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  • Match3 Module For Game(THDN)


    1. 介绍

        THDN的核心机制为Match3的利用,本文对Match3 Gameplay进行记录,并对其进行改良.THDN作为RogueLIke性质的游戏,玩家在随机生成的dungeon里进行探索并获取THDN的线索,随机生成的dungeon(DUNGEONIZE)会之后介绍,在探索的过程中,玩家面对黑暗的环境以及未知的生物,当玩家面对生物时,通过采取对战的方式战胜对手,而Match3机制的利用在对战中得以体现,THDN利用RPG+Match的对战风格去战胜对手,Match3的核心机制在于条件消除(3(*)+1),在规定的时间内收集指定的元素生成战斗能力,而在回合结束后,进行重置开始下一回合的收集.


        2.Match3 Core








      // find all Collectibles in the Board
        List<GamePiece> FindAllCollectibles()
            List<GamePiece> foundCollectibles = new List<GamePiece>();
            for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                List<GamePiece> collectibleRow = FindCollectiblesAt(i);
                foundCollectibles = foundCollectibles.Union(collectibleRow).ToList();
            return foundCollectibles;


       // decrement the breakable value, switch to the appropriate sprite
        // and conver the Tile to become normal once the breakableValue reaches 0
        IEnumerator BreakTileRoutine()
            breakableValue = Mathf.Clamp(breakableValue--, 0, breakableValue);
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
            if (breakableSprites[breakableValue] !=null)
                m_spriteRenderer.sprite = breakableSprites[breakableValue];
            if (breakableValue == 0)
                tileType = TileType.Normal;
                m_spriteRenderer.color = normalColor;





      4.DeadLock 状态的情况为当进行消除操作或者首次填充面板时无可消除条件期望产生时,即可对面板进行重新生成,直至生成可消除期望为止

       IEnumerator ClearAndRefillBoardRoutine(List<GamePiece> gamePieces)
            // disable player input so we cannot swap pieces while the Board is collapsing/refilling
            m_playerInputEnabled = false;
            isRefilling = true;
            // create a new List of GamePieces, using our initial list as a starting point
            List<GamePiece> matches = gamePieces;
            // store a score multiplier for chain reactions
            m_scoreMultiplier = 0;
                //  increment our score multiplier by 1 for each subsequent recursive call of ClearAndCollapseRoutine
                // run the coroutine to clear the Board and collapse any columns to fill in the spaces REFILLUNDCLEAR
                yield return StartCoroutine(ClearAndCollapseRoutine(matches));
                // pause one frame
                yield return null;
                // run the coroutine to refill the Board (just refill)
                yield return StartCoroutine(RefillRoutine());
                // find any subsequent matches and repeat the process...
                matches = FindAllMatches();
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
            // .. while our list of matches still has GamePieces in it
            while (matches.Count != 0);
            // deadlock check
            if (m_boardDeadlock.IsDeadlocked(m_allGamePieces, 3))
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
                // ClearBoard();
                // shuffle the Board's normal pieces instead of Clearing out the whole Board
                yield return StartCoroutine(ShuffleBoardRoutine());
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
                yield return StartCoroutine(RefillRoutine());
            // re-enable player input
            m_playerInputEnabled = true;
            isRefilling = false;

        消除效果产生后,关卡条件对消除物品进行收集并产生奖励,在THDN中,对战的主要机制为回合制下的match3操作,玩家在规定时间内产生消除成果Sum(basicMatch3+ExtraMatch3(combine)+ItemsEffect+BasicStats+specialEffect) 生成伤害总值对敌人进行伤害效果的产生(damage*effect?),在回合结束后需要检测双方的速度值来决定先手次序,如果包含network api需要对伤害方法进行[clientrpc]标记.在一方的血量为0时结束战斗返回地下城或者城镇.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/EraserHead/p/12182365.html
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