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  • MySQL5.7 慢查询+DDL操作堵塞查询


    mysql> select @@version;
    | @@version |
    | 5.7.26-log |


    mysql> show variables like '%iso%';
    | Variable_name | Value |
    | transaction_isolation | READ-COMMITTED |
    | tx_isolation | READ-COMMITTED |



    mysql> set autocommit=0;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from sbtest1 where id=1 lock in share mode;
    | id | k    | c                                                                                                                       | pad                                                         | name | name2 | name5 | name6 | name7 | name8 | name9 | name10 | name11 | c1   | c2   | c3   |
    |  1 | 5015 | 68487932199-96439406143-93774651418-41631865787-96406072701-20604855487-25459966574-28203206787-41238978918-19503783441 | 22195207048-70116052123-74140395089-76317954521-98694025897 | aa   | bb    | a     | a     | a     | a     | a     | a      | a      | NULL | NULL |    0 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> set autocommit=0;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> alter table sbtest1 add cc1 int; 


    mysql> show processlist;
    | Id    | User            | Host               | db            | Command | Time    | State                           | Info                            |
    |     1 | event_scheduler | localhost          | NULL          | Daemon  | 1549348 | Waiting on empty queue          | NULL                            |
    | 39327 | root            | | canal_manager | Sleep   |     884 |                                 | NULL                            |
    | 39436 | root            | localhost          | sysbench_db   | Query   |      51 | Waiting for table metadata lock | alter table sbtest1 add cc1 int |
    | 39465 | root            | localhost          | NULL          | Query   |       0 | starting                        | show processlist                |
    | 39506 | root            | localhost          | sysbench_db   | Query   |       6 | Waiting for table metadata lock | select * from sbtest1           |
    | 39511 | root            | localhost          | sysbench_db   | Sleep   |     137 |                                 | NULL                            |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from INNODB_TRX;
    | trx_id          | trx_state | trx_started         | trx_requested_lock_id | trx_wait_started | trx_weight | trx_mysql_thread_id | trx_query | trx_operation_state | trx_tables_in_use | trx_tables_locked | trx_lock_structs | trx_lock_memory_bytes | trx_rows_locked | trx_rows_modified | trx_concurrency_tickets | trx_isolation_level | trx_unique_checks | trx_foreign_key_checks | trx_last_foreign_key_error | trx_adaptive_hash_latched | trx_adaptive_hash_timeout | trx_is_read_only | trx_autocommit_non_locking |
    | 421422174436976 | RUNNING   | 2019-11-15 09:38:10 | NULL                  | NULL             |          2 |               39511 | NULL      | NULL                |                 0 |                 1 |                2 |                  1136 |               1 |                 0 |                       0 | READ COMMITTED      |                 1 |                      1 | NULL                       |                         0 |                         0 |                0 |                          0 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from INNODB_locks;
    Empty set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from INNODB_LOCK_WAITS;
    Empty set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show engine innodb status G;
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
      Type: InnoDB
    2019-11-15 09:45:19 0x7f47c8d38700 INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT
    Per second averages calculated from the last 11 seconds
    srv_master_thread loops: 3581 srv_active, 0 srv_shutdown, 1542568 srv_idle
    srv_master_thread log flush and writes: 1546144
    OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 30450
    OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: signal count 19118
    RW-shared spins 0, rounds 15075, OS waits 6862
    RW-excl spins 0, rounds 433241, OS waits 12516
    RW-sx spins 1169, rounds 35046, OS waits 873
    Spin rounds per wait: 15075.00 RW-shared, 433241.00 RW-excl, 29.98 RW-sx
    2019-11-14 09:55:27 0x7f47c8a20700
    *** (1) TRANSACTION:
    TRANSACTION 8801, ACTIVE 1 sec starting index read
    mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
    LOCK WAIT 4 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 2
    MySQL thread id 16018, OS thread handle 139946286548736, query id 99910 root updating
    DELETE FROM sbtest1 WHERE id=4999
    RECORD LOCKS space     not gap waiting
    Record lock, heap no 73 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
     0: len 4; hex 80001387; asc     ;;
     1: len 6; hex 00000000225b; asc     "[;;
     2: len 7; hex 2e000000201fdb; asc .      ;;
     3: len 4; hex 80001375; asc    u;;
     4: len 30; hex 36323536333834383835322d34313830333137393631382d383536313634; asc 62563848852-41803179618-856164; (total 120 bytes);
     5: len 30; hex 33303032343434313836392d36363935353436363130382d323939353039; asc 30024441869-66955466108-299509; (total 60 bytes);
    *** (2) TRANSACTION:
    TRANSACTION 8795, ACTIVE 1 sec starting index read, thread declared inside InnoDB 5000
    mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
    4 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 2
    MySQL thread id 16017, OS thread handle 139946285467392, query id 99920 root updating
    DELETE FROM sbtest1 WHERE id=4979
    *** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
    RECORD LOCKS space id 57 page no 100 n bits 144 index PRIMARY of table `sysbench_db`.`sbtest1` trx id 8795 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
    Record lock, heap no 73 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
     0: len 4; hex 80001387; asc     ;;
     1: len 6; hex 00000000225b; asc     "[;;
     2: len 7; hex 2e000000201fdb; asc .      ;;
     3: len 4; hex 80001375; asc    u;;
     4: len 30; hex 36323536333834383835322d34313830333137393631382d383536313634; asc 62563848852-41803179618-856164; (total 120 bytes);
     5: len 30; hex 33303032343434313836392d36363935353436363130382d323939353039; asc 30024441869-66955466108-299509; (total 60 bytes);
    RECORD LOCKS space id 57 page no 100 n bits 144 index PRIMARY of table `sysbench_db`.`sbtest1` trx id 8795 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
    Record lock, heap no 53 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
     0: len 4; hex 80001373; asc    s;;
     1: len 6; hex 000000002261; asc     "a;;
     2: len 7; hex 310000001f2239; asc 1    "9;;
     3: len 4; hex 800013aa; asc     ;;
     4: len 30; hex 31333735393532343036322d37383433393531343532342d383137393338; asc 13759524062-78439514524-817938; (total 120 bytes);
     5: len 30; hex 34353737383233343435352d38303336313338353035392d383834323633; asc 45778234455-80361385059-884263; (total 60 bytes);
    Trx id counter 2258851
    Purge done for trx's n:o < 2258850 undo n:o < 0 state: running but idle
    History list length 49
    ---TRANSACTION 421422174438800, not started
    0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
    ---TRANSACTION 421422174437888, not started
    0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
    ---TRANSACTION 421422174436064, not started
    0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
    ---TRANSACTION 421422174435152, not started
    0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
    FILE I/O
    I/O thread 0 state: waiting for completed aio requests (insert buffer thread)
    I/O thread 1 state: waiting for completed aio requests (log thread)
    I/O thread 2 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 3 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 4 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 5 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 6 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 7 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 8 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 9 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
    I/O thread 10 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    I/O thread 11 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    I/O thread 12 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    I/O thread 13 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    I/O thread 14 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    I/O thread 15 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    I/O thread 16 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    I/O thread 17 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
    Pending normal aio reads: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] , aio writes: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ,
     ibuf aio reads:, log i/o's:, sync i/o's:
    Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0
    613084 OS file reads, 1249482 OS file writes, 643052 OS fsyncs
    0.00 reads/s, 0 avg bytes/read, 0.00 writes/s, 0.00 fsyncs/s
    Ibuf: size 1, free list len 126, seg size 128, 20513 merges
    merged operations:
     insert 124338, delete mark 486, delete 0
    discarded operations:
     insert 35606, delete mark 359, delete 0
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 1 buffer(s)
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 1 buffer(s)
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 1 buffer(s)
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 1 buffer(s)
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 1 buffer(s)
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 1 buffer(s)
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 1 buffer(s)
    Hash table size 34679, node heap has 231 buffer(s)
    0.00 hash searches/s, 0.00 non-hash searches/s
    Log sequence number 1625718660
    Log flushed up to   1625718660
    Pages flushed up to 1625718660
    Last checkpoint at  1625718651
    0 pending log flushes, 0 pending chkp writes
    585541 log i/o's done, 0.00 log i/o's/second
    Total large memory allocated 137428992
    Dictionary memory allocated 264434
    Buffer pool size   8192
    Free buffers       4096
    Database pages     3858
    Old database pages 1404
    Modified db pages  0
    Pending reads      0
    Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
    Pages made young 51385, not young 13979456
    0.00 youngs/s, 0.00 non-youngs/s
    Pages read 612973, created 365347, written 614329
    0.00 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.00 writes/s
    No buffer pool page gets since the last printout
    Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
    LRU len: 3858, unzip_LRU len: 0
    I/O sum[0]:cur[0], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
    0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
    0 read views open inside InnoDB
    Process ID=2589, Main thread ID=139946660714240, state: sleeping
    Number of rows inserted 8673974, updated 7522, deleted 3147, read 45773008
    0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 0.00 reads/s
    1 row in set (0.09 sec)
    No query specified



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/EikiXu/p/11864544.html
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