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  • h5-360_introduce页面案例







      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 <head>
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
      5     <title>Title</title>
      6     <link href="../css/360.css" rel="stylesheet">
      7     <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.fullPage.css">
      8     <script src="../js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
      9     <script src="../js/jquery.fullPage.js"></script>
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     15 <body>
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     17     <div class="section first">
     18         <div class="logo">
     19             <img src="static/images/logo.jpg" alt="">
     20         </div>
     21         <ul class="text1">
     22             <li>4</li>
     23             <li>亿</li>
     24             <li></li>
     25             <li></li>
     26             <li></li>
     27             <li></li>
     28             <li></li>
     29             <li></li>
     30         </ul>
     31         <div class="text2">
     32             更安全,更爽快,更智能,更时尚
     33         </div>
     34     </div>
     35     <div class="section second">
     36         <div class="shield">
     37             <img src="../img/dp1.png" alt="">
     38             <img src="../img/dp2.png" alt="">
     39             <img src="../img/dp3.png" alt="">
     40             <img src="../img/dp4.png" alt="">
     41             <img src="../img/dp5.png" alt="">
     42             <img src="../img/dp6.png" alt="">
     43             <img src="../img/dp7.png" alt="">
     44             <img src="../img/dp8.png" alt="">
     45         </div>
     46         <div class="info"></div>
     47     </div>
     48     <div class="section third">
     49         <div class="info"></div>
     50         <div class="circle">
     51             <div class="rocket"></div>
     52         </div>
     53     </div>
     54     <div class="section fourth">
     55         <div class="search">
     56             <div class="searchBar"></div>
     57             <div class="searchText"></div>
     58             <div class="searchResult"></div>
     59         </div>
     60         <div class="info"></div>
     61     </div>
     62     <div class="section fifth">
     63         <div class="info"></div>
     64         <div class="subject">
     65             <div class="topBorder"></div>
     66             <div class="bottomBorder"></div>
     67             <div class="leftBorder"></div>
     68             <div class="rightBorder"></div>
     69             <div class="nav">
     70                 <div class="icon"></div>
     71                 <div class="navHead">
     72                     <div class="info"></div>
     73                     <div class="minimum"></div>
     74                     <div class="maximum"></div>
     75                     <div class="close"></div>
     76                 </div>
     77                 <div class="Address-bar">
     78                     <div class="return"></div>
     79                     <div class="refresh"></div>
     80                     <div class="homepage"></div>
     81                     <div class="url">
     82                         <div class="quickness"></div>
     83                     </div>
     84                     <div class="list"></div>
     85                     <div class="search-box">
     86                         <div class="search"></div>
     87                     </div>
     88                 </div>
     89             </div>
     90         </div>
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     92 </div>
     93 <script>
     94     $(function(){
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    104     });
    105     $(function () {
    106         setTimeout(function () {
    107             $(".first").addClass("current");
    108         },500);
    109     });
    110 </script>
    111 </body>
    112 </html>


    1 body,div,img,ul,li{
    2     margin: 0;
    3     padding: 0;
    4 }
    5 .section{
    6     overflow: hidden;
    7 }





     1 .first  .logo{
     2     width: 390px;
     3     height: 110px;
     4     margin: 100px auto;
     5 }
     6 .first  .logo > img{
     7     width: 100%;
     8     height: 100%;
     9 }
    10 .first   .text1{
    11     width: 100%;
    12     height: 150px;
    13     line-height: 130px;
    14     text-align: center;
    15     font-size: 130px;
    16     font-weight:bold;
    17     color: #fff;
    18 }
    19 .first   .text1 > li{
    20     display:inline;
    21     list-style: none;
    22     margin: 0 40px;
    23     opacity: 0.5;
    24     transition: margin 1s,opacity 1s;
    26 }
    27 .first   .text2{
    28     width: 100%;
    29     height: 60px;
    30     line-height: 60px;
    31     text-align: center;
    32     font-size: 60px;
    33     font-weight:200;
    34     letter-spacing:20px;
    35     color: #fff;
    36     margin-top: 60px;
    38 }
    39 .first.current   .text1 > li{
    40     margin: 0 5px;
    41     opacity: 1;
    42 }




     1 .second > div{
     2     display: flex;
     3     justify-content: space-around;
     4     align-items: center;
     5 }
     6 .second .shield{
     7     width: 404px;
     8     height: 512px;
     9     font-size: 1px;
    10     position: relative;
    11 }
    12 .second .shield>img{
    13     width: 100%;
    14     height: 100%;
    15     position: absolute;
    16     top: 0;
    17     left: 0;
    18     transition: transform 1s;
    19 }
    21 .second .info{
    22     width: 800px;
    23     height: 350px;
    24     background: url("../img/info.png");
    25 }
    26 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(1){
    27     transform: translate(30px,-30px) rotate(30deg);
    28 }
    29 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(2){
    30     transform: translate(-30px,30px) rotate(-30deg);
    31 }
    32 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(3){
    33     transform: translate(90px,-90px) rotate(90deg);
    34 }
    35 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(4){
    36     transform: translate(-90px,90px) rotate(-90deg);
    37 }
    38 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(5){
    39     transform: translate(-200px,230px) rotate(230deg);
    40 }
    41 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(6){
    42     transform: translate(-130px,130px) rotate(-130deg);
    43 }
    44 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(7){
    45     transform: translate(220px,-220px) rotate(220deg);
    46 }
    47 .second .shield > img:nth-of-type(8){
    48     transform: translate(220px,-220px) rotate(30deg);
    49 }
    50 .second.current .shield > img{
    51     transform: none;
    52 }





     1 .third{
     2     position: relative;
     3 }
     4 .third .info{
     5     height: 500px;
     6     width: 800px;
     7     background: url("../img/info2.png");
     8     position: absolute;
     9     left: 50%;
    10     top: 50%;
    11     transform: translate(-100%,-50%);
    12 }
    13 .third .circle{
    14     height: 651px;
    15     width: 650px;
    16     background: url("../img/circle.png");
    17     position: absolute;
    18     right: 50%;
    19     top: 50%;
    20     transform: translate(130%,-50%);
    21 }
    23 .third .circle > .rocket{
    24     height: 500px;
    25     width: 500px;
    26     background: url("../img/rocket.png");
    27     position: absolute;
    28     left: -1000px;
    29     top: 1000px;
    30     transition: top 1s,left 1s;
    31 }
    32 .third.current .circle > .rocket{
    33     top: 40px;
    34     left: 130px;
    35 }






     1 /*第四屏样式*/
     2 .fourth{
     3     position: relative;
     4 }
     5 .fourth .search{
     6     width: 595px;
     7     height: 552px;
     8     position: absolute;
     9     top: 50%;
    10     left: 50%;
    11     transform: translate(-130%,-50%);
    12     overflow: hidden;
    13 }
    14 .fourth .search > .searchBar{
    15     width: 595px;
    16     height: 70px;
    17     background: url("../img/searchBar.png");
    18     transform: translateX(-100%);
    19 }
    20 .fourth .search > .searchResult{
    21     width: 595px;
    22     height: 0px;
    23     background: url("../img/searchResult.png");
    24 }
    25 .fourth .search > .searchText{
    26     width: 0px;
    27     height: 70px;
    28     background: url("../img/searchText.png");
    29     position: absolute;
    30     top: 0;
    31     left: 0;
    32 }
    33 .fourth  .info{
    34     width: 800px;
    35     height: 800px;
    36     background: url("../img/info3.png");
    37     position: absolute;
    38     top: 50%;
    39     right: 50%;
    40     transform: translate(100%,-50%);
    41 }
    42 .fourth.current .search > .searchBar{
    43     transform: translateX(0);
    44     transition: transform 1s;
    45 }
    46 .fourth.current .search > .searchText{
    47     width: 280px;
    48     transition: width 1s 1s steps(5);
    49 }
    50 .fourth.current .search > .searchResult{
    51     height: 485px;
    52     transition: height 1s 2s;
    53 }







      1 .fifth{
      2     position: relative;
      3 }
      4 .fifth .info{
      5     width: 1924px;
      6     height: 300px;
      7     background: url("../img/info4.png");
      8     margin: 0 auto;
      9     top: 0;
     10 }
     11 .fifth .subject{
     12     width: 1700px;
     13     height: 620px;
     14     background: url("../img/subject.png");
     15     margin: 0 auto;
     16     position: relative;
     17 }
     18 .fifth .subject > .topBorder{
     19     width: 1700px;
     20     height: 1px;
     21     background: url("../img/Top and bottom border.png");
     22     position: absolute;
     23     top: 0;
     24     left: 100%;
     25 }
     26 .fifth.current .subject > .topBorder{
     27     left:  0%;
     28     transition: left 2s;
     29 }
     30 .fifth .subject > .bottomBorder{
     31     width: 1700px;
     32     height: 1px;
     33     background: url("../img/Top and bottom border.png");
     34     position: absolute;
     35     bottom: 0;
     36     right: 100%;
     37 }
     38 .fifth.current .subject > .bottomBorder{
     39     right:  0%;
     40     transition: right 2s;
     41 }
     42 .fifth .subject > .leftBorder{
     43      width: 1px;
     44      height: 620px;
     45      background: url("../img/Left and right borders.png");
     46      position: absolute;
     47      left: 0;
     48      bottom: 100%;
     49  }
     50 .fifth.current .subject > .leftBorder{
     51     bottom: 0%;
     52     transition: bottom 2s;
     53 }
     54 .fifth .subject > .rightBorder{
     55     width: 1px;
     56     height: 620px;
     57     background: url("../img/Left and right borders.png");
     58     position: absolute;
     59     right: 0;
     60     top: 100%;
     61 }
     62 .fifth.current .subject > .rightBorder{
     63     top: 0%;
     64     transition: top 2s;
     65 }
     66 .fifth .subject > .nav{
     67     width: 100%;
     68     height: 100px;
     69 }
     70 .fifth .subject > .nav > .icon{
     71     width: 100px;
     72     height: 100px;
     73     background: url("../img/icon.png");
     74     float: left;
     75 }
     76 .fifth .subject > .nav > .navHead{
     77     width: 1600px;
     78     height: 50%;
     79     float: left;
     80     position: relative;
     81 }
     83 .fifth .subject > .nav > .navHead > .info{
     84     width: 200px;
     85     height: 40px;
     86     background: url("../img/aqllq.png");
     87     float: left;
     88 }
     89 .fifth .subject > .nav > .navHead > .close{
     90     width: 50px;
     91     height: 50px;
     92     background: url("../img/x.png");
     93     position: absolute;
     94     right: 10px;
     95 }
     96 .fifth .subject > .nav > .navHead > .maximum{
     97     width: 50px;
     98     height: 50px;
     99     background: url("../img/zuidahua.png");
    100     position: absolute;
    101     right: 80px;
    102 }
    103 .fifth .subject > .nav > .navHead > .minimum{
    104     width: 50px;
    105     height: 50px;
    106     background: url("../img/zuixiaohua.png");
    107     position: absolute;
    108     right: 150px;
    109 }
    110 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar{
    111     width: 1580px;
    112     height: 50%;
    113     border: 3px solid #65ffdd;
    114     float: left;
    115     position: relative;
    116 }
    117 .return,.refresh,.homepage,.list{
    118     width: 60px;
    119     height: 100%;
    120     border: 1px solid #65ffdd;
    121     position: absolute;
    122 }
    123 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .return{
    124     left: 0;
    125     background: url("../img/zuojiantou.png") round;
    126 }
    127 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .refresh{
    128     left: 60px;
    129     background: url("../img/shuaxin.png") round;
    130 }
    131 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .homepage{
    132     left: 120px;
    133     background: url("../img/fangzi.png") round;
    134 }
    135 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .url{
    136     width: 1160px;
    137     height: 100%;
    138     border: 1px solid #65ffdd;
    139     position: absolute;
    140     left: 180px;
    141 }
    142 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .url > .quickness{
    143     width: 60px;
    144     height: 100%;
    145     position: absolute;
    146     right: 0;
    147     background: url("../img/shandian.png");
    148 }
    149 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .list{
    150     left: 1340px;
    151     background: url("../img/xiajiantou.png") round;
    152 }
    153 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .search-box{
    154     width: 200px;
    155     height: 100%;
    156     border: 1px solid #65ffdd;
    157     position: absolute;
    158     left: 1400px;
    159 }
    160 .fifth .subject >.nav > .Address-bar > .search-box > .search{
    161     width: 60px;
    162     height: 100%;
    163     position: absolute;
    164     right: 10px;
    165     background: url("../img/fangdajing.png") round;
    166 }
    167 .fifth .subject > .nav{
    168     opacity:0.1;
    169 }
    170 .fifth.current .subject > .nav{
    171     opacity:1;
    172     transition: opacity 3s;
    173 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/FengBrother/p/11403706.html
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