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  • The last working day of 2011

      Today is the last working day of 2011, As usual i will review the meaning and memorable thing in 2011.

       1. In the February, I drove my new car to hometown, This is hard and distant journey. There were so many

    guys go home.So the traffic is so busy. after this time I said to myself will not drive car to home in the Chinese new year. 

       2.In the April, my salary have a 15 percentage improvement.

       3. On the June 1, I toke my wife and child to Chang long Zoo,We saw many wild animals, and we also went  at Tian He City.   

       4. On the Jun 10, In this morning  I was driving to company, received a telephone from my mother, My uncle dead. When i was a child , my uncle was very good for us, i always remember he took me to my maternal mother home by bicycle.And gave me money to play game..... I was so sad. i still remember the last scenario to meet on February. I am very sorry that i didn't toke him to home instead of asking him went home by bus.

        5. In the July, I got my first chance to develop a new system in current company. And the system framework and requirment analysis and system mode and system design were implemented by me. this project was finished on November. I got so many sense of accomplishment and improved a lot from the project.

        6. In the August, I paid off my car installment loan.

        7. In the September, I bought a ipad2,

        8. In the October , I  bought a new sofa.

        9. In the December, It's a good news that my wife was promoted to the HR manager. and the salary have a significant

     improvement. and her career will go to a new step.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Excellentchen/p/2307596.html
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