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  • Leetcode: Alien Dictionary && Summary: Topological Sort

    There is a new alien language which uses the latin alphabet. However, the order among letters are unknown to you. You receive a list of words from the dictionary, where words are sorted lexicographically by the rules of this new language. Derive the order of letters in this language.
    For example,
    Given the following words in dictionary,
    The correct order is: "wertf".
    You may assume all letters are in lowercase.
    If the order is invalid, return an empty string.
    There may be multiple valid order of letters, return any one of them is fine.




    时间 O(N) 空间 O(N)


    首先简单介绍一下拓扑排序,这是一个能够找出有向无环图(DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph)顺序的一个方法, 具体例子可以参见这个视频

    假设我们有3条边:A->C, B->C, C->D,先将每个节点的计数器初始化为0。然后我们对遍历边时,每遇到一个边,把目的节点的计数器都加1。然后,我们再遍历一遍,找出所有计数器值还是0的节点,这些节点就是有向无环图的“根”。然后我们从根开始广度优先搜索。具体来说,搜索到某个节点时,将该节点加入结果中,然后所有被该节点指向的节点的计数器减1,在减1之后,如果某个被指向节点的计数器变成0了,那这个被指向的节点就是该节点下轮搜索的子节点。在实现的角度来看,我们可以用一个队列,这样每次从队列头拿出来一个加入结果中,同时把被这个节点指向的节点中计数器值减到0的节点也都加入队列尾中。需要注意的是,如果图是有环的,则计数器会产生断层,即某个节点的计数器永远无法清零(有环意味着有的节点被多加了1,然而遍历的时候一次只减一个1,所以导致无法归零),这样该节点也无法加入到结果中。所以我们只要判断这个结果的节点数和实际图中节点数相等,就代表无环,不相等,则代表有环。




    • 因为这题代码很冗长,面试的时候最好都把几个大步骤都写成子函数,先完成主函数,再实现各个子函数,比如初始化图,建图,加边,排序,都可以分开

    • 要先对字典里所有存在的字母初始化入度为0,否则之后建图可能会漏掉一些没有入度的字母

    • 'a'+'b'+""'a'+""+'b'是不一样的,前者先算数字和,后者则是字符串拼接

    • 因为字典里有重复的边,所有要先判断,已经添加过的边不要重复添加

    以上是博客原文,我的理解的Topological Sorting做法是:

    维护一个graph, 一个indegree; 本例是HashMap<Character, HashSet<Character>> graph 以及 HashMap<Character, Integer> indegree

    1. 先遍历边,每遇到一个边,目的节点indegree计数器+1;

    2. 再遍历点,找出所有indegree计数器是0的节点,全部入队列。

    3. 然后从队列中开始poll元素,每poll一个出来,加入到结果中, 然后所有被该节点指向的节点的indegree计数器减1,在减1之后,如果某个被指向节点的计数器变成0了,把该节点入队列

    4. 如此直到队列变空,如果该图不存在cycle,则结果就是就是sort该DAG的一个顺序。如果图存在cycle,则队列也会变空,但是一些节点永远无法被加入到队列中,也无法被加入结果


    1. 47行忘了break

    2. 59行不该break却break了

     1 public class Solution {
     2     public String alienOrder(String[] words) {
     3         HashMap<Character, HashSet<Character>> graph = new HashMap<Character, HashSet<Character>>();
     4         HashMap<Character, Integer> indegree = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
     5         String order = "";
     6         initialization(words, graph, indegree);
     8         buildGraphCountIndegree(words, graph, indegree);
    10         order = topologicalSort(graph, indegree);
    12         return (order.length()==indegree.size())? order : "";
    13     }
    15     public void initialization(String[] words, HashMap<Character, HashSet<Character>> graph, HashMap<Character, Integer> indegree) {
    16         for (String each : words) {
    17             for (int t=0; t<each.length(); t++) {
    18                 if (!graph.containsKey(each.charAt(t))) {
    19                     graph.put(each.charAt(t), new HashSet<Character>());
    20                 }
    21                 if (!indegree.containsKey(each.charAt(t))) {
    22                     indegree.put(each.charAt(t), 0);
    23                 }
    24             }
    25         }
    26     }
    28     public void buildGraphCountIndegree(String[] words, HashMap<Character, HashSet<Character>> graph, HashMap<Character, Integer> indegree) {
    29        HashSet<String> edges = new HashSet<String>();
    30        for (int i=0; i<words.length-1; i++) {
    31            String word1 = words[i];
    32            String word2 = words[i+1];
    33            for (int j=0; j<word1.length()&&j<word2.length(); j++) {
    34                if (word1.charAt(j) == word2.charAt(j)) continue;
    35                char from = word1.charAt(j);
    36                char to = word2.charAt(j);
    37                String edge = from + "" + to;
    38                if (!edges.contains(edge)) {
    39                    // add to node to from node's adjacent set
    40                    graph.get(from).add(to);
    42                    // increase to node's indegree by 1
    43                    indegree.put(to, indegree.get(to)+1);
    45                    // add the edge to visited set
    46                    edges.add(edge);
    47                    break;
    48                }
    49            }
    50        }
    51     }
    53     public String topologicalSort(HashMap<Character, HashSet<Character>> graph, HashMap<Character, Integer> indegree) {
    54         StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
    55         LinkedList<Character> queue = new LinkedList<Character>();
    56         for (Character key : indegree.keySet()) {
    57             if (indegree.get(key) == 0) {
    58                 queue.offer(key);
    59                 //break;
    60             }
    61         }
    63         while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
    64             Character cur = queue.poll();
    65             res.append(cur.charValue());
    66             HashSet<Character> adjList = graph.get(cur);
    67             if (adjList != null) {
    68                 for (Character dst : adjList) {
    69                     int dstIndegree = indegree.get(dst);
    70                     dstIndegree--;
    71                     if (dstIndegree == 0) queue.offer(dst);
    72                     indegree.put(dst, dstIndegree);
    73                 }
    74             }
    75         }
    76         return res.toString();
    77     }
    78 }
  • 相关阅读:
    第二章 万变不离其踪--收割自己的深度图
    2.1 光照系统
    2.2 深度渲染机制
    2.3 来点实际--日照分析实现
    2.4 通视分析
    2.5 Cesium视域分析的实现
    第三章 讲真,没几个搞得清楚的经纬度——GIS坐标
    3.1 地理坐标系统
    3.2 渲染坐标系统
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/EdwardLiu/p/5079820.html
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