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  • Delphi实现RGB色环的代码绘制(XE10.2+WIN764)










      1 unit Unit1;
      3 interface
      5 uses
      6   Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
      7   Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls;
      9 type
     10   TForm1 = class(TForm)
     11     Button1: TButton;
     12     Image1: TImage;
     13     CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
     14     Label1: TLabel;
     15     Label2: TLabel;
     16     Label3: TLabel;
     17     Label4: TLabel;
     18     Label5: TLabel;
     19     Label6: TLabel;
     20     procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
     21     procedure Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
     22       Y: Integer);
     23   private
     24     { Private declarations }
     25   public
     26     { Public declarations }
     27   end;
     29 var
     30   Form1: TForm1;
     32 implementation
     34 {$R *.dfm}
     36 //生成RGB色环的代码绘制
     37 //传入图片的大小
     38 function CreateColorCircle(const size: integer): TBitmap;
     39 var
     40   i,j,x,y: Integer;
     41   radius: integer;
     42   perimeter,arc,degree,step: double;
     43   R,G,B: byte;
     44   color: TColor;
     45 begin
     46   radius := round(size / 2);
     47   RESULT := TBitmap.Create;
     48   R:=255;
     49   G:=0;
     50   B:=0;
     51   with RESULT do
     52   begin
     53     width := size;
     54     height:= size;
     55     pixelFormat := pf24bit;
     56     Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R,G,B);
     57     x := size + 1;
     58     y := round(radius) + 1;
     59     Canvas.FillRect(Rect(size,round(radius),x,y));
     60     for j := 0 to size do
     61       begin
     62       perimeter := (size - j) * PI + 1;
     63       arc := perimeter / 6;
     64       step := ( 255 * 6 ) / perimeter ; //颜色渐变步长
     65       for i := 0 to round(perimeter) - 1 do
     66         begin
     67           degree := 360 / perimeter * i;
     68           x := round(cos(degree * PI / 180) * (size - j + 1) / 2) + radius;//数学公式,最后加上的是圆心点
     69           y := round(sin(degree * PI / 180) * (size - j + 1) / 2) + radius;
     71           if (degree > 0) and (degree <= 60) then
     72           begin
     73             R := 255;
     74             G := 0;
     75             B := round(step * i);
     76           end;
     77           if (degree > 60) and (degree <= 120) then
     78           begin
     79             if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 60) > 1.0 then
     80               R := 255 - round(step * (i - arc))
     81             else
     82               R := 255 - round(step * ABS(i - arc));
     83             G := 0;
     84             B := 255;
     85           end;
     86           if (degree > 120) and (degree <= 180) then
     87           begin
     88             R := 0;
     89             if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 120) > 1.0 then
     90               G := round(step * (i - 2 * arc))
     91             else
     92               G := round(step * ABS(i - 2 * arc));
     93             B := 255;
     94           end;
     95           if (degree > 180) and (degree <= 240) then
     96           begin
     97             R := 0;
     98             G := 255;
     99             if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 120) > 1.0 then
    100               B := 255 - round(step * (i - perimeter / 2))
    101             else
    102               B := 255 - round(step * ABS(i - perimeter / 2));
    103           end;
    104           if (degree > 240) and (degree <= 300) then
    105           begin
    106             if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 240) > 1.0 then
    107               R := round(step * (i - 4 * arc))
    108             else
    109               R := round(step * ABS(i - 4 * arc)) ;
    110             G := 255;
    111             B := 0;
    112           end;
    113           if (degree > 300) and (degree <= 360) then
    114           begin
    115             R := 255;
    116             if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 300) > 1.0 then
    117               G := 255 - round(step * (i - 5 * arc))
    118             else
    119               G := 255 - round(step * ABS(i - 5 * arc));
    120             B := 0;
    121           end;
    122           color := RGB( ROUND(R + (255 - R)/size * j),ROUND(G + (255 - G) / size * j),ROUND(B + (255 - B) / size * j));
    123           Canvas.Brush.Color := color;
    124           //为了绘制出来的圆好看,分成四个部分进行绘制
    125           if (degree >= 0) and (degree <= 45) then
    126             Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x-2,y-1));
    127           if (degree > 45) and (degree <= 135) then
    128             Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x-1,y-2));
    129           if (degree > 135) and (degree <= 225) then
    130             Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x+2,y+1));
    131           if (degree > 215) and (degree <= 315) then
    132             Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x+1,y+2));
    133           if (degree > 315) and (degree <= 360) then
    134             Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x-2,y-1));
    135         end;
    136       end;
    137   end;
    138 end;
    140 //扣出中心的黑色圆
    141 //输入图片与中心圆的半径
    142 procedure BuckleHole(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARadius: Integer);
    143 var
    144   oBmp :TBitmap;
    145   oRgn :HRGN;
    146 begin
    147 //  oBmp := TBitmap.Create; //为了代码整齐就不写try了
    148 //  oBmp.PixelFormat := ABitmap.PixelFormat;
    149 //  oBmp.Width := ABitmap.Width;
    150 //  oBmp.Height := ABitmap.Height;
    151 //  BitBlt(oBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, oBmp.Width, oBmp.Height, ABitmap.Canvas.Handle, 80, 80, SRCCOPY); //要拷贝的位图
    152 //  oRgn := CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, 100, 100); //创建圆形区域
    153 //  SelectClipRgn(ABitmap.Canvas.Handle, oRgn); //选择剪切区域
    154 //  ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, oBmp); //位图位于区域内的部分加载
    155 //  oBmp.Free;
    156 //  DeleteObject(oRgn);
    157   ABitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
    158   ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
    159   ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
    160   ABitmap.Canvas.Ellipse(Trunc(ABitmap.Width/2)-ARadius, Trunc(ABitmap.Height/2)-ARadius,
    161     Trunc(ABitmap.Width/2)+ARadius, Trunc(ABitmap.Height/2)+ARadius);
    162 end;
    164 //把中心圆做成透明的
    165 procedure MyDraw(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARadius: Integer);
    166 var
    167   bf: BLENDFUNCTION;
    168   desBmp, srcBmp: TBitmap;
    169   rgn: HRGN;
    170 begin
    171   with bf do
    172   begin
    173     BlendOp := AC_SRC_OVER;
    174     BlendFlags := 0;
    175     AlphaFormat := 0;
    176     SourceConstantAlpha := 0; // 透明度,0~255
    177   end;
    179   desBmp := TBitmap.Create;
    180   srcBmp := TBitmap.Create;
    182   try
    183     srcBmp.Assign(ABitmap);
    185     desBmp.Width := srcBmp.Width;
    186     desBmp.Height := srcBmp.Height;
    188     Winapi.Windows.AlphaBlend(desBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0,
    189       desBmp.Width, desBmp.Height, srcBmp.Canvas.Handle,
    190       0, 0, srcBmp.Width, srcBmp.Height, bf);
    192     rgn := CreateEllipticRgn(Trunc(ABitmap.Width/2)-ARadius, Trunc(ABitmap.Height/2)-ARadius,
    193     Trunc(ABitmap.Width/2)+ARadius, Trunc(ABitmap.Height/2)+ARadius); // 创建一个圆形区域
    194     SelectClipRgn(srcBmp.Canvas.Handle, rgn);
    195     srcBmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, desBmp);
    197     ABitmap.Assign(nil);
    198     ABitmap.Assign(srcBmp);
    199   finally
    200     desBmp.Free;
    201     srcBmp.Free;
    202   end
    203 end;
    205 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    206 var
    207   oBitmap: TBitmap;
    208    rgn: HRGN;
    209 begin
    210    oBitmap := CreateColorCircle(Image1.Width);
    211    if CheckBox1.Checked then //要不要代中心圆选项
    212 //     BuckleHole(oBitmap, 100);
    213    MyDraw(oBitmap, 100);
    214    Image1.Picture.Graphic := oBitmap;
    215    oBitmap.Free;
    216 end;
    218 procedure TForm1.Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
    219   Y: Integer);
    220   var
    221   oColor: TColor;
    222 begin
    223   //鼠标移动时提取颜色RGB的值
    224   with Image1 do
    225     oColor := GetPixel(GetDC(Parent.Handle), X + left,Y + Top);
    226   Label4.Caption := IntToStr(oColor and $FF);
    227   Label5.Caption := IntToStr((oColor and $FF00) shr 8);
    228   Label6.Caption := IntToStr((oColor and $FF0000) shr 16);
    229 end;
    231 end.
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