'ClassName :ParaseTier
Public Event onError()
Public Function GetAttributeValue(Object As Object, ByVal AttributeName As String)
GetAttributeValue = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject(Object, AttributeName), Trim(AttributeName), VbGet)
End Function
'AttributeIsObject = 0,表示当AttributeName表示的是属性名称
'AttributeIsObject = 1,表示当AttributeName表示的是对象名称
Public Function GetObject(ByVal Object As Object, ByRef AtrributeName As String, Optional AttributeIsObject = 0) As Object
Dim parseProcName() As String
parseProcName = Split(AtrributeName, ".")
Dim i As Integer
Set GetObject = Object
For i = 0 To UBound(parseProcName) - 1
If IsCollectionAttribute(parseProcName(i)) Then
Set GetObject = GetItemObject(GetObject, parseProcName(i))
If IsObject(VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(i), VbGet)) Then
Set GetObject = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(i), VbGet)
End If
End If
If AttributeIsObject = 1 Then
If IsObject(VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(0), VbGet)) Then
Set GetObject = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(0), VbGet)
End If
End If
AtrributeName = parseProcName(UBound(parseProcName))
Erase parseProcName
End Function
Public Function GetItemObject(ByVal Object As Object, ByVal AttributeName As String) As Object
Dim parseProcName() As String
parseProcName = Split(AttributeName, "(")
AttributeName = Trim(parseProcName(0))
Dim Index As Integer
Index = Trim(Replace(parseProcName(1), ")", ""))
Set GetItemObject = GetObject(Object, AttributeName, 1)
Set GetItemObject = GetItemObject.Item(Index)
Erase parseProcName
End Function
Private Function IsCollectionAttribute(ByVal AttributeName As String) As Boolean
IsCollectionAttribute = (InStr(1, AttributeName, "(") > 0)
End Function
Public Event onError()
Public Function GetAttributeValue(Object As Object, ByVal AttributeName As String)
GetAttributeValue = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject(Object, AttributeName), Trim(AttributeName), VbGet)
End Function
'AttributeIsObject = 0,表示当AttributeName表示的是属性名称
'AttributeIsObject = 1,表示当AttributeName表示的是对象名称
Public Function GetObject(ByVal Object As Object, ByRef AtrributeName As String, Optional AttributeIsObject = 0) As Object
Dim parseProcName() As String
parseProcName = Split(AtrributeName, ".")
Dim i As Integer
Set GetObject = Object
For i = 0 To UBound(parseProcName) - 1
If IsCollectionAttribute(parseProcName(i)) Then
Set GetObject = GetItemObject(GetObject, parseProcName(i))
If IsObject(VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(i), VbGet)) Then
Set GetObject = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(i), VbGet)
End If
End If
If AttributeIsObject = 1 Then
If IsObject(VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(0), VbGet)) Then
Set GetObject = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(GetObject, parseProcName(0), VbGet)
End If
End If
AtrributeName = parseProcName(UBound(parseProcName))
Erase parseProcName
End Function
Public Function GetItemObject(ByVal Object As Object, ByVal AttributeName As String) As Object
Dim parseProcName() As String
parseProcName = Split(AttributeName, "(")
AttributeName = Trim(parseProcName(0))
Dim Index As Integer
Index = Trim(Replace(parseProcName(1), ")", ""))
Set GetItemObject = GetObject(Object, AttributeName, 1)
Set GetItemObject = GetItemObject.Item(Index)
Erase parseProcName
End Function
Private Function IsCollectionAttribute(ByVal AttributeName As String) As Boolean
IsCollectionAttribute = (InStr(1, AttributeName, "(") > 0)
End Function
'ClassName :Student
Public Name As String
Public Sex As String
Public Name As String
Public Sex As String
Public Sub Test1()
Dim pt As New ParaseTier
Dim o As Object
Set o = Word.Application.ActiveDocument
'Demo 使用字符串获得属性
Debug.Print pt.GetAttributeValue(o, "Paragraphs(1).Range.Font.Name")
'Demo 使用字符串获得集合对象属性
Debug.Print pt.GetItemObject(o, "Paragraphs(1)").Range.Font.Name
'Demo 使用字符串获得对象
Debug.Print pt.GetObject(o, "Paragraphs", 1).Count
Set o = Nothing
Set pt = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Test2()
Dim pt As New ParaseTier
Dim o As Object
Set o = Word.Application.ActiveDocument
'Demo 使用字符串获得属性
Debug.Print pt.GetAttributeValue(o, "Paragraphs(1).Range.Font.Name")
'Demo 使用字符串获得集合对象属性
Debug.Print pt.GetItemObject(o, "Sections(1)").Index
'Demo 使用字符串获得对象
Debug.Print pt.GetObject(o, "Paragraphs", 1).Count
Set o = Nothing
Set pt = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub test3()
Dim s As New Student
s.Name = "Duiker"
s.Sex = "男"
Dim ss As String
ss = InputBox("请输入需要获得的属性名称", "Name")
Select Case ss
Case "Name"
Debug.Print s.Name
Case "Sex"
Debug.Print s.Sex
End Select
Set s = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub test4()
Dim s As New Student
s.Name = "Duiker"
s.Sex = "男"
Dim ss As String
ss = InputBox("请输入需要获得的属性名称", "Name")
Dim pt As New ParaseTier
Debug.Print pt.GetAttributeValue(s, ss)
Set s = Nothing
End Sub