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  • Qt-Chart在的使用(生成双线、隐藏线,实时动态生成线、时间轴、定义线的颜色)


    https://www.cnblogs.com/mrlayfolk/p/13375358.html   官方实例

    https://www.freesion.com/article/7245531685/    实时动态曲线

    https://blog.csdn.net/gongjianbo1992/article/details/98615059   增加背景图片


     1 QT       += core gui
     2 QT += charts
     4 greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
     6 CONFIG += c++11
     7 CONFIG += console
     9 # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
    10 # any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings
    11 # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
    12 # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
    18 # You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
    19 # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
    20 # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
    21 #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000    # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
    23 SOURCES += 
    24     main.cpp 
    25     mainwindow.cpp
    27 HEADERS += 
    28     mainwindow.h 
    29     usb103.h
    31 FORMS += 
    32     mainwindow.ui
    34 dllPath = D:/QtDemo/testDLL/testDLL
    35 LIBS += -L$${dllPath} -lusb103 
    37 TARGET = ../../Project/bin/USB192
    39 # Default rules for deployment.
    40 qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
    41 else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
    42 !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
    View Code


     1 #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H
     2 #define MAINWINDOW_H
     4 #include <QMainWindow>
     5 #include <QLibrary>
     6 #include <QDebug>
     7 #include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
     8 #include <QtCharts/QChartView>
     9 #include <QtCharts/QSplineSeries>
    10 #include <QChart>
    11 #include <QLineEdit>
    12 #include <QLabel>
    13 #include <QVBoxLayout>
    14 #include <QHBoxLayout>
    15 #include <QDateTimeAxis>
    16 #include <QValueAxis>
    17 #include <QTimer>
    18 #include <QDateTime>
    19 #include <QPushButton>
    20 #include <QSlider>
    21 #include <QCheckBox>
    22 #include <QColorDialog>
    23 #include <QStringListModel>
    24 #include <QStandardItemModel>
    25 #include <QModelIndex>
    27 #include <usb103.h>
    29 QT_CHARTS_USE_NAMESPACE   //浣跨敤QChart蹇呴』瑕佹坊鍔犺繖鍙�
    32 namespace Ui { class MainWindow; }
    35 class QtChartDemoZoom : public QChartView
    36 {
    37     Q_OBJECT
    38 public:
    39     QtChartDemoZoom(QChart *chart, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
    40     ~QtChartDemoZoom();
    41 protected:
    42     virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *pEvent) override;
    43     virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) override;
    44     virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) override;
    45     virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) override;
    46 private:
    47     bool m_bMiddleButtonPressed;
    48     QPoint m_oPrePos;
    49 };
    51 class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
    52 {
    53     Q_OBJECT
    54 public:
    55     MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
    56     ~MainWindow();
    58     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* size);
    59 private:
    60     void initDraw();// 鍒濆�鍖栫敾甯�
    61     void on_DrawLine();// 鐢荤嚎
    62 private slots:
    63     void on_pushButton_clicked();
    64     void on_pushButton_6_clicked();
    65     void on_pushButton_2_clicked();
    66     void on_pushButton_7_clicked();
    67     void on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(int value);
    68     void on_pushButton_4_clicked();
    69     void on_Timer();
    70     void on_pushButton_5_clicked();
    71     void on_pushButton_3_clicked();
    73     void on_pushButton_8_clicked();
    75     void on_pushButton_9_clicked();
    77 private:
    78     Ui::MainWindow *ui;
    79     HANDLE g_pDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    80     QTimer *m_pTimer = NULL;
    81     QtChartDemoZoom *m_pChartView;
    82     double m_data[20];
    83     QStandardItemModel *m_pItemModel;
    84     //
    85     QtCharts::QChart *m_pChart;  // 鐢诲竷
    86     QtCharts::QSplineSeries *m_pSeries0; // 绾�
    87     QtCharts::QDateTimeAxis *m_pAxisX; // 杞�
    88     QtCharts::QValueAxis *m_pAxisY;
    89     //
    90     int m_nSeriesCount = 19;// 绾跨殑鎬绘暟
    91     QList<QColor> m_ColorList= {Qt::red, Qt::green, Qt::white, Qt::gray, Qt::blue,
    92                                 Qt::cyan, Qt::magenta, Qt::yellow, Qt::darkRed, Qt::darkGreen,
    93                                 Qt::darkBlue, Qt::darkYellow, Qt::darkMagenta, Qt::darkCyan, Qt::darkBlue,
    94                                 Qt::lightGray, Qt::darkGray, Qt::black, Qt::color1,};//绾跨殑棰滆壊
    95 };
    96 #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
    View Code


      1 #include <windows.h>
      3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      4 //功能: 读取数据
      5 DWORD  _stdcall USB_Read(    
      6                          LONG CODEINDEX,       //控制码
      7                          PVOID pData,          //接收缓冲区 
      8                          DWORD dwLen,          //要读取的长度
      9                          PDWORD pLength,       //实际读到的数据
     10                          DWORD dwMilliseconds);//设置超时
     12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     13 //功能: 写入数据
     14 DWORD  _stdcall USB_Write(
     15                           LONG CODEINDEX,      //控制码
     16                           PVOID pData,         //发送缓冲区
     17                           DWORD dwLen,         //发送长度
     18                           PDWORD pLength,      //实际发送的长度
     19     DWORD dwMilliseconds);//设置超时
     21 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     22 //功能: 读取某个端点的数据
     23 //返回: TRUE - 成功 , FALSE - 失败
     24 DWORD  _stdcall USB_Read_EndPoint(
     25                                   UCHAR EndPointNO,      //端点号
     26                                   PVOID pData,           //接收缓冲区 
     27                                   DWORD dwLen,           //要读取的长度
     28                                   PDWORD pLength,        //实际读到的数据
     29                                   DWORD dwMilliseconds); //设置超时
     31 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     32 //功能: 写入数据到某个端点
     33 //返回: TRUE - 成功 , FALSE - 失败
     34 DWORD  _stdcall USB_Write_EndPoint(
     35                                    UCHAR EndPointNO,     //端点号
     36                                    PVOID pData,          //发送缓冲区
     37                                    DWORD dwLen,          //发送长度
     38                                    PDWORD pLength,       //实际发送的长度
     39                                    DWORD dwMilliseconds);//设置超时
     40 //======================================================================================================================//
     42 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     43 //功能: 获取当前连接的设备数目
     44 DWORD    _stdcall USB_GetDeviceCount(void);
     46 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     47 //功能: 打开设备
     48 //参数: dwDeviceNum设备序号,值为:0 ~ count-1 (count为USBIO_GetDeviceCount());
     49 //返回: 指向设备的句柄
     50 HANDLE    _stdcall USB_OpenDevice(DWORD dwDeviceNum);
     52 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     53 //功能: 关闭设备
     54 //参数: handle 要关闭的设备句柄
     55 BOOL    _stdcall USB_CloseDevice(HANDLE handle);
     57 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     58 //功能: 配置IO为输入或输出
     59 //参数: configdata 需要14个字节的数组
     60 //      0.1->PA , 2.3->PB , 4.5->PC , 6.7->PD , 8.9->PE , 10.11->PF , 12.13->PG
     61 //      例如:configdata[0],configdata[1]这两个字节(16位)对应PA口的16个引脚
     62 //           字节configdata[0],configdata[1]分别对应PA15-8 PA7-0的配置值
     63 //           configdata[0]最高位对应PA^15,configdata[0]最低位对应PA^8 
     64 //           configdata[1]最高位对应PA^7,configdata[1]最低位对应PA^0
     65 //      每位值表示的含义: 0:表示输出(即用作控制) , 1:表示输入(即用作采集)
     66 //返回: 0 - 失败,1 - 成功
     67 DWORD _stdcall USBIO_ConfigAll(UCHAR configdata[]);
     69 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     70 //功能: 读位
     71 //返回: 0 - 低电平,1 - 高电平,2 - 通信错误请求重发,3 - 数据出错,4 - 未响应
     72 DWORD _stdcall USBIO_ReadBit(
     73     UCHAR port,              //端口0-6对应A-G
     74     UCHAR bit);              //引脚0-15
     76 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     77 //功能: 写位
     78 //返回: 0 - 低电平, 1 - 高电平, 2 - 失败
     79 DWORD _stdcall USBIO_WriteBit(
     80     UCHAR port,           //端口0-6对应A-G
     81     UCHAR bit,            //引脚0-15
     82     UCHAR value);         //写入内容:0 或者 1
     83 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     84 //功能: 写端口
     85 DWORD _stdcall USBIO_WriteALL(
     86     UCHAR port,//端口0-6
     87     UCHAR value);//写入内容:0 或者 1
     90 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     91 //功能: 读取全部端口状态
     92 //参数: data 双字节型数组,数组的每个元素对应一个端口
     93 //      data[0]的最高位对应PA^15,data[6]最低位对应PG^0
     94 //      每位值表示的含义: 0 - 低电平,1 - 高电平
     95 //返回: 0 - 失败,1 - 成功
     96 DWORD _stdcall USBIO_ReadAll(USHORT data[]/*接收缓冲区*/);
     98 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     99 //功能: 配置AD采样率
    100 //参数: 0-7
    101 //返回: 0 - 失败 , 1 - 成功
    102 DWORD _stdcall USBAD_Config(UCHAR ConfigData);
    104 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    105 //功能: 读取19个通道的AD数据
    106 //参数: data[0]为通道0数据,data[1]为通道1数据...
    107 //      data[0]/4096.0*3.3 为通道0实际电压值,data[1]/4096.0*3.3为通道1实际电压值...
    108 //返回: 0 - 失败 , 1 - 成功
    109 DWORD _stdcall USBAD_ReadAll(USHORT data[]);
    111 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    112 //功能: 配置DA采样率
    113 //参数: 0-65535
    114 //返回: 0 - 失败 , 1 - 成功
    115 DWORD _stdcall USBDA_Config(USHORT OutData);
    117 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    118 //功能: DA输出
    119 //参数: 需要长度为2的双字节数组 
    120 //      OutData[0]的低12位(0-11)为DA1
    121 //      OutData[1]的低12位为(0-11)为DA2
    122 //      OutData[0],OutData[1]高4位无效
    123 //返回: 0 - 失败 , 1 - 成功
    124 DWORD _stdcall USBDA_Out(USHORT OutData[]);
    126 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    127 //功能: PWM输出
    128 //参数: 需要长度为5的单字节数组
    129 //      OutData[0] 通道
    130 //      OutData[1] 分频高字节
    131 //      OutData[2] 分频低字节
    132 //      OutData[3] 占空比高字节
    133 //      OutData[4] 占空比低字节
    134 //返回: 0 - 失败 , 1 - 成功
    135 DWORD _stdcall USBPWM_Out(UCHAR OutData[]);
    138 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    139 //功能: 配置地址
    140 //参数: Address 配置地址范围0-255
    141 DWORD _stdcall USB_SetAddress(UCHAR Address);
    143 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    144 //功能: 获取设备的序列号
    145 //返回: 成功:设备序列号 失败:-1
    146 int _stdcall USB_GetSerialNumber();
    View Code


    #include "mainwindow.h"
    #include <QApplication>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QApplication a(argc, argv);
        MainWindow w;
        return a.exec();
    View Code


      1 #include "mainwindow.h"
      2 #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
      4 MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
      5     : QMainWindow(parent)
      6     , ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
      7 {
      8     ui->setupUi(this);
     10     initDraw();
     12     m_pItemModel = new QStandardItemModel(this);
     13     ui->listView_showmaxmin->setModel(m_pItemModel);
     15     m_pTimer = new QTimer;
     16 //    m_pTimer->start(10);
     17     m_pTimer->setInterval(30);
     18     m_pTimer->setSingleShot(false);
     19     connect(m_pTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_Timer);
     23 }
     25 MainWindow::~MainWindow()
     26 {
     27     delete ui;
     28 }
     30 void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *size)
     31 {
     32     if (m_pChartView)
     33     {
     34         m_pChartView->setGeometry(30, 260, this->width(), this->height() - 260);
     35     }
     36 }
     38 void MainWindow::initDraw()
     39 {
     40     QPen penY(Qt::black, 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
     41     m_pChart = new QChart();
     42     m_pChart->setBackgroundVisible(false);
     43     // m_pChart->setTheme(QChart::ChartThemeBlueCerulean);// 设置系统主题
     44     // m_pChart->setAnimationOptions(QChart::AllAnimations);// 设置启用或禁用动画
     45     // m_pChart->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(QColor(170,170,255)));// 设置背景色,主题和背景二选一
     46     // m_pChart->setDropShadowEnabled(true);// 是否背景阴影
     47     // m_pChart->setLocalizeNumbers(true);//数字是否本地化
     48     // m_pChart->legend()->show();//legend是否显示,show和hide
     49     // m_pChart->legend()->setVisible(true);
     50     // m_pChart->legend()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom);//底部对齐
     51     // m_pChart->legend()->detachFromChart();
     52     // m_pChart->legend()->setBackgroundVisible(true);//设置背景是否可视
     53     // m_pChart->legend()->setAutoFillBackground(true);//设置背景自动填充
     54     // m_pChart->legend()->setColor(QColor(255,128,128,128));//设置颜色
     55     // m_pChart->legend()->setContentsMargins(10,10,10,10);//设置边距left,top,right,bottom
     56     // m_pChart->legend()->setLabelColor(QColor(255,128,255));//设置标签颜色
     57     // m_pChart->legend()->setVisible(true);//设置是否可视
     58     // m_pChart->legend()->setMaximumHeight(50);
     59     // m_pChart->legend()->setMaximumWidth(120);
     60     // m_pChart->legend()->setMaximumSize(10000);
     61     // m_pChart->legend()->setGeometry(50,50,120,50);//设置几何位置x,y,w,h
     62     // m_pChart->legend()->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(128,128,128,128)));
     63     // m_pChart->legend()->setPen(QPen(QColor(192,192, 192,192)));
     64     // m_pChart->legend()->setBorderColor(QColor(255,255,170,185));//设置边框颜色
     65     // QFont font = chart->legend()->font();
     66     // font.setItalic(!font.italic());
     67     // m_pChart->legend()->setFont(font);//设置字体为斜体
     68     // font.setPointSizeF(12);
     69     // m_pChart->legend()->setFont(font);//设置字体大小
     70     // m_pChart->legend()->setFont(QFont("微软雅黑"));//设置字体类型
     72     // m_pChart->addSeries(series1);//添加系列到QChart上
     73     // m_pChart->createDefaultAxes();//创建默认轴
     74     // m_pChart->setTitle("Simple line chart example");//设置标题
     75     // m_pChart->setTitleBrush(QBrush(QColor(255,170,255)));//设置标题Brush
     76     // m_pChart->setTitleFont(QFont("微软雅黑"));//设置标题字体
     79     m_pSeries0 = new QSplineSeries;
     80     m_pSeries0->setName("Series_0");// 设置线条名称
     81     m_pSeries0->setUseOpenGL(true);
     82     // m_pSeries0->setColor(QColor(255,0,255));// 设置线条颜色,如果不设置会给默认颜色
     83     // series1->setBrush(QColor(255,0,255));
     84     // series1->setPen(QColor(255,0,255))
     85     // m_pSeries0->setVisible(true); // 设置是否线条可视
     86     // m_pSeries0->setPointLabelsVisible(true);// 点标签是否可视
     87     // m_pSeries0->setPointLabelsColor(QColor(255,255,255)); // 点标签颜色
     88     // m_pSeries0->setPointLabelsFont(QFont("微软雅黑"));// 点标签字体
     89     // m_pSeries0->setPointLabelsFormat("(@xPoint,@yPoint)");// 设置点标签显示格式
     90     // m_pSeries0->setPointLabelsClipping(false);// 是否切割边缘点标签,默认为true
     91     // m_pSeries0->setPointsVisible(true);// 设置点标签是否可视
     92     // m_pSeries0->append(0, 6);// 添加坐标点
     93     // m_pSeries0 << QPointF(11, 1);// 添加坐标点
     95     m_pAxisX = new QDateTimeAxis();
     96     m_pAxisY = new QValueAxis();
     98     m_pChart->legend()->hide();                             //隐藏图例
     99     m_pChart->addSeries(m_pSeries0);                         //把线添加到chart
    100     m_pAxisX->setTickCount(10);        //设置坐标轴格数
    101     m_pAxisY->setTickCount(5);
    102     m_pAxisX->setFormat("hh:mm:ss");                        //设置时间显示格式
    103     m_pAxisY->setMin(0);                                    //设置Y轴范围
    104     m_pAxisY->setMax(4095);
    105     m_pAxisX->setTitleText(QStringLiteral("实时时间"));       //设置X轴名称
    106     m_pAxisY->setLinePenColor(QColor(Qt::darkBlue));        //设置坐标轴颜色样式
    107     m_pAxisY->setGridLineColor(QColor(Qt::darkBlue));
    108     m_pAxisY->setGridLineVisible(false);                    //设置Y轴网格不显示
    109     m_pAxisY->setLinePen(penY);
    110     m_pAxisX->setLinePen(penY);
    112     m_pChart->addAxis(m_pAxisX,Qt::AlignBottom);               // 设置坐标轴位于chart中的位置
    113     m_pChart->addAxis(m_pAxisY,Qt::AlignLeft);
    115     m_pSeries0->attachAxis(m_pAxisX);                           // 把数据添加到坐标轴上
    116     m_pSeries0->attachAxis(m_pAxisY);
    117     QPen S1Pen(m_ColorList[0], 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
    118     m_pSeries0->setPen(S1Pen);
    120     m_pAxisY->setTitleText("y1");
    121     m_pAxisY->setTitleVisible(false);
    123     // 把chart显示到窗口上
    124 //    QtCharts::QChartView *chartView = new QtCharts::QChartView(m_pChart, this);
    125     m_pChartView = new QtChartDemoZoom(m_pChart, this);
    126     m_pChartView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);   // 设置抗锯齿
    127     m_pChartView->setStyleSheet(R"(QGraphicsView{background-image:url(:/new/prefix1/12954363.jpg);})");
    128     m_pChartView->setGeometry(30, 260, 1000, 250);
    130     QtCharts::QSplineSeries *oNewSeries;
    131     QString sSeriesName = "Series_%1";
    132     for (int i = 1; i < m_nSeriesCount; i++)
    133     {
    134         oNewSeries= new QSplineSeries;
    135         oNewSeries->setUseOpenGL(true);
    136         oNewSeries->setName(sSeriesName.arg(QString::number(i)));
    137         m_pChart->addSeries(oNewSeries);                         //把线添加到chart
    138         oNewSeries->attachAxis(m_pAxisX);                        // 把数据添加到坐标轴上
    139         oNewSeries->attachAxis(m_pAxisY);
    140         QPen S2Pen(m_ColorList[i], 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
    141         oNewSeries->setPen(S2Pen);
    142     }
    143 }
    145 void MainWindow::on_DrawLine()
    146 {
    147     int number;
    148     QDateTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    149     // 设置坐标轴显示范围
    150     m_pChart->axisX()->setMin(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(-60 * 1));       //系统当前时间的前一秒
    151     m_pChart->axisX()->setMax(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(0));            //系统当前时间
    152     // 刷新显示最大最小值
    153     m_pItemModel->clear();
    154     // 增加新的点到曲线末端
    155     for(int nSeriesIndex = 0; nSeriesIndex < m_pChart->series().size(); ++nSeriesIndex)
    156     {
    157         // 增加实时数据
    158         QtCharts::QSplineSeries *oSeries = dynamic_cast<QtCharts::QSplineSeries*>(m_pChart->series().at(nSeriesIndex));
    159         oSeries->append(currentTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), m_data[nSeriesIndex+1]);
    161         QString sCheckBoxName = "checkBox_%1";
    162         QCheckBox *oCheckBox = QWidget::findChild<QCheckBox*>(sCheckBoxName.arg(QString::number(nSeriesIndex)));
    163         if (oCheckBox->isChecked())
    164         {
    165             oSeries->setVisible(true);
    166             // 刷新显示最大最小值
    167             QString sCount = QStringLiteral("端口:%1 总数:%2");
    168             QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(sCount.arg(oCheckBox->text()).arg(oSeries->pointsVector().size()));
    169             m_pItemModel->appendRow(item);
    170         }
    171         else
    172             oSeries->setVisible(false);
    173     }
    174 }
    177 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
    178 {
    179     g_pDevice = USB_OpenDevice(0);
    180     if (g_pDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    181     {
    182         int n = USB_GetSerialNumber();
    183         QString sTitle = QStringLiteral("锟借备锟窖达拷锟斤拷,锟借备ID锟斤拷: %1");
    184         setWindowTitle(sTitle.arg(QString::number(n)));
    185     }
    186     else
    187     {
    188        setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("锟斤拷锟斤拷失锟斤拷"));
    189     }
    190 }
    192 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_6_clicked()
    193 {
    194     int DeviceNumber = USB_GetDeviceCount();
    195     setWindowTitle(QString::number(DeviceNumber));
    196 }
    198 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
    199 {
    200     if (USB_CloseDevice(g_pDevice))
    201     {
    202         //锟借备锟窖关憋拷
    203         setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("锟借备锟窖关憋拷"));
    204     }
    205 }
    207 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_7_clicked()
    208 {
    209     if (USBAD_Config(ui->lineEdit->text().toDouble()))
    210     {
    211         setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("锟斤拷锟矫成癸拷"));
    212     }
    213     else
    214     {
    215         setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("锟斤拷锟斤拷失锟斤拷"));
    216     }
    218 }
    220 void MainWindow::on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(int value)
    221 {
    222     ui->lineEdit->setText(QString::number(value));
    223 }
    225 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
    226 {
    227     m_pTimer->start();
    228 }
    230 void MainWindow::on_Timer()
    231 {
    232 //    qDebug() << "-------------------------------";
    233     USHORT data[19];
    234     if(USBAD_ReadAll(data))
    235     {
    236         for (int i = 0;i < 19;i++)
    237         {
    238             m_data[i+1] = data[i];//4096.0*3.3;
    239             QString str;
    240             str = QString::number(m_data[i+1], 'f', 4);
    241             m_data[i+1] = str.toDouble();
    242         }
    243         ui->lineEdit_0->setText(QString::number(m_data[1], 'f', 4));
    244         ui->lineEdit_1->setText(QString::number(m_data[2], 'f', 4));
    245         ui->lineEdit_2->setText(QString::number(m_data[3], 'f', 4));
    246         ui->lineEdit_3->setText(QString::number(m_data[4], 'f', 4));
    247         ui->lineEdit_4->setText(QString::number(m_data[5], 'f', 4));
    248         ui->lineEdit_5->setText(QString::number(m_data[6], 'f', 4));
    249         ui->lineEdit_6->setText(QString::number(m_data[7], 'f', 4));
    250         ui->lineEdit_7->setText(QString::number(m_data[8], 'f', 4));
    251         ui->lineEdit_8->setText(QString::number(m_data[9], 'f', 4));
    252         ui->lineEdit_9->setText(QString::number(m_data[10], 'f', 4));
    253         ui->lineEdit_10->setText(QString::number(m_data[11], 'f', 4));
    254         ui->lineEdit_11->setText(QString::number(m_data[12], 'f', 4));
    255         ui->lineEdit_12->setText(QString::number(m_data[13], 'f', 4));
    256         ui->lineEdit_13->setText(QString::number(m_data[14], 'f', 4));
    257         ui->lineEdit_14->setText(QString::number(m_data[15], 'f', 4));
    258         ui->lineEdit_15->setText(QString::number(m_data[16], 'f', 4));
    259         ui->lineEdit_16->setText(QString::number(m_data[17], 'f', 4));
    260         ui->lineEdit_17->setText(QString::number(m_data[18], 'f', 4));
    261         ui->lineEdit_18->setText(QString::number(m_data[19], 'f', 4));
    263         on_DrawLine();
    264     }
    265 }
    267 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_5_clicked()
    268 {
    269     m_pTimer->stop();
    270 }
    272 QtChartDemoZoom::QtChartDemoZoom(QChart *chart, QWidget *parent)
    273     : QChartView(chart, parent)
    274     , m_bMiddleButtonPressed(false)
    275     , m_oPrePos(0, 0)
    276 {
    278 }
    280 QtChartDemoZoom::~QtChartDemoZoom()
    281 {
    283 }
    285 void QtChartDemoZoom::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *pEvent)
    286 {
    287     qreal rVal = std::pow(0.999, pEvent->delta()); // 设置比例
    288      // 1. 读取视图基本信息
    289      QRectF oPlotAreaRect = this->chart()->plotArea();
    290      QPointF oCenterPoint = oPlotAreaRect.center();
    291      // 2. 水平调整
    292      oPlotAreaRect.setWidth(oPlotAreaRect.width() * rVal);
    293      // 3. 竖直调整
    294      oPlotAreaRect.setHeight(oPlotAreaRect.height() * rVal);
    295      // 4.1 计算视点,视点不变,围绕中心缩放
    296      //QPointF oNewCenterPoint(oCenterPoint);
    297      // 4.2 计算视点,让鼠标点击的位置移动到窗口中心
    298      //QPointF oNewCenterPoint(pEvent->pos());
    299      // 4.3 计算视点,让鼠标点击的位置尽量保持不动(等比换算,存在一点误差)
    300      QPointF oNewCenterPoint(2 * oCenterPoint - pEvent->pos() - (oCenterPoint - pEvent->pos()) / rVal);
    301      // 5. 设置视点
    302      oPlotAreaRect.moveCenter(oNewCenterPoint);
    303      // 6. 提交缩放调整
    304      this->chart()->zoomIn(oPlotAreaRect);
    305      __super::wheelEvent(pEvent);
    306 }
    308 void QtChartDemoZoom::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
    309 {
    310     if (m_bMiddleButtonPressed)
    311      {
    312      QPoint oDeltaPos = pEvent->pos() - m_oPrePos;
    313      this->chart()->scroll(-oDeltaPos.x(), oDeltaPos.y());
    314      m_oPrePos = pEvent->pos();
    315      }
    316     __super::mouseMoveEvent(pEvent);
    317 }
    319 void QtChartDemoZoom::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
    320 {
    321     if (pEvent->button() == Qt::MiddleButton)
    322     {
    323     m_bMiddleButtonPressed = true;
    324     m_oPrePos = pEvent->pos();
    325     this->setCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor);
    326     }
    327     __super::mousePressEvent(pEvent);
    328 }
    330 void QtChartDemoZoom::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
    331 {
    332     if (pEvent->button() == Qt::MiddleButton)
    333     {
    334     m_bMiddleButtonPressed = false;
    335     this->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
    336     }
    337     __super::mouseReleaseEvent(pEvent);
    338 }
    340 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked()
    341 {
    342     m_pAxisY->setMin(0);                                    //设置Y轴范围
    343     m_pAxisY->setMax(4095);
    344 }
    346 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_8_clicked()
    347 {
    348     m_pAxisY->setMin(ui->lineEdit_Y1->text().toInt());                                    //设置Y轴范围
    349     m_pAxisY->setMax(ui->lineEdit_Y2->text().toInt());
    350 }
    352 void MainWindow::on_pushButton_9_clicked()
    353 {
    354     QtCharts::QSplineSeries *oSeries = dynamic_cast<QtCharts::QSplineSeries*>(m_pChart->series().at(0));
    355     QVector<QPointF> Points = oSeries->pointsVector();
    356     qDebug() << "----------------------------------------------------";
    357     for (int i = 0; i < Points.size(); i++)
    358     {
    359         qDebug() << "x:" << QString::number(Points[i].x(), 'f', 0); // << Points[i].x();//QString::number(d, 'f', 0);
    360         qDebug() << "x:" << QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(Points[i].x()).toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz");
    361         qDebug() << "y:" << Points[i].y();
    362     }
    363 }
    View Code


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    View Code


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/FKdelphi/p/14482360.html
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