1、Java bean

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 2 <!DOCTYPE dblp SYSTEM "dblp.dtd"> 3 <dblp> 4 5 <article mdate="2017-05-11" key="journals/ijtm/LuMW10"> 6 <author>Iuan-Yuan Lu</author> 7 <author>Chih-Jen Mao</author> 8 <author>Chun-Hsien Wang</author> 9 <title>Intrafirm technology and knowledge transfer: a best practice perspective.</title> 10 <pages>338-356</pages> 11 <year>2010</year> 12 <volume>49</volume> 13 <journal>IJTM</journal> 14 <number>4</number> 15 <ee>https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTM.2010.030162</ee> 16 <url>db/journals/ijtm/ijtm49.html#LuMW10</url> 17 </article> 18 19 <article mdate="2017-05-11" key="journals/ijtm/TingTH14"> 20 <author>Kuo-Chang Ting</author> 21 <author>Ping Ho Ting</author> 22 <author>Po-Wen Hsiao</author> 23 <title>Why are bloggers willing to share their thoughts via travel blogs?</title> 24 <pages>89-108</pages> 25 <year>2014</year> 26 <volume>64</volume> 27 <journal>IJTM</journal> 28 <number>1</number> 29 <ee>https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTM.2014.059237</ee> 30 <url>db/journals/ijtm/ijtm64.html#TingTH14</url> 31 </article> 32 33 <article mdate="2017-05-11" key="journals/ijtm/Howells00"> 34 <author>Jeremy Howells</author> 35 <title>International coordination of technology flows and knowledge activity in innovation.</title> 36 <pages>806-819</pages> 37 <year>2000</year> 38 <volume>19</volume> 39 <journal>IJTM</journal> 40 <number>7/8</number> 41 </article> 42 </dblp>

1 package sax; 2 3 import java.sql.Connection; 4 import java.sql.DriverManager; 5 import java.sql.PreparedStatement; 6 import java.sql.ResultSet; 7 import java.sql.Statement; 8 9 /** 10 * 数据库工具类,负责完成打开、关闭数据库,执行查询或更新 11 * @author MKing 12 * 13 */ 14 public class DbHelper { 15 /** 16 * 数据库URL 17 */ 18 private static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/train"; 19 /** 20 * 登录用户名 21 */ 22 private static final String USER = "root"; 23 /** 24 * 登录密码 25 */ 26 private static final String PASSWORD = "yourpassword"; 27 28 private static Connection connection = null; 29 private static Statement statement = null; 30 31 private static DbHelper helper = null; 32 33 static { 34 try { 35 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); 36 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 37 e.printStackTrace(); 38 } 39 } 40 41 public DbHelper() throws Exception { 42 connection = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USER, PASSWORD); 43 statement = connection.createStatement(); 44 } 45 46 /** 47 * 返回单例模式的数据库辅助对象 48 * 49 * @return 50 * @throws Exception 51 */ 52 public static DbHelper getDbHelper() throws Exception { 53 if (helper == null || connection == null || connection.isClosed()) 54 helper = new DbHelper(); 55 return helper; 56 } 57 58 /** 59 * 执行查询 60 * @param sql 要执行的SQL语句 61 * @return 查询的结果集对象 62 * @throws Exception 63 */ 64 public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws Exception { 65 if (statement != null) { 66 return statement.executeQuery(sql); 67 } 68 69 throw new Exception("数据库未正常连接"); 70 } 71 72 /** 73 * 执行查询 74 * @param sql 要执行的带参数的SQL语句 75 * @param args SQL语句中的参数值 76 * @return 查询的结果集对象 77 * @throws Exception 78 */ 79 public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql, Object...args) throws Exception { 80 if (connection == null || connection.isClosed()) { 81 DbHelper.close(); 82 throw new Exception("数据库未正常连接"); 83 } 84 PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); 85 int index = 1; 86 for (Object arg : args) { 87 ps.setObject(index, arg); 88 index++; 89 } 90 91 return ps.executeQuery(); 92 } 93 94 /** 95 * 执行更新 96 * @param sql 要执行的SQL语句 97 * @return 受影响的记录条数 98 * @throws Exception 99 */ 100 public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws Exception { 101 if (statement != null) { 102 return statement.executeUpdate(sql); 103 } 104 throw new Exception("数据库未正常连接"); 105 } 106 107 /** 108 * 执行更新 109 * @param sql 要执行的SQL语句 110 * @param args SQL语句中的参数 111 * @return 受影响的记录条数 112 * @throws Exception 113 */ 114 public int executeUpdate(String sql, Object...args) throws Exception { 115 if (connection == null || connection.isClosed()) { 116 DbHelper.close(); 117 throw new Exception("数据库未正常连接"); 118 } 119 PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); 120 int index = 1; 121 for (Object arg : args) { 122 ps.setObject(index, arg); 123 index++; 124 } 125 return ps.executeUpdate(); 126 } 127 128 /** 129 * 获取预编译的语句对象 130 * @param sql 预编译的语句 131 * @return 预编译的语句对象 132 * @throws Exception 133 */ 134 public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws Exception { 135 return connection.prepareStatement(sql); 136 } 137 138 /** 139 * 关闭对象,同时将关闭连接 140 */ 141 public static void close() { 142 try { 143 if (statement != null) 144 statement.close(); 145 if (connection != null) 146 connection.close(); 147 } catch (Exception e) { 148 e.printStackTrace(); 149 } finally { 150 helper = null; 151 } 152 } 153 }

1 package sax; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 import java.util.List; 5 6 import org.xml.sax.Attributes; 7 import org.xml.sax.SAXException; 8 import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; 9 10 public class MyHandler extends DefaultHandler { 11 private List<Article> articles = new ArrayList<>(); // 学生列表 12 private Article article = null; 13 private int propertyOrder = 1; 14 // 1-id, 2-author1, 3-author2, 4-author3, 5-title, 15 // 6-pages, 7-year, 8-volume, 9-journal, 10-number, 11-ee$t, 12-url$t 16 17 @Override 18 public void startDocument() throws SAXException { 19 System.out.println("文档开始"); 20 } 21 22 @Override 23 public void endDocument() throws SAXException { 24 System.out.println("文档结束"); 25 } 26 27 @Override 28 public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { 29 if (qName.equals("article")) { // 新的article开始 30 article = new Article(); 31 return; 32 } 33 switch (qName) { 34 case "author": 35 // 2 3 4 36 if (propertyOrder < 4) { 37 propertyOrder++; 38 } 39 break; 40 case "title": 41 propertyOrder = 5; 42 break; 43 case "pages": 44 propertyOrder = 6; 45 break; 46 case "year": 47 propertyOrder = 7; 48 break; 49 case "volume": 50 propertyOrder = 8; 51 break; 52 case "journal": 53 propertyOrder = 9; 54 break; 55 case "number": 56 propertyOrder = 10; 57 break; 58 case "ee": 59 propertyOrder = 11; 60 break; 61 case "url": 62 propertyOrder = 12; 63 break; 64 } 65 } 66 67 @Override 68 public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { 69 if (qName.equals("article")) { // 新的artile结束 70 articles.add(article); 71 article = null; 72 propertyOrder = 1; 73 } 74 } 75 76 // 1-id, 2-author1, 3-author2, 4-author3, 5-title, 77 // 6-pages, 7-year, 8-volume, 9-journal, 10-number, 11-ee$t, 12-url$t 78 79 @Override 80 public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { 81 String content = new String(ch, start, length); 82 switch (propertyOrder) { 83 case 2: 84 // System.out.println(content); 85 article.setAuthor1(content); 86 break; 87 case 3: 88 article.setAuthor2(content); 89 break; 90 case 4: 91 article.setAuthor3(content); 92 break; 93 case 5: 94 article.setTitle(content); 95 break; 96 case 6: 97 article.setPages(content); 98 break; 99 case 7: 100 article.setYear(content); 101 break; 102 case 8: 103 article.setVolume(content); 104 break; 105 case 9: 106 article.setJournal(content); 107 break; 108 case 10: 109 article.setNumber(content); 110 break; 111 case 11: 112 article.setEe$t(content); 113 break; 114 case 12: 115 article.setUrl$t(content); 116 } 117 } 118 119 List<Article> getArticles() { 120 return articles; 121 } 122 }

1 package sax; 2 3 import java.util.List; 4 5 import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; 6 import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; 7 8 public class SAXParserDemo { 9 10 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 11 SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); 12 SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); 13 MyHandler handler = new MyHandler(); // 使用自定义Handler 14 parser.parse("dblp/dblp.xml", handler); 15 System.out.println("解析完毕."); 16 17 List<Article> articles = handler.getArticles(); 18 DbHelper dbHelper = DbHelper.getDbHelper(); 19 20 System.out.println("开始写入数据库库..."); 21 int cnt = 0; 22 23 String sql = "INSERT INTO `train`.`dblp$article` (`author1`, `author2`, `author3`, `title`, `pages`, `year`, `volume`, `journal`, `number`, `ee`, `url`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; 24 for (Article article : articles) { 25 26 // 使用?的方式传参写入数据库不需要考虑单双引号的问题。 27 Object []data = new String[]{article.getAuthor1(), 28 article.getAuthor2(), article.getAuthor3(), article.getTitle(), article.getPages(), article.getYear(), 29 article.getVolume(), article.getJournal(), article.getNumber(), article.getEe$t(), article.getUrl$t()}; 30 dbHelper.executeUpdate(sql, data); 31 32 // INSERT INTO `train`.`dblp$article` (`author1`, `author2`, `author3`, `title`, `pages`, `year`, `volume`, `journal`, `number`, `ee`, `url`) 33 // VALUES ("Iuan-Yuan Lu", "Chih-Jen Mao", "Chun-Hsien Wang", "Intrafirm technology and knowledge transfer: a best practice perspective.", "338-356", 34 // "2010", "49", "IJTM", "4", "https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTM.2010.030162", "db/journals/ijtm/ijtm49.html#LuMW10"); 35 36 // String sql = "INSERT INTO `train`.`dblp$article` (`author1`, `author2`, `author3`, `title`, `pages`, `year`, `volume`, `journal`, `number`, `ee`, `url`)" 37 // + " VALUES ("" 38 // + article.getAuthor1() 39 // + "", "" 40 // + article.getAuthor2() 41 // + "", "" 42 // + article.getAuthor3() 43 // + "", "" 44 // + article.getTitle().replaceAll(""", "\\"") 45 // + "", "" 46 // + article.getPages() 47 // + "", "" 48 // + article.getYear() 49 // + "", "" 50 // + article.getVolume() 51 // + "", "" 52 // + article.getJournal() 53 // + "", "" 54 // + article.getNumber() 55 // + "", "" 56 // + article.getEe$t() 57 // + "", "" 58 // + article.getUrl$t() 59 // + "");"; 60 // System.out.println(sql); 61 // dbHelper.executeUpdate(sql); 62 cnt++; 63 64 // The acceptance of "self-service" technology in the Egyptian telecom industry. 65 // 数据库返回来的错误 66 } 67 System.out.println("共" + cnt + " , 写入数据库完成..."); 68 // cnt = 3 69 DbHelper.close(); 70 } 71 72 }
备注写的很清楚了,如果使用注释掉的方法的话,因为之前数据(这里只复制过来了3条)中存在单引号 ' 和双引号 " ,还有斜杠 / 。使用参数写入数据库,不需要考虑单双引号和斜杠的情况。
⑤步骤①中的所有数据:dblp.xml 点击下载地址(数据很多,下载下来去除后面的.txt即可)
⑥dblp.dtd 点击下载地址(下载下来去除后面的.txt即可)