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  • JavaScript 时间帮助封装

    前端JS 时间帮助类封装
     * @Description: 日期时间帮助工具
     * @Author: SkyPillar
     * @Date: 2020-05-22 11:09:32
     * @LastEditTime: 2020-05-22 14:43:17
     * @LastEditors: SkyPillar
    var DateHelper;
    (function (DateHelper) {
         * 混淆
        var Confuse = /** @class */ (function () {
            function Confuse() {
             * 加密字符串
             * @param code 字符串
            Confuse.prototype.compileStr = function (code) {
                if (code)
                    return '';
                var o = String.fromCharCode(code.charCodeAt(0) + code.length);
                for (var i = 1; i < code.length; i++)
                    o += String.fromCharCode(code.charCodeAt(i) + code.charCodeAt(i - 1));
                return escape(o);
             * 解密字符串
             * @param code 字符串
            Confuse.prototype.uncompileStr = function (code) {
                code = unescape(code);
                var o = String.fromCharCode(code.charCodeAt(0) - code.length);
                for (var i = 1; i < code.length; i++)
                    o += String.fromCharCode(code.charCodeAt(i) - o.charCodeAt(i - 1));
                return o;
            return Confuse;
         * 本地缓存
        var Storage = /** @class */ (function () {
            function Storage() {
                this.confuse = new Confuse();
                this.storage = window.localStorage;
             * 设置内存对象
             * @param key 字符串
             * @param value 字符串
            Storage.prototype.setStorage = function (key, value) {
                if (key === null)
                    return console.error('must be a string or integer parameter');
                if (!value) {
                    var val = value.trim();
                    if (val === '')
                        this.storage.setItem(key, val);
                        this.storage.setItem(key, this.confuse.compileStr(val));
             * 根据key获取对应内容
             * @param key 字符串
            Storage.prototype.getStorage = function (key) {
                if (key === '')
                    return null;
                var o = this.storage.getItem(key);
                if (o === null)
                    return '';
                    return this.confuse.uncompileStr(o);
             * 根据key 删除对应的内容
             * @param key 字符串
            Storage.prototype.removeStorage = function (key) {
                if (key !== '')
            return Storage;
         * 计算帮助类
        var Computer = /** @class */ (function () {
            function Computer() {
             * 计算十位补零
             * @param o 整型
            Computer.prototype.constituted = function (o) {
                return o < 10 ? '0' + o : o;
            return Computer;
         * 私有帮助类
        var Assisted = /** @class */ (function () {
            function Assisted() {
                 * 临时变量
                this.arr = new Array();
                 * 星期
                this.week = '星期';
                 * 日
                this.day = '';
                 * 本地缓存
                this.storage = new Storage();
                 * 计算函数
                this.computer = new Computer();
             * 年月日时分秒汉字
            Assisted.prototype.getSpecificDate = function () {
                this.arr = new Array();
                this.arr.push('', '', this.day, '', '', '');
                return this.arr;
             * 农历十位汉字
            Assisted.prototype.getCapitalizedTen = function () {
                this.arr = new Array();
                this.arr.push('', '', '廿', '');
                return this.arr;
             * 大写阿拉伯数字
            Assisted.prototype.getCapitalizedNumber = function () {
                this.arr = new Array();
                this.arr.push('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
                return this.arr;
             * 十二生肖
            Assisted.prototype.getChineseZodiac = function () {
                this.arr = new Array();
                this.arr.push('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
                return this.arr;
             * 十二地支
            Assisted.prototype.getTwelveEarthlyBranch = function () {
                this.arr = new Array();
                this.arr.push('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
                return this.arr;
             * 十干支
            Assisted.prototype.getTenBranches = function () {
                this.arr = new Array();
                this.arr.push('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
                return this.arr;
             * 获取日期时间数组
             * @param paramDate 日期时间参数
             * @param isHms 是否显示时分秒
            Assisted.prototype.getDateArray = function (dateStr, isHms) {
                if (dateStr === void 0) { dateStr = null; }
                if (isHms === void 0) { isHms = true; }
                this.arr = new Array();
                dateStr = (!dateStr) ? new Date() : dateStr;
                this.arr.push(dateStr.getFullYear(), this.computer.constituted(dateStr.getMonth() + 1), this.computer.constituted(dateStr.getDate()));
                if (!isHms)
                    this.arr.push(this.computer.constituted(dateStr.getHours()), this.computer.constituted(dateStr.getMinutes()), this.computer.constituted(dateStr.getSeconds()));
                return this.arr;
             * 根据指定的时间获取天
             * @param dataStr 日期时间
            Assisted.prototype.getDateDay = function (dataStr) {
                if (dataStr === void 0) { dataStr = null; }
                var res = (!dataStr) ? new Date() : dataStr;
                return res.getDay();
             * 十二生肖与地支
            Assisted.prototype.getBranchesAndZodiacArrays = function () {
                var zodiacArr = this.getChineseZodiac();
                var branchArr = this.getTwelveEarthlyBranch();
                if (zodiacArr.length !== branchArr.length)
                    throw 'wrong length of chinese zodiac and branches';
                this.arr = new Array();
                for (var i = 0; i < branchArr.length; i++)
                    this.arr.push(branchArr[i] + zodiacArr[i]);
                return this.arr;
             * 十二生肖和地支
             * @param symbol 分割符
            Assisted.prototype.getTwelveZodiacSignsAndBranches = function (symbol) {
                if (symbol === void 0) { symbol = null; }
                this.arr = this.getBranchesAndZodiacArrays();
                return (!symbol) ? this.arr : this.arr.join(symbol);
             * 获取星期
            Assisted.prototype.getWeeks = function () {
                var numArr = this.getCapitalizedNumber();
                this.arr = new Array();
                this.arr.push(this.week + this.day);
                for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                    this.arr.push(this.week + numArr[i]);
                return this.arr;
             * 获取六十甲子
             * @param symbol 分割符号
             * @param isArr 是否返回数组(默认数组)
            Assisted.prototype.getSixties = function (symbol, isArr) {
                if (symbol === void 0) { symbol = null; }
                if (isArr === void 0) { isArr = true; }
                var ramus = this.getTenBranches();
                var earthlyBranch = this.getTwelveEarthlyBranch();
                var ramusLen = ramus.length, earthlyBranchLen = earthlyBranch.length, i = 0, j = 0;
                this.arr = new Array();
                while (1) {
                    var x = i % ramusLen, y = j % earthlyBranchLen;
                    if (x == 0 && y == 0 && i)
                    this.arr.push(ramus[x] + earthlyBranch[y]);
                return isArr ? this.arr : this.arr.join(symbol);
             * 切换大小写数字
             * @param param 大小写数字
            Assisted.prototype.getNumberToggleCase = function (param) {
                if (!param && param != '0')
                    return console.error('wrong number parameter to convert');
                var numArr = this.getCapitalizedNumber();
                var result = numArr[param];
                return typeof result === 'undefined' ? numArr.indexOf(param) : result;
             * 获取年月日-(yyyy年MM月dd日)
             * @param isHms 是否显示时分秒
            Assisted.prototype.getChineseDateString = function (isHms) {
                if (isHms === void 0) { isHms = true; }
                var dateArr = this.getDateArray(null, isHms);
                var yMds = this.getSpecificDate();
                var result = String();
                for (var i = 0; i < dateArr.length; i++) {
                    if (!isHms && i === 2)
                        result += dateArr[i] + yMds[i] + ' ';
                        result += dateArr[i] + yMds[i];
                return result;
             * 获取工作日(星期)
             * @param day 天
            Assisted.prototype.getWorkDay = function (day) {
                return this.getWeeks()[day];
             * 获取工作日期(yyyy年MM月dd日)
            Assisted.prototype.getWorkingDateStr = function () {
                var dateArr = this.getDateArray(null, true);
                var yMds = this.getSpecificDate();
                var dayNum = this.getDateDay();
                var result = String();
                for (var i = 0; i < dateArr.length; i++)
                    result += dateArr[i] + yMds[i];
                return result + ' ' + this.getWorkDay(dayNum);
             * 获取时分秒
            Assisted.prototype.getChineseHourMinuteSecond = function () {
                var dateArr = this.getDateArray(null, false);
                var yMds = this.getSpecificDate();
                var result = String();
                for (var i = 3; i < dateArr.length; i++)
                    result += dateArr[i] + yMds[i];
                return result;
             * 获取时分秒
            Assisted.prototype.getHourMinuteSecond = function () {
                var dateArr = this.getDateArray(null, false);
                this.arr = new Array();
                var result = String();
                for (var i = 3; i < dateArr.length; i++)
                return this.arr.join(':');
             * 封装时间格式化
             * @param paramDate 时间日期对象
             * @param isHms 默认为年月日
            Assisted.prototype.getDateTime = function (paramDate, mow, isHms) {
                if (mow === void 0) { mow = null; }
                if (isHms === void 0) { isHms = true; }
                var dateArr = this.getDateArray(paramDate, isHms);
                var result = String();
                if (!mow) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < dateArr.length; i++)
                        result += dateArr[i];
                else {
                    if (isHms) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < dateArr.length; i++)
                            result += dateArr[i] + mow;
                        result = result.substring(result.lastIndexOf(mow), 0);
                    else {
                        for (var i = 0; i < dateArr.length; i++) {
                            if (i === 3) {
                                result = result.substring(result.lastIndexOf(mow), 0) + ' ';
                                mow = ':';
                            result += dateArr[i] + mow;
                        result = result.substring(result.lastIndexOf(mow), 0);
                return result;
             * 验证字符串内容是否为空
             * @param str
            Assisted.prototype.isNullOrEmpty = function (str) {
                if (str !== null && str !== '') {
                    str = str.trim();
                    if (str === '')
                        return false;
                    return true;
                    return false;
            return Assisted;
         * 时间帮助类
        var DateUtils = /** @class */ (function () {
            function DateUtils() {
                 * 私有帮助变量
                this.asted = new Assisted();
             * 获取当前时间戳
            DateUtils.prototype.getTimeStamp = function () {
                return new Date().getTime();
             * 获取当前时间
             * @param mow 日期分割符号允许空字符串(空字符串返回日期时间戳)
             * @param isHms 默认为年月日
            DateUtils.prototype.getCurrentTime = function (mow, isHms) {
                if (mow === void 0) { mow = null; }
                if (isHms === void 0) { isHms = true; }
                return this.asted.getDateTime(null, mow, isHms);
             * 获取指定的当前时间
             * @param sort 时间格式年月日时分秒(yyyy=年,MM=月,dd=日,HH=时,mm=分,ss=秒)
             * @param symbol 计算符号
             * @param num 指定时间
             * @param mow 日期分隔符
             * @param isHms 默认为年月日
            DateUtils.prototype.getSpecifiedTime = function (sort, symbol, num, mow, isHms) {
                if (mow === void 0) { mow = null; }
                if (isHms === void 0) { isHms = true; }
                var myDate = new Date();
                var sortErr = 'abnormal time format';
                switch (symbol) {
                    case '':
                    case '+':
                        switch (sort) {
                            case '':
                            case 'yyyy':
                                myDate.setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() + num);
                            case '':
                            case 'MM':
                                myDate.setMonth(new Date().getMonth() + num);
                            case '':
                            case 'dd':
                                myDate.setDate(new Date().getDate() + num);
                            case '':
                            case 'HH':
                                myDate.setHours(new Date().getHours() + num);
                            case '':
                            case 'mm':
                                myDate.setMinutes(new Date().getMinutes() + num);
                            case '':
                            case 'ss':
                                myDate.setSeconds(new Date().getSeconds() + num);
                                return console.error(sortErr);
                    case '':
                    case '-':
                        switch (sort) {
                            case '':
                            case 'yyyy':
                                myDate.setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() - num);
                            case '':
                            case 'MM':
                                myDate.setMonth(new Date().getMonth() - num);
                            case '':
                            case 'dd':
                                myDate.setDate(new Date().getDate() - num);
                            case '':
                            case 'HH':
                                myDate.setHours(new Date().getHours() - num);
                            case '':
                            case 'mm':
                                myDate.setMinutes(new Date().getMinutes() - num);
                            case '':
                            case 'ss':
                                myDate.setSeconds(new Date().getSeconds() - num);
                                return console.error(sortErr);
                        return console.error('incorrect calculation symbol entered');
                return this.asted.getDateTime(myDate, mow, isHms);
             * 获取时间(yyyy年MM月dd日)
             * @param isHms 默认为年月日
            DateUtils.prototype.getChineseDate = function (isHms) {
                if (isHms === void 0) { isHms = true; }
                return this.asted.getChineseDateString(isHms);
             * 获取时分秒(HH时mm分ss秒)
            DateUtils.prototype.getChineseHMS = function () {
                return this.asted.getChineseHourMinuteSecond();
             * 获取时分秒(HH:mm:ss)
            DateUtils.prototype.getHMS = function () {
                return this.asted.getHourMinuteSecond();
             * 根据指定的时间获取星期(默认今天)
             * @param timestamp 日期时间戳
            DateUtils.prototype.getWorkDate = function (timestamp) {
                if (timestamp === void 0) { timestamp = null; }
                var myDate = new Date();
                if (this.asted.isNullOrEmpty(timestamp))
                    try {
                        if (this.asted.isNullOrEmpty(timestamp) && !isNaN(Date.parse(timestamp)))
                            myDate = new Date(timestamp);
                            throw 'not a time date format';
                    catch (error) {
                        return console.error(error);
                return this.asted.getWeeks()[myDate.getDay()];
             * 获取工作时间(yyyy年MM月dd日 星期)
            DateUtils.prototype.getWorkingDate = function () {
                return this.asted.getWorkingDateStr();
             * 获取生肖
             * @param symbol 分隔符号(默认数组)
            DateUtils.prototype.getBranchesZodiac = function (symbol) {
                if (symbol === void 0) { symbol = null; }
                return this.asted.getTwelveZodiacSignsAndBranches(symbol);
             * 格式化时间戳
             * @param timestamp 时间戳
             * @param mow 指定格式
             * @param isHms 默认为年月日
            DateUtils.prototype.formatTimestamp = function (timestamp, mow, isHms) {
                if (mow === void 0) { mow = null; }
                if (isHms === void 0) { isHms = true; }
                var timeLen = timestamp.toString().length;
                timestamp = timeLen > 10 ? timestamp : timestamp * 1000;
                var myDate = new Date(timestamp);
                return this.asted.getDateTime(myDate, mow, isHms);
            return DateUtils;
        DateHelper.DateUtils = DateUtils;
    })(DateHelper || (DateHelper = {}));
    var myDate = new DateHelper.DateUtils();
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/FGang/p/12954905.html
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