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  • Leetcode: Strong Password Checker

    A password is considered strong if below conditions are all met:
    It has at least 6 characters and at most 20 characters.
    It must contain at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one digit.
    It must NOT contain three repeating characters in a row ("...aaa..." is weak, but "...aa...a..." is strong, assuming other conditions are met).
    Write a function strongPasswordChecker(s), that takes a string s as input, and return the MINIMUM change required to make s a strong password. If s is already strong, return 0.
    Insertion, deletion or replace of any one character are all considered as one change.

    refer to https://discuss.leetcode.com/topic/63854/o-n-java-solution-by-analyzing-changes-allowed-to-fix-each-problem



    1. 长度问题,当长度小于6的时候,我们要通过插入字符来补充长度,当长度超过20时,我们要删除字符。

    2. 缺失字符或数字,当我们缺少大写,小写和数字的时候,我们可以通过插入字符或者替换字符的方式来补全。

    3. 重复字符,这个也是本题最大的难点,因为插入,删除,或者置换都可以解决重复字符的问题,比如有一个字符串"aaaaa",我们可以用一次置换,比如换掉中间的字符'a';或者两次插入字符,在第二个a和第四个a后面分别插入一个非a字符;或者可以删除3个a来解决重复字符的问题。由于题目要求我们要用最少的步骤,那么显而易见置换是最高效的去重复字符的方法。


    当密码串长度小于6时,情况一和情况二的操作步骤可以完全覆盖情况三,这个不难理解,因为这种情况下重复字符个数的范围为[3,5],如果有三个重复字符,那么增加三个字符的操作可以同时解决重复字符问题("aaa" -> "a1BCaa";如果有四个重复字符,那么增加二个字符的操作也可以解决重复问题("aaaa" -> "aa1Baa");如果有五个重复字符,那么增加和置换操作也同时解决重复问题("aaaaa" -> "aa1aaB")。所以我们就专心看最少多少步能同时解决情况一和情况二,首先我们计算出当前密码串需要补几个字符才能到6,补充字符的方法只能用插入字符操作,而插入字符操作也可以解决情况二,所以当情况二的缺失种类个数小于等于diff时,我们不用再增加操作,当diff不能完全覆盖缺失种类个数时,我们还应加上二者的差值。

    当密码串长度大于等于6个的时候,这种情况就比较复杂了,由于目前字符串的长度只可能超标不可能不达标,所以我们尽量不要用插入字符操作,因为这有可能会使长度超过限制。由于长度的不确定性,所以可能会有大量的重复字符,那么解决情况三就变得很重要了,由于前面的分析,替换字符是最高效的解法,但是这种方法没法解决情况一,因为长度超标了的话,再怎么替换字符,也不会让长度减少,但是我们也不能无脑删除字符,这样不一定能保证是最少步骤,所以在解决情况三的时候还要综合考虑到情况一,这里用到了一个trick (很膜拜大神能想的出来),对于重复字符个数k大于等于3的情况,我们并不是直接将其删除到2个,而是先将其删除到最近的(3m+2)个,那么如果k正好被3整除,那么我们直接变为k-1,如果k除以3余1,那么变为k-2。这样做的好处是3m+2个重复字符可以最高效的用替换m个字符来去除重复。那么下面我们来看具体的步骤,首先我们算出超过20个的个数over,我们先把over加到结果res中,因为无论如何这over个删除操作都是要做的。如果没超过,over就是0,用变量left表示解决重复字符最少需要替换的个数,初始化为0。然后我们遍历之前统计字符出现个数的数组,如果某个字符出现个数大于等于3,且此时over大于0,那么我们将个数减为最近的3m+2个,over也对应的减少,注意,一旦over小于等于0,不要再进行删除操作。如果所有重复个数都减为3m+2了,但是over仍大于0,那么我们还要进一步的进行删除操作,这回每次直接删除3m个,直到over小于等于0为止,剩下的如果还有重复个数大于3的字符,我们算出置换字符需要的个数直接加到left中即可,最后我们比较left和missing,取其中较大值加入结果res中即可,参见代码如下:


    @sunvssoon Hi sunvssoon. After we've transformed all repeating characters into (3m + 2) form, if the total length is still greater than 20 (i.e., over_len > 0), then we have no choice but to start deleting characters to fix the repeating character problem.

    Note now the total number of repeating characters at each position is arr[i], and to completely fix it only by deletion will take at least (arr[i] - 2) changes (example, to fix "aaaaa" by deletion, we need to delete at least 3 'a's, which is the total length minus 2). So "need" here is the minimum number of changes needed to fix the repeating character problem by deletion only.

    For the following expression, "arr[i] -= over_len", it's just a convenient way to reset the number of repeating characters at that position after deletion. Strictly speaking we should distinguish the two cases when the remaining deletions can totally fix the repeating problem or they cannot. For the former we should reset "arr[i]" to 2 while for the latter it should be "arr[i] - over_len". But we can combine these two cases into one expression "arr[i] - over_len", since for the former, as the problem can be totally fixed by deletion, we must have "over_len >= arr[i] - 2", which means "arr[i] - over_len" will be less than 3, so they will no longer be considered as repeating character problem later.

    As to the last expression, "over_len -= need", since fixing each repeating character problem will take at least "need" deletions, we need to reduce "over_len" by that amount to get the remaining available number of deletions.

     1 public class Solution {
     2     public int strongPasswordChecker(String s) {
     3         int res = 0, a = 1, A = 1, d = 1;
     4         char[] carr = s.toCharArray();
     5         int[] arr = new int[carr.length];
     7         for (int i = 0; i < arr.length;) {
     8             if (Character.isLowerCase(carr[i])) a = 0;
     9             if (Character.isUpperCase(carr[i])) A = 0;
    10             if (Character.isDigit(carr[i])) d = 0;
    12             int j = i;
    13             while (i < carr.length && carr[i] == carr[j]) i++;
    14             arr[j] = i - j;
    15         }
    17         int total_missing = (a + A + d);
    19         if (arr.length < 6) {
    20             res += total_missing + Math.max(0, 6 - (arr.length + total_missing));//优先insert missing element,满6之后采用replace,
    22         } else {
    23             int over_len = Math.max(arr.length - 20, 0), left_over = 0;
    24             res += over_len;
    26             for (int k = 1; k < 3; k++) {  //全部重复三次以上的元素delete成3m+2,
    27                 for (int i = 0; i < arr.length && over_len > 0; i++) {
    28                     if (arr[i] < 3 || arr[i] % 3 != (k - 1)) continue;//关注余数为0的情况时,余数为1,2都要skip,关注余数为1的情况时,余数为0,2都要skip
    29                     arr[i] -= Math.min(over_len, k);//余数为1,就减二;余数为0,就减一
    30                     over_len -= k;
    31                 }
    32             }
    34             for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {//分析over_len如果还>0的情况
    35                 if (arr[i] >= 3 && over_len > 0) {
    36                     int need = arr[i] - 2; //目标想要被减除的量,然而over_len不一定还有这么多
    37                     arr[i] -= over_len; //简便写法,其实是减完之后arr[i]==2(over_len>=need,只减need这么多) 和 arr[i]==arr[i]-over_len(over_len<need)两种情况
    38                     over_len -= need;
    39                 }
    41                 if (arr[i] >= 3) left_over += arr[i] / 3; //这部分需要用replace来消除剩余重复情况
    42             }
    44             res += Math.max(total_missing, left_over); //replace的时候可以同时解决missing element的情况
    45         }
    47         return res;
    48     }
    49 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/EdwardLiu/p/6136139.html
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