以下是两个文件:HttpClient.h HttpClient.cpp 一个类
CHttpClient conn;
CString value="http://8crystal.com/test.asp";
CHttpClient conn;
CString value="http://8crystal.com/test.asp";

1 / HttpClient.h: interface for the CHttpClient class. 2 // 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 5 #if !defined(AFX_HTTPCLIENT_H__EA769DCB_AAB9_47CD_BD87_FBD6913592C5__INCLUDED_) 6 #define AFX_HTTPCLIENT_H__EA769DCB_AAB9_47CD_BD87_FBD6913592C5__INCLUDED_ 7 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000 9 #pragma once 10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 11 #include "wininet.h" 12 #include "afxinet.h" 13 class CHttpClient 14 { 15 public: 16 void addParam(CString name,CString value); 17 CString doPost(CString href); 18 CString doGet(CString href); 19 CHttpClient(); 20 virtual ~CHttpClient(); 21 22 private: 23 CString CONTENT; 24 int CL; 25 CStringList values; 26 CStringList names; 27 }; 28 29 #endif // !defined(AFX_HTTPCLIENT_H__EA769DCB_AAB9_47CD_BD87_FBD6913592C5__INCLUDED_) 30 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 32 33 34 // HttpClient.cpp: implementation of the CHttpClient class. 35 // 36 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 37 38 #include "stdafx.h" 39 #include "emailsenderv2.h" 40 #include "HttpClient.h" 41 42 #ifdef _DEBUG 43 #undef THIS_FILE 44 static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; 45 #define new DEBUG_NEW 46 #endif 47 48 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 // Construction/Destruction 50 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 51 52 CHttpClient::CHttpClient() 53 { 54 55 } 56 57 CHttpClient::~CHttpClient() 58 { 59 60 } 61 62 CString CHttpClient::doGet(CString href) 63 { 64 CString httpsource=""; 65 CInternetSession session1(NULL,0); 66 CHttpFile* pHTTPFile=NULL; 67 try{ 68 pHTTPFile=(CHttpFile*)session1.OpenURL(href); 69 //session1. 70 }catch(CInternetException){ 71 pHTTPFile=NULL; 72 } 73 if(pHTTPFile) 74 { 75 CString text; 76 for(int i=0;pHTTPFile->ReadString(text);i++) 77 { 78 httpsource=httpsource+text+"/r/n"; 79 } 80 pHTTPFile->Close(); 81 delete pHTTPFile; 82 }else 83 { 84 85 } 86 return httpsource; 87 } 88 89 CString CHttpClient::doPost(CString href) 90 { 91 CString httpsource=""; 92 CInternetSession session1; 93 CHttpConnection* conn1=NULL; 94 CHttpFile* pFile = NULL; 95 CString strServerName; 96 CString strObject; 97 INTERNET_PORT nPort; 98 DWORD dwServiceType; 99 AfxParseURL((LPCTSTR)href,dwServiceType, strServerName, strObject, nPort); 100 DWORD retcode; 101 char* outBuff = CONTENT.GetBuffer(1000); 102 try 103 { 104 conn1 = session1.GetHttpConnection(strServerName,nPort); 105 pFile = conn1->OpenRequest(0,strObject,NULL,1,NULL,"HTTP/1.1",INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT|INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT); 106 pFile -> AddRequestHeaders("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 107 pFile -> AddRequestHeaders("Accept: */*"); 108 pFile -> SendRequest(NULL,0,outBuff,strlen(outBuff)+1); 109 pFile -> QueryInfoStatusCode(retcode); 110 } 111 catch (CInternetException * e){}; 112 if(pFile) 113 { 114 CString text; 115 for(int i=0;pFile->ReadString(text);i++) 116 { 117 httpsource=httpsource+text+"/r/n"; 118 } 119 pFile->Close(); 120 }else 121 { 122 123 } 124 return httpsource; 125 delete pFile; 126 delete conn1; 127 session1.Close(); 128 } 129 130 void CHttpClient::addParam(CString name, CString value) 131 { 132 names.AddTail((LPCTSTR)name); 133 values.AddTail((LPCTSTR)value); 134 CString eq="="; 135 CString an="&"; 136 CONTENT=CONTENT+name+eq+value+an; 137 CL=CONTENT.GetLength(); 138 }