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  • ThreadLocal缺陷以及处理

    分析过ThreadLocal源码源码的人都知道,ThreadLocal的设计的确巧妙,但是它也有一个缺陷:可能会引起内存泄漏;ThreadLocalMap中key维护着一个weakReference,它在下次GC之前会被清理,如果Value仍然保持着外部的强引用,该ThreadLocal没有再进行set,get或者remove操作,时间长了就可能导致OutOfMemoryError .

    当执行CloseableThreadLocal.set(T)时,内部其实只是把值赋给内部的ThreadLocal对象,即执行ThreadLocal.set(new WeakReference(T)),将T包装成弱引用对象,目的就是当内存不足时,jvm可以回收此对象.

    浙江引入一个新的问题:当前线程还存活着的时候,因为内存不足而回收了弱引用对象,这样会在下次调用get()时取不到值返回null,这是不可接受的.所以CloseableThreadLocal在内部还创建了一个私有的Map,WeakHashMap<Thread, T>,当线程只要存活时,则T就至少有一个引用存在,所以不会被提前回收。同时要注意另一个问题,要对WeakHashMap的操作使用synchronized做同步.

    package org.apache.lucene.util;
    import java.io.Closeable;
    import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.WeakHashMap;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
    /** Java's builtin ThreadLocal has a serious flaw:
     *  it can take an arbitrarily long amount of time to
     *  dereference the things you had stored in it, even once the
     *  ThreadLocal instance itself is no longer referenced.
     *  This is because there is single, master map stored for
     *  each thread, which all ThreadLocals share, and that
     *  master map only periodically purges "stale" entries.
     *  While not technically a memory leak, because eventually
     *  the memory will be reclaimed, it can take a long time
     *  and you can easily hit OutOfMemoryError because from the
     *  GC's standpoint the stale entries are not reclaimable.
     *  This class works around that, by only enrolling
     *  WeakReference values into the ThreadLocal, and
     *  separately holding a hard reference to each stored
     *  value.  When you call {@link #close}, these hard
     *  references are cleared and then GC is freely able to
     *  reclaim space by objects stored in it.
     *  We can not rely on {@link ThreadLocal#remove()} as it
     *  only removes the value for the caller thread, whereas
     *  {@link #close} takes care of all
     *  threads.  You should not call {@link #close} until all
     *  threads are done using the instance.
     * @lucene.internal
    public class CloseableThreadLocal<T> implements Closeable {
      private ThreadLocal<WeakReference<T>> t = new ThreadLocal<>();
      // Use a WeakHashMap so that if a Thread exits and is
      // GC'able, its entry may be removed:
      //亦即WeakHashMap<Thread, T>,当线程只要存活时,则T就至少有一个引用存在,所以不会被提前回收
      private Map<Thread,T> hardRefs = new WeakHashMap<>();
      // Increase this to decrease frequency of purging in get:
      private static int PURGE_MULTIPLIER = 20;
      // On each get or set we decrement this; when it hits 0 we
      // purge.  After purge, we set this to
      // PURGE_MULTIPLIER * stillAliveCount.  This keeps
      // amortized cost of purging linear.
      private final AtomicInteger countUntilPurge = new AtomicInteger(PURGE_MULTIPLIER);
      protected T initialValue() {
        return null;
      public T get() {
        WeakReference<T> weakRef = t.get();
        if (weakRef == null) {
          T iv = initialValue();
          if (iv != null) {
            return iv;
          } else {
            return null;
        } else {
          return weakRef.get();
      public void set(T object) {
        t.set(new WeakReference<>(object));
        synchronized(hardRefs) {
          hardRefs.put(Thread.currentThread(), object);
      private void maybePurge() {
        if (countUntilPurge.getAndDecrement() == 0) {
      // Purge dead threads
      private void purge() {
        synchronized(hardRefs) {
          int stillAliveCount = 0;
          for (Iterator<Thread> it = hardRefs.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Thread t = it.next();
            if (!t.isAlive()) {
            } else {
          int nextCount = (1+stillAliveCount) * PURGE_MULTIPLIER;
          if (nextCount <= 0) {
            // defensive: int overflow!
            nextCount = 1000000;
      public void close() {
        // Clear the hard refs; then, the only remaining refs to
        // all values we were storing are weak (unless somewhere
        // else is still using them) and so GC may reclaim them:
        hardRefs = null;
        // Take care of the current thread right now; others will be
        // taken care of via the WeakReferences.
        if (t != null) {
        t = null;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DiZhang/p/12544869.html
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