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  • LeetCode 740. Delete and Earn



    Given an array nums of integers, you can perform operations on the array.

    In each operation, you pick any nums[i] and delete it to earn nums[i] points. After, you must delete every element equal to nums[i] - 1 or nums[i] + 1.

    You start with 0 points. Return the maximum number of points you can earn by applying such operations.

    Example 1:

    Input: nums = [3, 4, 2]
    Output: 6
    Delete 4 to earn 4 points, consequently 3 is also deleted.
    Then, delete 2 to earn 2 points. 6 total points are earned.

    Example 2:

    Input: nums = [2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]
    Output: 9
    Delete 3 to earn 3 points, deleting both 2's and the 4.
    Then, delete 3 again to earn 3 points, and 3 again to earn 3 points.
    9 total points are earned.


    • The length of nums is at most 20000.
    • Each element nums[i] is an integer in the range [1, 10000].


    Sort the numbers into bucket. 

    If you take the current bucket, you can't take next to it.

    include[i] denotes max points earned by taking bucket i, include[i] = exclude[i-1] + i*buckets[i].

    exclude[i] denotes max points earned by skipping bucket i, exclude[i] = Math.max(include[i-1], exclude[i-1]).

    Time Complexity: O(nums.length + range). range = 10000.

    Space: O(range).

    AC Java: 

     1 class Solution {
     2     public int deleteAndEarn(int[] nums) {
     3         if(nums == null || nums.length == 0){
     4             return 0;
     5         }
     7         int n = 10001;
     8         int [] buckets = new int[n];
     9         for(int num : nums){
    10             buckets[num]++;
    11         }
    13         int in = 0;
    14         int ex = 0;
    15         for(int i = 0; i<n; i++){
    16             int inclusive = ex + i*buckets[i];
    17             int exclusive = Math.max(in, ex);
    18             in = inclusive;
    19             ex = exclusive;
    20         }
    22         return Math.max(in, ex);
    23     }
    24 }

    类似House Robber.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dylan-Java-NYC/p/11452065.html
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