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  • dnion的remap.conf文件

    #  URL Remapping Config File
    # Using remap.config allows you to accomplish two things:
    #  1) Rewrite a URL (from the client) before sending it to the Origin Server.
    #  2) Protect the proxy server, to only allow certain requests.
    #  With the default configurations, at least one remap rule is required. This
    #  can be relaxed with the following configuration in records.config:
    #   CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required INT 0
    # Be aware, doing so makes the proxy a generic, open-relay!
    #  The format is:
    #      <map_type> client-URL origin-server-URL <tag_value> <filtering>
    # Where client-URL and origin-server-URL are both of the format
    #    <scheme>://<host>:<port>/<path_prefix>
    #  The <tag_value> directive is optional and can be different for different
    #  types of <map_type>. The <filtering arguments> are optional ACL-like
    #  arguments unique for each remap rule
    #  Six different types of mappings are possible:
    #     map
    #     map_with_referer
    #     map_with_recv_port
    #     reverse_map
    #     redirect
    #     redirect_temporary
    #  Each of these map types can be prefixed with the string 'regex_' to indicate
    #  that the rule will have regular expression strings. See the last part of
    #  this description for more information on regex support.
    #  The 'map' mapping is the most straightforward.  Requests that match the
    #  client-URL are rewritten into the origin-server-URL. The user agent will see
    #  the page on the remapped URL, but will not be notified of the address
    #  change.
    #  The 'map_with_referer' is an extended version of 'map', which can be used to
    #  activate the so-called "deep linking protection" feature available in
    #  Apache Traffic Server.
    #  The 'map_with_recv_port' is exactly like 'map' except that it uses the port
    #  at which the request was received to perform the mapping instead of the port
    #  present in the request. When present, 'map_with_recv_port' mappings are
    #  checked first. If there is a match, then it is chosen without evaluating the
    #  "regular" forward mapping rules.
    #  The 'reverse_map' mapping is used to rewrite location headers sent by the
    #  origin server.  The 'redirect' mapping creates a permanent redirect message
    #  and informs the browser of the URL change.
    #  The 'redirect_temporary' mapping acts in the same way but tells the browser
    #  that this redirect is only temporary.  We need to map the URL in reverse
    #  proxy mode so that user agents know to contact Traffic Server and not
    #  attempt to contact the Origin Server directly.
    #  For example, you can set up a reverse proxy for www.example.com with the
    #  real content situated at server1.example.com with the rules:
    #    map          http://www.example.com/      http://server1.example.com/
    #    reverse_map  http://server1.example.com/  http://www.example.com/
    #  Or you could permanently redirect users trying to access www.oldserver.com
    #  to www.newserver.com with the following rule:
    #    redirect	http://www.oldserver.com/    http://www.newserver.com
    #  If the redirect is only temporary, you want to only temporarily remap the
    #  URL.  You could use the following rule to divert users away from a failed
    #  server:
    #  redirect_temporary http://broken.firm.com http://working.firm.com
    #  In order to use "deep linking protection" Traffic Server's feature, the
    #  'map_with_referer' mapping scheme must be used. In general, the format of is
    #  the following:
    #     map_with_referer client-URL origin-server-URL redirect-URL regex1 [regex2 ...]
    #  'redirect-URL' is a redirection URL specified according to RFC 2616 and can
    #  contain special formatting instructions for run-time modifications of the
    #  resulting redirection URL.  All regexes Perl compatible  regular expressions,
    #  which describes the content of the "Referer" header which must be
    #  verified. In case an actual request does not have "Referer" header or it
    #  does not match with referer regular expression, the HTTP request will be
    #  redirected to 'redirect-URL'.
    #  At least one regular expressions must be specified in order to activate
    #  'deep linking protection'.  There are limitations for the number of referer
    #  regular expression strings - 2048.  In order to enable the 'deep linking
    #  protection' feature in Traffic Server, configure records.config with:
    #    CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_filter INT 1
    #  In order to enable run-time formatting for redirect0URL, configure
    #    CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_format_redirect INT 1
    #  When run-time formatting for redirect-URL was enabled the following format
    #  symbols can be used:
    #    %r - to substitute original "Referer" header string
    #    %f - to substitute client-URL from 'map_with_referer' record
    #    %t - to substitute origin-server-URL from 'map_with_referer' record
    #    %o - to substitute request URL to origin server, which was created a
    #         the result of a mapping operation
    #  Note: There is a special referer type "~*" that can be used in order to
    #  specify that the Referer header is optional in the request.  If "~*" referer
    #  was used in map_with_referer mapping, only requests with Referer header will
    #  be verified for validity.  If the "~" symbol was specified before referer
    #  regular expression, it means that the request with a matching referer header
    #  will be redirected to redirectURL. It can be used to create a so-called
    #  negative referer list.  If "*" was used as a referer regular expression -
    #  all referers are allowed.  Various combinations of "*" and "~" in a referer
    #  list can be used to create different filtering rules.
    #  Examples:
    #    map_with_referer http://y.foo.bar.com/x/yy/  http://foo.bar.com/x/yy/ http://games.bar.com/new_games .*.bar.com www.bar-friends.com
    #  Explanation: Referer header must be in the request, only ".*.bar.com"
    #  and "www.bar-friends.com" are allowed.
    #    map_with_referer http://y.foo.bar.com/x/yy/  http://foo.bar.com/x/yy/ http://games.bar.com/new_games * ~.*.evil.com
    #  Explanation: Referer header must be in the request but all referers are
    #  allowed except ".*.evil.com".
    #    map_with_referer http://y.foo.bar.com/x/yy/  http://foo.bar.com/x/yy/ http://games.bar.com/error ~* * ~.*.evil.com
    #  Explanation: Referer header is optional. However, if Referer header exists,
    #  only request from ".*.evil.com" will be redirected to redirect-URL.
    #  There are optional filtering arguments that can be specified at the end of the mapping definition line:
    #    @action=allow|deny
    #    @src_ip=IP-address
    #    @plugin=<plugin_path>
    #    @pparam=<plugin_param>
    #  There is no limitation for the number of filtering arguments.
    #  Example:
    #    map http://foo.cow.com/ http://bar.cow.com @src_ip= @method=GET @method=DELETE @src_ip= @action=allow @method=PUT
    #  Traffic Server supports WebSockets but it must be enabled via remap. WebSocket upgrades are automatically
    #  detected when there exists a remap rule containing a ws:// scheme.
    #  Example:
    #     map ws://bar.com/ ws://foo.com/
    #  Explaination: When a request comes in with the appropriate upgrade headers, Traffic Server will use this
    #   remap rule in an attempt to establish and maintain a websocket connection.
    #  Named filters can be created and applied to blocks of mappings
    #  using the .definefilter, .activatefilter, and .deactivatefilter
    #  directives. Named filters must be defined using .definefilter
    #  before being used. Once defined, .activatefilter can used to
    #  activate a filter for all mappings that follow until deactivated
    #  with .deactivatefilter.
    #  Example:
    #    .definefilter disable_delete_purge @action=deny @method=delete @method=purge
    #    .definefilter internal_only @action=allow @src_ip= @src_ip=
    #    .activatefilter disable_delete_purge
    #    map http://foo.example.com/ http://bar.example.com/
    #    .activatefilter internal_only
    #    map http://www.example.com/admin http://internal.example.com/admin
    #    .deactivatefilter internal_only
    #    map http://www.example.com/ http://internal.example.com/
    #  Regex support: Regular expressions can be specified in the rules with the
    #  following limitations:
    #  1) Only the host field can have regexes - the scheme, port and other
    #     fields cannot.
    #  2) The number of capturing sub-patterns is limited to 9;
    #     this means $0 through $9 can be used as substitution place holders ($0
    #     will be the entire input string)
    #  3) The number of substitutions in the expansion string is limited to 10.
    map http://{cache}
    map http://api.hd.youku.com/crossdomain.xml
    map http://www.baidu.com @plugin=regex_remap.so @pparam=/usr/local/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver/maps.reg
    regex_map http://(.*) http://$1
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