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  • MariaDB maxscale maxctrl维护命令

    1. 列出所有的命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl --help
      maxctrl list <command>        List objects
      maxctrl show <command>        Show objects
      maxctrl set <command>         Set object state
      maxctrl clear <command>       Clear object state
      maxctrl drain <command>       Drain objects
      maxctrl enable <command>      Enable functionality
      maxctrl disable <command>     Disable functionality
      maxctrl create <command>      Create objects
      maxctrl destroy <command>     Destroy objects
      maxctrl link <command>        Link objects
      maxctrl unlink <command>      Unlink objects
      maxctrl start <command>       Start objects
      maxctrl stop <command>        Stop objects
      maxctrl alter <command>       Alter objects
      maxctrl rotate <command>      Rotate log files
      maxctrl reload <command>      Reload objects
      maxctrl call <command>        Call module commands
      maxctrl cluster <command>     Cluster objects
      maxctrl api <command>         Raw REST API access
      maxctrl classify <statement>  Classify statement
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use                    [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p
                      as the last argument or use --password=''
                                                       [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format
                      and each value must be separated by a comma.
                                                [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as
                      duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'
                                                         [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.
                                                          [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output          [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key                 [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key        [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate          [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate              [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates
                                                           [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
      --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
    If no commands are given, maxctrl is started in interactive mode. Use `exit` to
    exit the interactive mode.

    2. list命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl list --help
    Usage: list <command>
      maxctrl list servers              List servers
      maxctrl list services             List services
      maxctrl list listeners [service]  List listeners
      maxctrl list monitors             List monitors
      maxctrl list sessions             List sessions
      maxctrl list filters              List filters
      maxctrl list modules              List loaded modules
      maxctrl list threads              List threads
      maxctrl list users                List created users
      maxctrl list commands             List module commands
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    3. show命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl show --help
    Usage: show <command>
      maxctrl show server <server>      Show server
      maxctrl show servers              Show all servers
      maxctrl show service <service>    Show service
      maxctrl show services             Show all services
      maxctrl show monitor <monitor>    Show monitor
      maxctrl show monitors             Show all monitors
      maxctrl show session <session>    Show session
      maxctrl show sessions             Show all sessions
      maxctrl show filter <filter>      Show filter
      maxctrl show filters              Show all filters
      maxctrl show listener <listener>  Show listener
      maxctrl show listeners            Show all listeners
      maxctrl show module <module>      Show loaded module
      maxctrl show modules              Show all loaded modules
      maxctrl show maxscale             Show MaxScale information
      maxctrl show thread <thread>      Show thread
      maxctrl show threads              Show all threads
      maxctrl show logging              Show MaxScale logging information
      maxctrl show commands <module>    Show module commands of a module
      maxctrl show qc_cache             Show query classifier cache
      maxctrl show dbusers <service>    Show database users of the service
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    4. set命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl set --help
    Usage: set <command>
      maxctrl set server <server> <state>  Set server state
    Set options:
      --force  Forcefully close all connections to the target server  [boolean] [default: false]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    5. clear命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl clear --help
    Usage: clear <command>
      maxctrl clear server <server> <state>  Clear server state
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    6. drain命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl drain --help
    Usage: drain <command>
      maxctrl drain server <server>  Drain a server of connections
    Drain options:
      --drain-timeout  Timeout for the drain operation in seconds. If exceeded, the server is added back to all services without putting it into maintenance mode.  [number] [default: 90]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    7. enable命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl enable --help
    Usage: enable <command>
      maxctrl enable log-priority <log>  Enable log priority [warning|notice|info|debug]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    8. disable命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl disable --help
    Usage: disable <command>
      maxctrl disable log-priority <log>  Disable log priority [warning|notice|info|debug]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    9. create命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl create --help
    Usage: create <command>
      maxctrl create server <name> <host|socket> [port]   Create a new server
      maxctrl create monitor <name> <module> [params...]  Create a new monitor
      maxctrl create service <name> <router> <params...>  Create a new service
      maxctrl create filter <name> <module> [params...]   Create a new filter
      maxctrl create listener <service> <name> <port>     Create a new listener
      maxctrl create user <name> <passwd>                 Create a new network user
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    10. destory命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl destroy --hel
    Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1
    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl destroy --help
    Usage: destroy <command>
      maxctrl destroy server <name>              Destroy an unused server
      maxctrl destroy monitor <name>             Destroy an unused monitor
      maxctrl destroy listener <service> <name>  Destroy an unused listener
      maxctrl destroy service <name>             Destroy an unused service
      maxctrl destroy filter <name>              Destroy an unused filter
      maxctrl destroy user <name>                Remove a network user
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    11. link命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl link --help
    Usage: link <command>
      maxctrl link service <name> <target...>  Link targets to a service
      maxctrl link monitor <name> <server...>  Link servers to a monitor
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    12. unlink命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl unlink --help
    Usage: unlink <command>
      maxctrl unlink service <name> <target...>  Unlink targets from a service
      maxctrl unlink monitor <name> <server...>  Unlink servers from a monitor
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    13. start命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl start --help
    Usage: start <command>
      maxctrl start service <name>  Start a service
      maxctrl start monitor <name>  Start a monitor
      maxctrl start services        Start all services  [aliases: maxscale]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    14. stop命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl stop --help
    Usage: stop <command>
      maxctrl stop service <name>  Stop a service
      maxctrl stop monitor <name>  Stop a monitor
      maxctrl stop services        Stop all services  [aliases: maxscale]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    15. alter命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl alter --help
    Usage: alter <command>
      maxctrl alter server <server> <key> <value> [params...]    Alter server parameters
      maxctrl alter monitor <monitor> <key> <value> [params...]  Alter monitor parameters
      maxctrl alter service <service> <key> <value> [params...]  Alter service parameters
      maxctrl alter service-filters <service> [filters...]       Alter filters of a service
      maxctrl alter logging <key> <value> [params...]            Alter logging parameters
      maxctrl alter maxscale <key> <value> [params...]           Alter MaxScale parameters
      maxctrl alter user <name> <passwd>                         Alter admin user passwords
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]
    Multiple values can be updated at a time by providing the parameter name followed by the new value. For example, the following command would change both the `address` and the `port` parameter of a server:
        alter server server1 address port 3306
    All alter commands except `alter user` and `alter service-filters` support multiple parameters.

    16. rotate命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl rotate --help
    Usage: rotate <command>
      maxctrl rotate logs  Rotate log files by closing and reopening the files
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    17. reload命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl reload --help
    Usage: reload <command>
      maxctrl reload service <service>  Reloads the database users of this service
      maxctrl reload                    the default command                [default]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use                    [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p
                      as the last argument or use --password=''
                                                       [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format
                      and each value must be separated by a comma.
                                                [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as
                      duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'
                                                         [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.
                                                          [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output          [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key                 [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key        [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate          [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate              [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates
                                                           [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
      --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

    18. call命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl call --help
    Usage: call <command>
      maxctrl call command <module> <command> [params...]  Call a module command
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    19. cluster命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl cluster --help
    Usage: cluster <command>
      maxctrl cluster diff <target>  Show difference between host servers and <target>.
      maxctrl cluster sync <target>  Synchronize the cluster with target MaxScale server.
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    20. api命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl api --help
    Usage: api <command>
      maxctrl api get <resource> [path]  Get raw JSON
    API options:
      --sum     Calculate sum of API result. Only works for arrays of numbers e.g. `api get --sum servers data[].attributes.statistics.connections`.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --pretty  Pretty-print output.  [boolean] [default: false]
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]

    21. classify命令

    [root@dragon03 etc]# maxctrl classify --help
    Usage: classify <statement>
    Global Options:
      -u, --user      Username to use  [string] [default: "admin"]
      -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password=''  [string] [default: "mariadb"]
      -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma.  [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
      -t, --timeout   Request timeout in plain milliseconds, e.g '-t 1000', or as duration with suffix [h|m|s|ms], e.g. '-t 10s'  [string] [default: "10000"]
      -q, --quiet     Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode.  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tsv           Print tab separated output  [boolean] [default: false]
    HTTPS/TLS Options:
      -s, --secure                  Enable HTTPS requests  [boolean] [default: false]
      --tls-key                     Path to TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-passphrase              Password for the TLS private key  [string]
      --tls-cert                    Path to TLS public certificate  [string]
      --tls-ca-cert                 Path to TLS CA certificate  [string]
      -n, --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates  [boolean] [default: true]
      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]
    Classify the statement using MaxScale and display the result. The possible values for "Parse result", "Type mask" and "Operation" can be looked up in https://github.com/mariadb-corporation/MaxScale/blob/2.3/include/maxscale/query_classifier.h
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dragonzlx/p/13584070.html
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