IEEE通信选域期刊(IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
IEEE/ACM网络期刊(IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking)
IEEE移动计算期刊(IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing)
IEEE通信快报(IEEE Communications Letters)
IEEE通信杂志(IEEE Communications Magazine)
IEEE车辆技术期刊(IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology)
IEEE车辆技术杂志(IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine)
IEEE智能交通系统期刊(IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Elsevier Ad Hoc网络(Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks)
IEEE计算机通信会议【IEEE Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM)】
ACM移动计算和网络国际会议【ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom)】
ACM移动自组织网络和计算机国际讨论会【ACM International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiHoc)】
IEEE通信国际会议【IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC)】
IEEE全球电信会议【IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference(GLOBECOM)】
- Proccedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Enginecring
- International Journal of Vehicle Design(IJVD)
- Vehicle System Dynamics International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility
- International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (IJHVS)
- International Journal of Automotive Technology