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  • EI328 Final Project Review (I)

      In this project, we use Java Liblinear library to solve a large-scale machine learning problem, which concerns a 2-class classification of Japanese patents on the section level (type A or not). The following picture depicts the structure of the programs of task 1-5.

      The Makefile of the whole project is as follow:

     1 all: ./bin/AbstractTask.class ./bin/Basic.class ./bin/MinMax.class ./bin/DIY.class
     3 ./bin/AbstractTask.class: ./src/AbstractTask.java
     4     javac -d ./bin/ -classpath ./bin/:./bin/liblinear-java-1.95.jar ./src/AbstractTask.java
     6 ./bin/Basic.class: ./src/Basic.java ./src/AbstractTask.java
     7     javac -d ./bin/ -classpath ./bin/:./bin/liblinear-java-1.95.jar ./src/Basic.java ./src/AbstractTask.java
     9 ./bin/MinMax.class: ./src/MinMax.java ./src/AbstractTask.java
    10     javac -d ./bin/ -classpath ./bin/:./bin/liblinear-java-1.95.jar ./src/MinMax.java ./src/AbstractTask.java
    12 ./bin/DIY.class: ./src/DIY.java ./src/MinMax.java
    13     javac -d ./bin/ -classpath ./bin/:./bin/liblinear-java-1.95.jar ./src/DIY.java ./src/MinMax.java
    15 clean:
    16     rm ./bin/*.class

      To begin with, we shall create a basic class (./src/AbstractTask.java) to deal with file preprocessing and model processing:

      1 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.*;
      2 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
      3 import java.util.concurrent.*;
      4 import java.util.*;
      5 import java.io.*;
      7 public class AbstractTask extends Thread {
      8     protected static Parameter param;
      9     protected static Problem train, test;
     10     protected static FileWriter rout;
     11     protected static PrintWriter out;
     12     protected static long start, end;
     14     protected static void init() {
     15         try {
     16             param = new Parameter(SolverType.L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL,1.0,0.01);
     17             System.out.println();
     18             if (!(new File("./data/new_train.txt")).exists()) {
     19                 System.out.println("Preprocessing: please wait a minute!");
     20                 preproc("./data/","train.txt","");
     21                 preproc("./data/","test.txt","5001:1.00");
     22                 System.out.println("Ready!");
     23             }
     24             System.out.println("Reading the files ...	Wait please ~ ~");
     25             train = Train.readProblem(new File("./data/new_train.txt"),1);
     26             test = Train.readProblem(new File("./data/new_test.txt"),1);
     27             rout = new FileWriter("./result/ROC.out");
     28             rout.close();
     29         } catch (Exception e) {
     30             System.out.println("INIT Error: "+e);
     31         }
     32     }
     33     protected static void print(String str) {
     34         try {
     35             System.out.print(str);
     36             out.print(str);
     37         } catch (Exception e) {
     38             System.err.println("PRINT Error: "+e);
     39         }
     40     }
     41     protected static void println(String str) {
     42         try {
     43             System.out.println(str);
     44             out.println(str);
     45         } catch (Exception e) {
     46             System.err.println("PRINTLN Error: "+e);
     47         }
     48     }
     49     protected static void printTime(long time,boolean train) {
     50         try {
     51             if (train) {
     52                 println("	Training:	"+time+"ms elapsed");
     53             } else {
     54                 println("	Testing:	"+time+"ms elapsed");
     55             }
     56         } catch (Exception e) {
     57             System.err.println("PRINTTIME Error: "+e);
     58         }
     59     }
     60     protected static void rocWrtLine(String str) {
     61         try {
     62             rout = new FileWriter("./result/ROC.out",true);
     63             rout.write(str+"
     64             rout.close();
     65         } catch (Exception e) {
     66             System.err.println("ROCWRTLINE Error: "+e);
     67         }
     68     }
     69     protected static void stats(int[] res) {
     70         try {
     71             int truePos=0, falsePos=0, falseNeg=0, trueNeg=0;
     72             for (int i=0;i<test.l;i++) {
     73                 if (test.y[i]>0) {
     74                     if (res[i]>0) {
     75                         truePos++;
     76                     } else {
     77                         falseNeg++;
     78                     }
     79                 } else {
     80                     if (res[i]>0) {
     81                         falsePos++;
     82                     } else {
     83                         trueNeg++;
     84                     }
     85                 }
     86             }
     87             //System.out.println("	"+truePos+"	"+falsePos+"	"+falseNeg+"	"+trueNeg);
     88             double acc = (truePos+trueNeg+.0)/test.l;
     89             println("	acc	= "+acc);
     90             double p = (truePos+.0)/(truePos+falsePos);
     91             double r = (truePos+.0)/(truePos+falseNeg);
     92             double f1 = 2*r*p/(r+p);
     93             println("	F1	= "+f1);
     94             double tpr = (truePos+.0)/(truePos+falseNeg);
     95             double fpr = (falsePos+.0)/(falsePos+trueNeg);
     96             println("	TPR	= "+tpr);
     97             println("	FPR	= "+fpr);
     98             println("");
     99             rocWrtLine(fpr+" "+tpr);
    100         } catch (Exception e) {
    101             System.err.println("STATS Error: "+e);
    102         }
    103     }
    104     protected static void preproc(String dir,String filename,String tail) throws IOException {
    105         Scanner fin = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(dir+filename));
    106         PrintWriter fout = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(dir+"new_"+filename));
    107         int cnt=0, total=0;
    108         while (fin.hasNextLine()) {
    109             StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(fin.nextLine());
    110             if (tok.nextToken().charAt(0)=='A') {
    111                 fout.print("1 ");
    112                 cnt++;
    113             } else {
    114                 fout.print("-1 ");
    115             }
    116             while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
    117                 fout.print(tok.nextToken()+" ");
    118             }
    119             fout.println(tail);
    120             total++;
    121         }
    122         System.out.println(filename+":	"+cnt+"/"+total);
    123         fout.close();
    124         fin.close();
    125     }
    126     protected static Model modModify(Model model,double threshold) {
    127         try {
    128             model.save(new File("./data/min.txt"));
    129             BufferedReader fin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("./data/min.txt"));
    130             PrintWriter fout = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("./data/mout.txt"));
    131             for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
    132                 fout.println(fin.readLine());
    133             }
    134             StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(fin.readLine());
    135             fout.print(tok.nextToken()+" ");
    136             int num = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken())+1;
    137             fout.println(num);
    138             for (int i=0;i<num+1;i++) {
    139                 fout.println(fin.readLine());
    140             }
    141             fout.println(-threshold+" ");
    142             fout.println(fin.readLine());
    143             fout.close();
    144             fin.close();
    145             model = Model.load(new File("./data/mout.txt"));
    146         } catch (Exception e) {
    147             System.err.println("Error: "+e);
    148         }
    149         return model;
    150     }
    151 }

      Now we give an example of directly using Liblinear in Java to solve the problem without parallelism (./src/Basic.java):

     1 /**
     2 * Command Example:
     3 * java -classpath ./bin/:./bin/liblinear-java-1.95.jar Basic 1 -2.5 2.5 0.5
     4 * Argument Format:
     5 * <task # = 1> <min threshold> <max threshold> <threshold step>
     6 **/
     8 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.*;
     9 import java.util.*;
    10 import java.io.*;
    12 public class Basic extends AbstractTask {
    13     public static void main_thread(double threshold) {
    14         try {
    15             start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    16             Model model = Linear.train(train, param);
    17             end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    18             printTime(end-start,true);
    19             model = modModify(model,threshold);
    20             start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    21             int[] res = new int[test.l];
    22             Arrays.fill(res,-1);
    23             for (int i=0;i<test.l;i++) {
    24                 if (Linear.predict(model,test.x[i])>0){
    25                     res[i] = 1;
    26                 }
    27             }
    28             end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    29             printTime(end-start,false);
    30             stats(res);
    31         } catch (Exception e) {
    32             System.err.println("MAIN_THREAD Error: "+e);
    33         }
    34     }
    35     public static void main(String[] args) {
    36         try {
    37             init();
    38             out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("./result/task"+args[0]+"_result.out"));
    39             double tmin = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
    40             double tmax = Double.parseDouble(args[2]);
    41             double tstep = Double.parseDouble(args[3]);
    42             for (double t=tmin;t<tmax+tstep/2;t+=tstep) {
    43                 println("Threshold = "+t);
    44                 main_thread(t);
    45             }
    46             rocWrtLine("_next_");
    47             rocWrtLine("_exit_");
    48             out.close();
    49         } catch (Exception e) {
    50             System.err.println("MAIN Error: "+e);
    51         }
    52     }
    53 }

      In task 4, we are required to plot ROC curves of this classifier, so we wrote a python script (./src/ROC_plot) and do the classification in different threshold values.

     1 #! /usr/bin/python
     2 import pylab as pl
     3 import string
     5 if __name__=='__main__':
     6     fin = open("./result/ROC.out",'r')
     7     line = fin.readline()
     8     while line[0:6]!='_exit_':
     9         x = []
    10         y = []
    11         while line[0:6]!="_next_":
    12             lst = line.split()
    13             x.append(string.atof(lst[0]))
    14             y.append(string.atof(lst[1]))
    15             line = fin.readline()
    16         pl.plot(x,y)
    17         line = fin.readline()
    18     fin.close();
    19     pl.title('ROC Curves')
    20     pl.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
    21     pl.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
    22     pl.xlim(-0.1,1.1)
    23     pl.ylim(0.0,1.1)
    24     pl.show()

      The ROC curves will be plotted only when an argument is passed to the shell script, such as "$ bash task1 1" and the like:

    1 #! /bin/bash
    2 reset
    3 make
    4 # arguments: <task # = 1> <min threshold> <max threshold> <threshold step>
    5 java -classpath ./bin/:./bin/liblinear-java-1.95.jar Basic 1 -0.2 0.2 0.1
    6 if (test $# -gt 0); then
    7     python ./src/ROC_plot
    8 fi

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DevinZ/p/4495797.html
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