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     1     /// <summary>
     2     /// 玩家
     3     /// </summary>
     4     public class Player
     5     {
     6         public int Id { get; set; }
     7         public string Name { get; set; }
     9         public void PlayHuman(Human human)
    10         {
    11             Console.WriteLine("******************************");
    12             Console.WriteLine("This is {0} Play War3.{1}", this.Name, human.GetType().Name);
    13             human.ShowKing();
    14         }
    16         public void PlayORC(ORC orc)
    17         {
    18             Console.WriteLine("******************************");
    19             Console.WriteLine("This is {0} Play War3.{1}", this.Name, orc.GetType().Name);
    20             orc.ShowKing();
    21         }
    23         public void PlayORC(Undead undead)
    24         {
    25             Console.WriteLine("******************************");
    26             Console.WriteLine("This is {0} Play War3.{1}", this.Name, undead.GetType().Name);
    27             undead.ShowKing();
    28         }
    30         /// <summary>
    31         /// 面向抽象
    32         /// </summary>
    33         /// <param name="race"></param>
    34         public void PlayWar3(IRace race)
    35         {
    36             Console.WriteLine("******************************");
    37             Console.WriteLine("This is {0} Play War3.{1}", this.Name, race.GetType().Name);
    38             race.ShowKing();
    39         }
    42     }
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     1     /// <summary>
     2     /// War3种族之一
     3     /// </summary>
     4     public class Human : IRace
     5     {
     6         public Human(int id, DateTime dateTime, string reamrk)
     7         { }
     8         public Human()
     9         { }
    11         public void ShowKing()
    12         {
    13             Console.WriteLine("The King of {0} is {1}", this.GetType().Name, "Sky");
    14         }
    15     }
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     1     /// <summary>
     2     /// War3种族之一
     3     /// </summary>
     4     public class ORC : IRace
     5     {
     6         public void ShowKing()
     7         {
     8             Console.WriteLine("The King of {0} is {1}", this.GetType().Name, "Grubby");
     9         }
    10     }
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     1     /// <summary>
     2     /// War3种族之一
     3     /// </summary>
     4     public class Undead : IRace
     5     {
     6         public void ShowKing()
     7         {
     8             Console.WriteLine("The King of {0} is {1}", this.GetType().Name, "GoStop");
     9         }
    10     }
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     1     /// <summary>
     2     /// War3种族之一
     3     /// </summary>
     4     public class NE : IRace
     5     {
     6         public void ShowKing()
     7         {
     8             Console.WriteLine("The King of {0} is {1}", this.GetType().Name, "Moon");
     9         }
    10     }
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     1                 Player player = new Player()
     2                 {
     3                     Id = 123,
     4                     Name = "候鸟"
     5                 };
     6                 #region
     7                 {
     8                     Human human = new Human();
     9                     player.PlayHuman(human);
    10                 }
    11                 {
    12                     ORC orc = new ORC();
    13                     player.PlayORC(orc);
    14                 }
    15                 {
    16                     Undead undead = new Undead();
    17                     player.PlayWar3(undead);
    18                 }
    19                 {
    20                     NE ne = new NE();
    21                     player.PlayWar3(ne);
    22                 }
    23                 #endregion
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    优化第一步=> 面向对象 => 封装、继承=> 几个种族分别继承接口

    1     public interface IRace
    2     {
    3         /// <summary>
    4         /// show出王者
    5         /// </summary>
    6         void ShowKing();
    7     }
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    1                {
    2                     Human human = new Human();//1 到处都是细节
    3                     player.PlayWar3(human);
    4                 }
    5                 {
    6                     IRace human = new Human();//2 左边是抽象  右边是细节
    7                     player.PlayWar3(human);
    8                 }
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    想去细节  想去掉什么东西,咱们就封装一下 转移一下

    1     public enum RaceType
    2     {
    3         Human,
    4         Undead,
    5         ORC,
    6         NE
    7     }
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     1         /// <summary>
     2         /// 细节没有消失  只是转移
     3         /// 转移了矛盾,并没有消除矛盾
     4         /// 
     5         /// 集中了矛盾
     6         /// </summary>
     7         /// <param name="raceType"></param>
     8         /// <returns></returns>
     9         public static IRace CreateRace(RaceType raceType)
    10         {
    11             IRace iRace = null;
    12             switch (raceType)
    13             {
    14                 case RaceType.Human:
    15                     iRace = new Human();
    16                     break;
    17                 case RaceType.Undead:
    18                     iRace = new Undead();
    19                     break;
    20                 case RaceType.ORC:
    21                     iRace = new ORC();
    22                     break;
    23                 case RaceType.NE:
    24                     iRace = new NE();
    25                     break;
    26                 //增加一个分支
    27                 default:
    28                     throw new Exception("wrong raceType");
    29             }
    30             return iRace;
    31         }
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    1                {
    2                     IRace human = ObjectFactory.CreateRace(RaceType.Human); //new IRace();// //new Human();//3 没有细节  细节被转移
    3                     player.PlayWar3(human);
    4                 }
    5                 {
    6                     IRace undead = ObjectFactory.CreateRace(RaceType.Undead); //new Human();//3 没有细节 细节被转移
    7                     player.PlayWar3(undead);
    8                 }
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    一个方法 不要参数 可能创建不同类型的实例吗
    那只能传参数 传一个human 结果可能是Human 也可以是Undead

    把传递的参数 放入到配置文件 可配置的

    1         private static string IRacTypeConfig = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IRacTypeConfig"];//IRacTypeConfig+参数
    2         public static IRace CreateRaceConfig()
    3         {
    4             RaceType raceType = (RaceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RaceType), IRacTypeConfig);
    5             return CreateRace(raceType);
    6         }
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    1 Console.WriteLine("*********************CreateRaceConfig*****************");
    2                 {
    3                     IRace undead = ObjectFactory.CreateRaceConfig(); //new Human();//4 可配置
    4                     player.PlayWar3(undead);
    5                 }
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     1         //1 方法增加个参数
     2         //2 给不同的参数,配置不同的IRacTypeConfigReflection
     4         //多方法是不对的,因为没法扩展新种族
     5         //泛型也不对  泛型需要上端知道具体类型
     7         private static string IRacTypeConfigReflection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IRacTypeConfigReflection"];
     8         private static string DllName = IRacTypeConfigReflection.Split(',')[1];
     9         private static string TypeName = IRacTypeConfigReflection.Split(',')[0];
    10         /// <summary>
    11         /// ioc的雏形  可配置可扩展的
    12         /// </summary>
    13         /// <returns></returns>
    14         public static IRace CreateRaceConfigReflection()
    15         {
    16             Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(DllName);
    17             Type type = assembly.GetType(TypeName);
    18             IRace iRace = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IRace;
    20             return iRace;
    21         }
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    1                {
    2                     IRace undead = ObjectFactory.CreateRaceConfigReflection(); //5 可配置可扩展
    3                     player.PlayWar3(undead);
    4                 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dewumu/p/11430366.html
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