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  • HDU4292 Food —— 最大流 + 拆点



    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 6457    Accepted Submission(s): 2197

    Problem Description
      You, a part-time dining service worker in your college’s dining hall, are now confused with a new problem: serve as many people as possible.
      The issue comes up as people in your college are more and more difficult to serve with meal: They eat only some certain kinds of food and drink, and with requirement unsatisfied, go away directly.
      You have prepared F (1 <= F <= 200) kinds of food and D (1 <= D <= 200) kinds of drink. Each kind of food or drink has certain amount, that is, how many people could this food or drink serve. Besides, You know there’re N (1 <= N <= 200) people and you too can tell people’s personal preference for food and drink.
      Back to your goal: to serve as many people as possible. So you must decide a plan where some people are served while requirements of the rest of them are unmet. You should notice that, when one’s requirement is unmet, he/she would just go away, refusing any service.
      There are several test cases.
      For each test case, the first line contains three numbers: N,F,D, denoting the number of people, food, and drink.
      The second line contains F integers, the ith number of which denotes amount of representative food.
      The third line contains D integers, the ith number of which denotes amount of representative drink.
      Following is N line, each consisting of a string of length F. �e jth character in the ith one of these lines denotes whether people i would accept food j. “Y” for yes and “N” for no.
      Following is N line, each consisting of a string of length D. �e jth character in the ith one of these lines denotes whether people i would accept drink j. “Y” for yes and “N” for no.
      Please process until EOF (End Of File).
      For each test case, please print a single line with one integer, the maximum number of people to be satisfied.
    Sample Input
    4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 YYN NYY YNY YNY YNY YYN YYN NNY
    Sample Output


    此题(POJ3281 Dining)的变形,只不过是把超级汇点连向食物的边改为库存,饮料连向超级汇点的边改为库存。


      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      3 #include <cstring>
      4 #include <algorithm>
      5 #include <vector>
      6 #include <cmath>
      7 #include <queue>
      8 #include <stack>
      9 #include <map>
     10 #include <string>
     11 #include <set>
     12 using namespace std;
     13 typedef long long LL;
     14 const int INF = 2e9;
     15 const LL LNF = 9e18;
     16 const int mod = 1e9+7;
     17 const int MAXN = 1e3+10;
     19 int maze[MAXN][MAXN];
     20 int gap[MAXN], dis[MAXN], pre[MAXN], cur[MAXN];
     21 int flow[MAXN][MAXN];
     23 int sap(int start, int end, int nodenum)
     24 {
     25     memset(cur, 0, sizeof(cur));
     26     memset(dis, 0, sizeof(dis));
     27     memset(gap, 0, sizeof(gap));
     28     memset(flow, 0, sizeof(flow));
     29     int u = pre[start] = start, maxflow = 0, aug = INF;
     30     gap[0] = nodenum;
     32     while(dis[start]<nodenum)
     33     {
     34         loop:
     35         for(int v = cur[u]; v<nodenum; v++)
     36         if(maze[u][v]-flow[u][v]>0 && dis[u] == dis[v]+1)
     37         {
     38             aug = min(aug, maze[u][v]-flow[u][v]);
     39             pre[v] = u;
     40             u = cur[u] = v;
     41             if(v==end)
     42             {
     43                 maxflow += aug;
     44                 for(u = pre[u]; v!=start; v = u, u = pre[u])
     45                 {
     46                     flow[u][v] += aug;
     47                     flow[v][u] -= aug;
     48                 }
     49                 aug = INF;
     50             }
     51             goto loop;
     52         }
     54         int mindis = nodenum-1;
     55         for(int v = 0; v<nodenum; v++)
     56             if(maze[u][v]-flow[u][v]>0 && mindis>dis[v])
     57             {
     58                 cur[u] = v;
     59                 mindis = dis[v];
     60             }
     61         if((--gap[dis[u]])==0) break;
     62         gap[dis[u]=mindis+1]++;
     63         u = pre[u];
     64     }
     65     return maxflow;
     66 }
     68 char str[MAXN];
     69 int main()
     70 {
     71     int N, F, D;
     72     while(scanf("%d%d%d",&N,&F,&D)!=EOF)
     73     {
     74         int start = 0, end = F+D+2*N+1;
     75         memset(maze, 0, sizeof(maze));
     76         for(int i = 1; i<=F; i++)
     77         {
     78             int Food_supply;
     79             scanf("%d", &Food_supply);
     80             maze[start][i] = Food_supply;
     81         }
     82         for(int i = 1; i<=D; i++)
     83         {
     84             int Drink_supply;
     85             scanf("%d", &Drink_supply);
     86             maze[F+i][end] = Drink_supply;
     87         }
     88         for(int i = 1; i<=N; i++)
     89         {
     90             scanf("%s", str+1);
     91             for(int j = 1; j<=F; j++)
     92                 if(str[j]=='Y')
     93                     maze[j][F+D+i] = 1;
     94         }
     95         for(int i = 1; i<=N; i++)
     96         {
     97             scanf("%s", str+1);
     98             for(int j = 1; j<=D; j++)
     99                 if(str[j]=='Y')
    100                     maze[F+D+N+i][F+j] = 1;
    101         }
    102         for(int i = 1; i<=N; i++)
    103             maze[F+D+i][F+D+N+i] = 1;
    105         cout<< sap(start, end, F+D+2*N+2) <<endl;
    106     }
    107 }
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DOLFAMINGO/p/8085454.html
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