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  • Lexical Analyzer Generator

      This program generates a random Regular Expression in the form of Binary Tree, and repeatedly checks whether an input string match that Regex ("$" as the end of input):

      (1) Use McNaughton-Yamada-Thompson (MYT) Construction to generate the NFA of the given regex;

      (2) Use the Subset Construction to generate the DFA from the given NFA;

      (3) Implement the DFA to check whether an input string match the regex.

      1 import java.util.*;
      2 import java.io.*;
      4 class State {
      5     public boolean ac;
      6     public Edge next;
      7 }
      9 class Edge {
     10     public static Set<Character> digit;
     11     public static Set<Character> letter;
     12     public static Set<Character> binop;
     13     public static Set<Character> uniop;
     14     public static Set<Character> or;
     15     public static Set<Character> plus;
     16     public static Set<Character> star;
     17     static {
     18         digit = new HashSet<Character>();
     19         for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
     20             digit.add(new Character((char)('0'+i)));
     21         }
     22         letter = new HashSet<Character>();
     23         for (int i=0;i<26;i++) {
     24             letter.add(new Character((char)('a'+i)));
     25             letter.add(new Character((char)('A'+i)));
     26         }
     27         binop = new HashSet<Character>();
     28         binop.add(new Character('|'));
     29         binop.add(new Character('^'));
     30         binop.add(new Character('&'));
     31         binop.add(new Character('+'));
     32         binop.add(new Character('-'));
     33         binop.add(new Character('*'));
     34         binop.add(new Character('/'));
     35         binop.add(new Character('%'));
     36         binop.add(new Character('<'));
     37         binop.add(new Character('>'));
     38         binop.add(new Character('='));
     39         uniop = new HashSet<Character>();
     40         uniop.add(new Character('~'));
     41         uniop.add(new Character('!'));
     42         uniop.add(new Character('-'));
     43         // or, plus and star are just sentinels
     44         or = new HashSet<Character>();
     45         plus = new HashSet<Character>();
     46         star = new HashSet<Character>();
     47     }
     49     public Set<Character> data;
     50     public Edge next;
     51     public int end;
     52 }
     54 class Node {
     55     public Set<Character> data;
     56     public Node left, right;
     58     public Node() {
     59         int rand = (new Random()).nextInt(16);
     60         if (rand<2) {
     61             data = Edge.digit;
     62         } else if (rand<5) {
     63             data = Edge.letter;
     64         } else if (rand<7) {
     65             data = Edge.binop;
     66         } else if (rand<8) {
     67             data = Edge.uniop;
     68         } else if (rand<11) {
     69             data = Edge.or;
     70             left = new Node();
     71             right = new Node();
     72         } else if (rand<14) {
     73             data = Edge.plus;
     74             left = new Node();
     75             right = new Node();
     76         } else {
     77             data = Edge.star;
     78             left = new Node();
     79         }
     80     }
     81     public String toString() {
     82         if (data==Edge.digit) {
     83             return "DIGIT";
     84         } else if (data==Edge.letter) {
     85             return "LETTER";
     86         } else if (data==Edge.uniop) {
     87             return "UNIOP";
     88         } else if (data==Edge.binop) {
     89             return "BINOP";
     90         }
     91         String leftStr="", rightStr="";
     92         if (left!=null) {
     93             leftStr = "("+left.toString()+")";
     94         }
     95         if (right!=null) {
     96             rightStr = "("+right.toString()+")";
     97         }
     98         if (data==Edge.or) {
     99             return leftStr+"|"+rightStr;
    100         } else if (data==Edge.star) {
    101             return leftStr+"*";
    102         } else {
    103             return leftStr+rightStr;
    104         }
    105     }
    106 }
    108 class NFA {
    109     private List<State> state;
    111     public NFA(Node root) {
    112         state = new LinkedList<State>();
    113         state.add(new State());    // start
    114         state.add(new State());    // final
    115         state.get(1).ac = true;
    116         preOrder(root,0,1);
    117     }
    118     private void preOrder(Node sub,int from,int to) {
    119         // MYT Construction: regex -> NFA
    120         if (sub.data==Edge.or) {
    121             preOrder(sub.left,from,to);
    122             preOrder(sub.right,from,to);
    123         } else if (sub.data==Edge.plus) {
    124             int mid = insertState();
    125             preOrder(sub.left,from,mid);
    126             preOrder(sub.right,mid,to);
    127         } else if (sub.data==Edge.star) {
    128             int a = insertState();
    129             int b = insertState();
    130             insertEdge(from,null,a);
    131             insertEdge(b,null,a);
    132             insertEdge(b,null,to);
    133             insertEdge(from,null,to);
    134             preOrder(sub.left,a,b);
    135         } else {
    136             insertEdge(from,sub.data,to);
    137         }
    138     }
    139     private int insertState() {
    140         // Insert a new state and return its index:
    141         state.add(new State());
    142         return state.size()-1;
    143     }
    144     private void insertEdge(int idx,Set<Character> data,int end) {
    145         // Insert an Edge: NTran[idx,end] = data
    146         Edge e = new Edge();
    147         e.data = data;
    148         e.next = state.get(idx).next;
    149         e.end = end;
    150         state.get(idx).next = e;
    151     }
    152     public List<State> getStates() {
    153         return state;
    154     }
    155 }
    157 class DFA {
    158     private List<State> dState;
    159     private List<State> nState;
    160     private List<Set<State>> nSet;
    161     private Queue<Integer> q;
    162     private List<Boolean> vis;
    164     public DFA(Node root) {
    165         nState = (new NFA(root)).getStates();
    166         dState = new LinkedList<State>();
    167         nSet = new LinkedList<Set<State>>();
    168         q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    169         vis = new LinkedList<Boolean>();
    170         bfs();
    171     }
    172     private void bfs() {
    173         // Create the first dState:
    174         dState.add(new State());
    175         nSet.add(new HashSet<State>());
    176         addClosure(nState.get(0),nSet.get(0));
    177         // Breadth-First Search:
    178         q.add(new Integer(0));
    179         vis.add(new Boolean(false));
    180         while (!q.isEmpty()) {
    181             int idx = q.poll().intValue();
    182             if (!vis.get(idx)) {
    183                 vis.set(idx, new Boolean(true));
    184                 addTrans(idx,Edge.digit);
    185                 addTrans(idx,Edge.letter);
    186                 addTrans(idx,Edge.binop);
    187                 addTrans(idx,Edge.uniop);
    188             }
    189         }
    190     }
    191     private void addTrans(int idx,Set<Character> data) {
    192         // Add to set all nStates that can be accessed from start through data:
    193         Set<State> set = new HashSet<State>();
    194         for (State nstate:nSet.get(idx)) {
    195             Edge itr = nstate.next;
    196             while (itr!=null) {
    197                 if (itr.data==data) {
    198                     addClosure(nState.get(itr.end),set);
    199                 }
    200                 itr = itr.next;
    201             }
    202         }
    203         if (!set.isEmpty()) {
    204             for (int i=0;i<nSet.size();i++) {
    205                 // If set exists in nSet, only insert an edge:
    206                 if (nSet.get(i).equals(set)) {
    207                     insertEdge(idx,data,i);
    208                     return;
    209                 }
    210             }
    211             insertEdge(idx,data,dState.size());
    212             dState.add(new State());
    213             nSet.add(set);
    214             for (State itr:set) {
    215                 // Mark on accepting states:
    216                 if (itr.ac) {
    217                     dState.get(dState.size()-1).ac = true;
    218                     break;
    219                 }
    220             }
    221             q.add(new Integer(dState.size()-1));
    222             vis.add(new Boolean(false));
    223         }
    224     }
    225     private void addClosure(State start,Set<State> set) {
    226         // Add the Epsilon-Closure of nState.get(start) to set:
    227         set.add(start);
    228         Edge itr = start.next;
    229         while (itr!=null) {
    230             if (itr.data==null && !set.contains(nState.get(itr.end))) {
    231                 addClosure(nState.get(itr.end),set);
    232             }
    233             itr = itr.next;
    234         }
    235     }
    236     private void insertEdge(int idx,Set<Character> data,int end) {
    237         // Insert an Edge: DTran[idx,end] = data
    238         Edge e = new Edge();
    239         e.data = data;
    240         e.next = dState.get(idx).next;
    241         e.end = end;
    242         dState.get(idx).next = e;
    243     }
    244     public boolean test(int pos,String expr,int i) {
    245         // Test expr.char(i) at dState.get(pos):
    246         if (i==expr.length()) {
    247             return dState.get(pos).ac;
    248         }
    249         Edge itr = dState.get(pos).next;
    250         while (itr!=null) {
    251             if (itr.data.contains(new Character(expr.charAt(i)))) {
    252                 return test(itr.end,expr,i+1);
    253             }
    254             itr = itr.next;
    255         }
    256         return false;
    257     }
    258 }
    260 class Regex {
    261     private Node root;
    262     private DFA dfa;
    264     public Regex() {
    265         root = new Node();
    266         dfa = new DFA(root);
    267     }
    268     public String toString() {
    269         return root.toString();
    270     }
    271     public boolean test(String expr) {
    272         return dfa.test(0,expr,0);
    273     }
    274 }
    276 public class LexicalAnalyzer {
    278     public static void main(String[] args) {
    279         Regex regex = new Regex();
    280         System.out.println("Regex:	"+regex);
    281         Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    282         System.out.print("Test Expressions:
    283         String expr = in.nextLine();
    284         while (!expr.equals("$")) {
    285             if (regex.test(expr)) {
    286                 System.out.print("	ACCEPTED
    287             } else {
    288                 System.out.print("	WRONG
    289             }
    290             expr = in.nextLine();
    291         }
    292         in.close();
    293     }
    294 }

      I have been determined to refactor this program (I wrote it last year) since I took part in the Touchpal Interview on Wednesday (April 1, 2015) and failed to give a correct answer at that moment.

     1     public static boolean match(String pattern,String expr) {
     2         if (pattern.length()==0) {
     3             return expr.length()==0;
     4         } else if (pattern.charAt(0)=='.') {
     5             return expr.length()>0 
     6                     && match(pattern.substring(1),expr.substring(1));
     7         } else if (pattern.length()==1) {
     8             return expr.equals(pattern);
     9         } else if (pattern.charAt(1)!='*') {
    10             return pattern.charAt(0)==expr.charAt(0)
    11                     && match(pattern.substring(1),expr.substring(1));
    12         } else {
    13             if (match(pattern.substring(2),expr)) {
    14                 return true;
    15             } else if (pattern.charAt(0)==expr.charAt(0)) {
    16                 return match(pattern.substring(2),expr.substring(1))
    17                         || match(pattern,expr.substring(1));
    18             } else {
    19                 return false;
    20             }
    21         }
    22     }


      1. Aho, Alfred V. et al. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools [M]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2008-12

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