MutiAction类,是一个action的container,包括get . put. delete。并且是根据region name分组的。其中核心的就是add方法,根据传进来的region name将action分组
public final class MultiAction<R> { // TODO: This class should not be visible outside of the client package. // map of regions to lists of puts/gets/deletes for that region. public Map<byte[], List<Action<R>>> actions = new TreeMap<byte[], List<Action<R>>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); private long nonceGroup = HConstants.NO_NONCE; public MultiAction() { super(); } /** * Get the total number of Actions * * @return total number of Actions for all groups in this container. */ public int size() { int size = 0; for (List<?> l : actions.values()) { size += l.size(); } return size; } /** * Add an Action to this container based on it's regionName. If the regionName * is wrong, the initial execution will fail, but will be automatically * retried after looking up the correct region. * * @param regionName * @param a */ public void add(byte[] regionName, Action<R> a) { add(regionName, Arrays.asList(a)); } /** * Add an Action to this container based on it's regionName. If the regionName * is wrong, the initial execution will fail, but will be automatically * retried after looking up the correct region. * * @param regionName * @param actionList list of actions to add for the region */ public void add(byte[] regionName, List<Action<R>> actionList){ List<Action<R>> rsActions = actions.get(regionName); if (rsActions == null) { rsActions = new ArrayList<Action<R>>(actionList.size()); actions.put(regionName, rsActions); } rsActions.addAll(actionList); } public void setNonceGroup(long nonceGroup) { this.nonceGroup = nonceGroup; } public Set<byte[]> getRegions() { return actions.keySet(); } public boolean hasNonceGroup() { return nonceGroup != HConstants.NO_NONCE; } public long getNonceGroup() { return this.nonceGroup; } }