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  • Leetcode: Basic Calculator II

    Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.
    The expression string contains only non-negative integers, +, -, *, / operators and empty spaces . The integer division should truncate toward zero.
    You may assume that the given expression is always valid.
    Some examples:
    "3+2*2" = 7
    " 3/2 " = 1
    " 3+5 / 2 " = 5
    Note: Do not use the eval built-in library function.

    用Stack来做:时间 O(N) 空间 O(N) 因为乘法和除法不仅要知道下一个数,也要知道上一个数。所以我们用一个栈把上次的数存起来,遇到加减法就直接将数字压入栈中,遇到乘除法就把栈顶拿出来乘或除一下新数,再压回去。最后我们把栈里所有数加起来就行了。         

     1 public class Solution {
     2     public int calculate(String s) {
     3         int res = 0;
     4         int num = 0;
     5         char sign = '+';
     6         Stack<Integer> st = new Stack<>();
     7         for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
     8             char c = s.charAt(i);
     9             if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
    10                 num = num * 10 + (int)(c - '0');
    11             }
    12             if(!Character.isDigit(c) && c!=' ' || i==s.length()-1) {
    13                 switch(sign) {
    14                     case '+': st.push(num); break;
    15                     case '-': st.push(-1*num); break;
    16                     case '*': st.push(st.pop()*num); break;
    17                     case '/': st.push(st.pop()/num); break;
    18                 }
    19                 num = 0;
    20                 sign = c;
    21             }
    22         }
    24         while (!st.isEmpty()) {
    25             res += st.pop();
    26         }
    27         return res;
    28     }
    29 }



    s = s.replace(" ", "");



    时间 O(N) 空间 O(1)


    这题很像Expression Add Operator。因为没有括号,其实我们也可以不用栈。首先维护一个当前的结果,加减法的时候,直接把下一个数加上或减去就行了。


     1 public class Solution {
     2     public int calculate(String s) {
     3         if (s==null || s.length()==0) return 0;
     4         int num = 0;
     5         int sum = 0;
     6         char sign = '+';
     7         int preVal = 0;
     8         for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
     9             char cur = s.charAt(i);
    10             if (Character.isDigit(cur)) {
    11                 num = num*10 + (int)(cur-'0');
    12             }
    13             if (!Character.isDigit(cur) && cur!=' ' || i==s.length()-1) {
    14                 if (sign == '+') {
    15                     sum = sum + num;
    16                     preVal = num;
    17                 }
    18                 if (sign == '-') {
    19                     sum -= num;
    20                     preVal = -num;
    21                 }
    22                 if (sign == '*') {
    23                     sum = sum-preVal+preVal*num;
    24                     preVal = preVal*num;
    25                 }
    26                 if (sign == '/') {
    27                     sum = sum-preVal+preVal/num;
    28                     preVal = preVal/num;
    29                 }
    30                 sign = cur;
    31                 num = 0;
    32             }
    33         }
    34         return sum;
    35     }
    36 }


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    Splay 模板
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/EdwardLiu/p/5058913.html
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