    85          for i:=1 to n do cur[i]:=a[i];
    86          ans:=ans+dfs(s,inf);
    87       end;
    88    write(ans);
    89    close(input);close(output);
    90 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Currier/p/6387726.html
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