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  • [JAVA]HDU 4919 Exclusive or

    题意很简单, 就是给个n, 算下面这个式子的值.

    $sumlimits_{i=1}^{n-1} i otimes (n-i)$


    比赛的时候 OEIS一下得到了一个公式:


    n为偶数 : $2 imes a_{frac{n}{2}}+2 imes a_{frac{n}{2}-1}+4 imes (frac{n}{2}-1) $

    n为奇数 : $4 imes a_{frac{n-1}{2}}+6 imesfrac{n-1}{2}$


    之后 学到了一种机智的按位算的方法

      1 import java.io.*;
      2 import java.util.*;
      3 import java.math.*;
      5 public class Main
      6 {
      7     static BigInteger yi=BigInteger.ONE;
      8     static BigInteger er=BigInteger.valueOf(2);
      9     static BigInteger li=BigInteger.ZERO;
     10     public static void main(String[] args)
     11     {
     12         InputReader in = new InputReader();
     13         PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
     14         BigInteger []bit=new BigInteger[2005];
     15         bit[0]=yi;
     16         for(int i=1; i<=2000; i++)
     17             bit[i]=bit[i-1].multiply(er);
     18         while(in.hasNext())
     19         {
     20             BigInteger n=new BigInteger(in.next());
     21             int []wei=new int[2005];
     22             int d=0;
     23             BigInteger []a=new BigInteger[2005];
     24             BigInteger []b=new BigInteger[2005];
     25             BigInteger tmp=n;
     26             while(tmp.compareTo(li)!=0)
     27             {
     28                 if(tmp.mod(er).equals(li))
     29                     wei[d++]=0;
     30                 else 
     31                     wei[d++]=1;
     32                 tmp=tmp.divide(er);
     33             }
     34             BigInteger sum=li, ji=yi;
     35             for(int i=0; i<d; i++)
     36             {
     37                 if(wei[i]>0)
     38                     sum=sum.add(ji);
     39                 ji=ji.multiply(er);
     40                 a[i+1]=sum;
     41             }
     42             sum=li;
     43             for(int i=d; i>=0; i--)
     44             {
     45                 sum=sum.multiply(er).add(BigInteger.valueOf(wei[i]));
     46                 b[i+1]=sum;
     47             }
     48             a[0]=li;
     49             BigInteger ans=li;
     50             for(int i=0; i<d; i++)
     51                 if(wei[i]==0)
     52                 {
     53                     BigInteger an=(bit[i].subtract(a[i]).subtract(yi)).multiply(b[i+2]).multiply(bit[i]);
     54                     ans=ans.add(an).add(an);
     55                 }
     56                 else 
     57                 {
     58                     BigInteger an=((a[i].add(yi)).multiply(b[i+2].add(yi)).subtract(yi)).multiply(bit[i]);
     59                     ans=ans.add(an).add(an);
     60                 }
     61             out.println(ans);
     62         }
     63         out.close();
     64     }
     65 }
     66 class InputReader
     67 {
     68     BufferedReader buf;
     69     StringTokenizer tok;
     70     InputReader()
     71     {
     72         buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
     73     }
     74     boolean hasNext()
     75     {
     76         while(tok == null || !tok.hasMoreElements()) 
     77         {
     78             try
     79             {
     80                 tok = new StringTokenizer(buf.readLine());
     81             } 
     82             catch(Exception e) 
     83             {
     84                 return false;
     85             }
     86         }
     87         return true;
     88     }
     89     String next()
     90     {
     91         if(hasNext()) 
     92             return tok.nextToken();
     93         return null;
     94     }
     95     int nextInt()
     96     {
     97         return Integer.parseInt(next());
     98     }
     99     long nextLong()
    100     {
    101         return Long.parseLong(next());
    102     }
    103     double nextDouble()
    104     {
    105         return Double.parseDouble(next());
    106     }
    107     BigInteger nextBigInteger()
    108     {
    109         return new BigInteger(next());
    110     }
    111     BigDecimal nextBigDecimal()
    112     {
    113         return new BigDecimal(next());
    114     }
    115 }
    HDOJ 4919

    再之后 学习了一下map的记忆化搜索

     1 import java.io.*;
     2 import java.util.*;
     3 import java.math.*;
     5 public class Main
     6 {
     7     static BigInteger yi=BigInteger.ONE;
     8     static BigInteger er=BigInteger.valueOf(2);
     9     static BigInteger li=BigInteger.ZERO;
    10     static BigInteger sa=BigInteger.valueOf(3);
    11     static BigInteger si=BigInteger.valueOf(4);
    12     static BigInteger liu=BigInteger.valueOf(6);
    13     static HashMap<BigInteger, BigInteger> a=new HashMap<BigInteger, BigInteger>();
    14     public static BigInteger dfs(BigInteger n)
    15     {
    16         if(a.containsKey(n))
    17             return a.get(n);
    18         BigInteger m;
    19         if(n.mod(er).equals(li))
    20         {
    21             BigInteger aa=n.divide(er);
    22             BigInteger bb=dfs(aa).multiply(er);
    23             BigInteger cc=dfs(aa.subtract(yi)).multiply(er);
    24             m=(aa.subtract(yi)).multiply(si).add(bb).add(cc);
    25         }
    26         else
    27         {
    28             BigInteger aa=(n.subtract(yi)).divide(er);
    29             m=dfs(aa).multiply(si).add(aa.multiply(liu));
    30         }
    31         a.put(n, m);
    32         return m;
    33     }
    34     public static void main(String[] args)
    35     {
    36         InputReader in = new InputReader();
    37         PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
    38         a.put(li, li);
    39         a.put(yi, li);
    40         a.put(er, li);
    41         while(in.hasNext())
    42         {
    43             BigInteger n=new BigInteger(in.next());
    44             out.println(dfs(n));
    45         }
    46         out.close();
    47     }
    48 }
    49 class InputReader
    50 {
    51     BufferedReader buf;
    52     StringTokenizer tok;
    53     InputReader()
    54     {
    55         buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    56     }
    57     boolean hasNext()
    58     {
    59         while(tok == null || !tok.hasMoreElements()) 
    60         {
    61             try
    62             {
    63                 tok = new StringTokenizer(buf.readLine());
    64             } 
    65             catch(Exception e) 
    66             {
    67                 return false;
    68             }
    69         }
    70         return true;
    71     }
    72     String next()
    73     {
    74         if(hasNext()) 
    75             return tok.nextToken();
    76         return null;
    77     }
    78     int nextInt()
    79     {
    80         return Integer.parseInt(next());
    81     }
    82     long nextLong()
    83     {
    84         return Long.parseLong(next());
    85     }
    86     double nextDouble()
    87     {
    88         return Double.parseDouble(next());
    89     }
    90     BigInteger nextBigInteger()
    91     {
    92         return new BigInteger(next());
    93     }
    94     BigDecimal nextBigDecimal()
    95     {
    96         return new BigDecimal(next());
    97     }
    98 }
    HDOJ 4919
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Empress/p/4000842.html
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