1 f = open("info.txt","r",encoding="utf-8") #打开文件获得文件句柄 2 data = f.read() #读取文件内容 3 print(data) 4 f.close(). #关闭文件
1 with open("info.txt","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: 2 data = f.read() 3 print(data)
1. 只读 (r) 默认
1 f = open("info.txt","r",encoding="utf-8")
1 f = open("info.txt","w",encoding="utf-8") #只写模式打开文件获得文件句柄
f = open("info.txt","a",encoding="utf-8") #追加模式打开文件获得文件句柄
1 f = open("info.txt","rb") #字节形式读 2 f = open("info.txt","wb") #字节形式写 3 f = open("info.txt","ab") #字节形式追加
1 f = open("info.txt","r+",encoding="utf-8") #读写模式打开文件获得文件句柄
f = open("info.txt","w+",encoding="utf-8") #写读打开文件获得文件句柄
f = open("info.txt","a+",encoding="utf-8") #追加读写打开文件获得文件句柄
1 d1= f.read() #读取文件所有内容 2 d2 = f.read(3) #读取文件3个字符 3 d3 = f.readlines() #读取所有内容,并以列表的形式展示出来 4 d4 = f.readline() #读取文件的一行内容 5 d5 = f.readable() #文件是否可读 6 f.close() 7 f = open("info2.txt","w",encoding="utf-8") 8 f.write("444 ") #写入内容 9 f.writable() #是否可写 10 f.writelines(["555"]) #以列表的形式写入内容 11 f.close() 12 f = open("info.txt2","wb") 13 f.write("ddd ".encode("utf-8")) 14 f.writelines(["666".encode("utf-8")]) 15 print(f.writable()) #是否可写 16 # f.close() 17 print(f.name) #文件名 18 f.mode #文件打开模式 19 f.closed #文件是否关闭 20 f.flush() #刷新缓存 21 open("info.txt","rb") 22 f.seek(6) #从文件开头移动6个字节位置 23 print(f.tell()) #光标所在位置 24 f.seek(2,1)# 相对于上一次光标位置移动 25 print(f.tell()) 26 f.seek(-2,2) 27 print(f.tell()) #从文件末尾移动光标位置 28 f =open("info.txt","r+",encoding="utf-8") 29 f.truncate(10) #truncate截断属于写操作 #不能用w,w+模式打开 30 f.close() 31 #文件没有修改这一说话,只有覆盖 32 with open("info.txt","r") as f,open("info3.txt","w") as f2: 33 data = f.readlines() 34 f2.write(data[1]) 35 #读取文件 36 with open("info.txt","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: 37 for line in f: #遍历文件内容 38 print(line)
age =10 res = True if age >5 else False. #三元表达式
[expression for item1 in iterable1 if condition1
r = [i for i in range(10)] #列表解析
r = (i for i in range(10)) #生成器表达式
迭代器协议:对象必须提供一个next方法,执行该函数要么返回迭代中的下一个值,要么引起stop iteration 异常终止迭代
1 "hello".__iter__() 2 [1,2].__iter__() 3 (1,2,3).__iter__() 4 {"name":"a","age":16}.__iter__() 5 {1,2,3}.__iter__() 6 open("info.txt","r").__iter__() 7 #for 循环的本质 先调用__iter__方法,得到可迭代对象,再调用__next__方法,直到遇到stopiteration
8 h1 = "hello".__iter__() 9 h1.__next__() #取值 10 l1 = [1,2].__iter__() 11 l1.__next__() #取值 12 t1 = (1,2,3).__iter__() 13 t1.__next__() #取值 14 d1 = {"name":"a","age":16}.__iter__() 15 d1.__next__() #取值 16 s1 = {1,2,3}.__iter__() 17 s1.__next__() #取值 18 f1 = open("info.txt","r").__iter__() 19 f1.__next__()
l =[1,3,2] for i in l: print(i) l = l.__iter__() while True: try: d = l.__next__() print(d) except StopIteration: break
r = (i for i in range(10)) #生成器表达式
1 def foo(): 2 print("in the 1") 3 yield 1 4 print("in the 2") 5 yield 2 6 print("in the 3") 7 yield 3 8 f = foo() #得到生成器,但不运行函数 9 print(f) 10 r1 = f.__next__() #运行函数 碰到yield 返回结果 11 print(r1) 12 r2 = f.__next__() 13 print(r2)
yield的作用 1. 相当于return 返回值
1 def foo(): 2 print("in the 1") 3 r1 = yield 1 #碰到yield 得到返回值,并停到该位置 4 print("r1的值:",r1) 5 r2 = yield 2 #从上一次停留位置继续运行,碰到yield得到返回值,并停留该位置 6 print("r2的值",r2) 7 print("in the 3") 8 yield 3 9 f = foo() 10 f1 = next(f) 11 print(f1) 12 f2 = f.send(666) #通过yield传值给r1继续运行 13 print(f2)
1 #生产者消费者模型 2 import time 3 def cunsumer(name): 4 print("我是%s,我准备吃包子"%name) 5 while True: 6 baozi = yield 7 time.sleep(0.1) 8 print("%s吃完了%s"%(name,baozi)) 9 def producer(): 10 c1 = cunsumer("a") 11 c2 = cunsumer("b") 12 c1.__next__() 13 c2.__next__() 14 for i in range(10): 15 c1.send("肉包%s"%i) 16 c2.send("肉包%s"%i) 17 producer()
七 、装饰器
装饰器 = 高阶函数 + 函数嵌套 + 闭包
1 import time 2 def timmer(func): 3 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 4 start_time = time.time() 5 time.sleep(1) 6 s = func(*args,**kwargs) 7 print("s的总和为%s"%s) 8 stop_time= time.time() 9 print("foo运行事件%s"%(stop_time-start_time)) 10 return s 11 return wrapper 12 13 @timmer #相当于foo = timmer(foo) 14 def foo(): 15 '''计算0-10的总和''' 16 s = 0 17 for i in range(10): 18 s += i 19 return s 20 s = foo() 21 print(s)
1 #有参数的函数 2 import time 3 def timmer(func): 4 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 5 start_time = time.time() 6 time.sleep(1) 7 s = func(*args,**kwargs) #运行foo(l) 8 print("s的总和为%s"%s) 9 stop_time= time.time() 10 print("foo运行事件%s"%(stop_time-start_time)) 11 return s 12 return wrapper 13 14 @timmer #相当于foo = timmer(foo) 等到wrapper 15 def foo(l): 16 '''计算0-10的总和''' 17 s = 0 18 for i in l: 19 s += i 20 return s 21 s = foo(range(100))。 #运行wrapper 22 print(s)
1 usr_dict={"user":None,"login":None} 2 user_info =[{"name":"a","pas":"1"}, 3 {"name":"b","pas":"2"}, 4 {"name":"c","pas":"3"}] 5 def auth_type(file="tb"): 6 def auth(func): 7 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 8 if usr_dict["user"] and usr_dict["login"]: 9 res = func(*args,**kwargs) 10 return res 11 usr = input("请输入你的用户名").strip() 12 psd = input("请输入你的密码").strip() 13 if file =='tb': 14 for info in user_info: 15 if usr == info["name"] and psd ==info["pas"]: 16 print("登入成功") 17 usr_dict["user"] = usr 18 usr_dict["login"] = True 19 res = func(*args,**kwargs) 20 return res 21 else: 22 print("用户名或密码错误") 23 else: 24 print("不知道") 25 return wrapper 26 return auth 27 @auth_type(file="tb") 28 def home(): 29 print("欢迎回家") 30 # @auth 31 # def shopper(name,food): 32 # print("%s的购物车里有%s"%(name,food)) 33 # home() 34 # shopper("a","ff") 35 home()