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  • Codeforces 785E. Anton and Permutation





    复杂度${O(qn sqrt n log_{2}^{sqrt n})}$

      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<cstdio>
      3 #include<algorithm>
      4 #include<vector>
      5 #include<cstdlib>
      6 #include<cmath>
      7 #include<cstring>
      8 using namespace std;
      9 #define maxn 1000100
     10 #define llg int 
     11 #define LL long long
     12 #define yyj(a) freopen(a".in","r",stdin),freopen(a".out","w",stdout);
     13 llg n,m,SIZE,belong[maxn],cnt,ne[maxn],a[maxn],T;
     14 LL ans;
     15 vector<llg>c[maxn];
     17 inline int getint()
     18 {
     19     int w=0,q=0; char c=getchar();
     20     while((c<'0' || c>'9') && c!='-') c=getchar(); if(c=='-') q=1,c=getchar(); 
     21     while (c>='0' && c<='9') w=w*10+c-'0', c=getchar(); return q ? -w : w;
     22 }
     24 void init()
     25 {
     26     SIZE=sqrt(n);
     27     for (llg i=1;i<=n;i++)
     28     {
     29         ne[i]=i+SIZE-1; ne[i]=min(ne[i],n); cnt++;
     30         c[cnt].push_back(0);
     31         for (llg j=i;j<=ne[i];j++) 
     32         {
     33             ne[j]=ne[i];
     34             belong[j]=cnt;
     35             c[cnt].push_back(j);
     36         }
     37         i=ne[i];
     38     }
     39     for (llg i=1;i<=n;i++) a[i]=i;
     40 }
     42 llg erfen(llg x,llg v)
     43 {
     44     llg l=0,r=c[x].size()-1,mid,wz;
     45     while (l<=r)
     46     {
     47         mid=(l+r)>>1;
     48         if (c[x][mid]<=v) {l=mid+1; wz=mid;}else r=mid-1;
     49     }
     50     return c[x].size()-wz;
     51 }
     53 llg more(llg l,llg r,llg v)
     54 {
     55     if (r<l) return 0;
     56     llg tot=0;
     57     llg stk=belong[l],endk=belong[r];
     58     for (llg i=l;i<=r;i++)
     59     {
     60         if (belong[i]==stk || belong[i]==endk)
     61         {
     62             if (a[i]>v) tot++;
     63             continue;
     64         }
     65         tot+=erfen(belong[i],v);
     66         i=ne[i];
     67     }
     68     return tot;
     69 }
     71 void change(llg x,llg v1,llg v2)
     72 {
     73     llg w=c[x].size();
     74     for (llg i=0;i<w;i++)
     75         if (c[x][i]==v1)
     76         {
     77             c[x][i]=v2;
     78             sort(c[x].begin(),c[x].end());
     79             return ;
     80         }
     81 }
     83 int main()
     84 {
     85 //    yyj("a");
     86     cin>>n>>T;
     87     init();
     88     while (T--)
     89     {
     90         llg l,r;
     91         l=getint(),r=getint();
     92         if (l>r) swap(l,r);
     93         if (l!=r)
     94         {
     95             llg morel=more(l+1,r-1,a[l]);
     96             llg lessl=r-1-l-morel;
     97             llg morer=more(l+1,r-1,a[r]);
     98             llg lessr=r-1-l-morer;
     99             ans+=morel-lessl+lessr-morer;
    100             if (a[l]>a[r]) ans--;else ans++;
    101             change(belong[l],a[l],a[r]); change(belong[r],a[r],a[l]);
    102             swap(a[l],a[r]);
    103         }
    104         printf("%I64d
    105     }
    106     return 0;
    107 }

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dragon-Light/p/6561806.html
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