SharePoint 2013 引入了新的UI,同时也跟进了网络潮流,把应用最广泛的标注控件也引入到了SharePoint,先看两个应用
SharePoint 2013引入了新的JS callout.js
SP.SOD.executeFunc("callout.js", "Callout", function () { var targetElement = document.getElementById('NotificationDiv'); var callout = CalloutManager.createNew({ ID: "YiTong_1", launchPoint: targetElement, beakOrientation: "leftRight", title: "一统", openOptions: { event: "click", showCloseButton: true }, content: "一统:<a href=''>博客</a>" }); });
var targetElementAction = document.getElementById('NotificationDivAction'); var calloutAction = CalloutManager.createNew({ ID: "YiTong_2", launchPoint: targetElementAction, beakOrientation: "leftRight", title: "一统", openOptions: { event: "click", showCloseButton: true }, content: "一统:<a href=''>博客Action</a>" }); var calloutAction1 = new CalloutAction({ text: "Open Windows", tooltip:"一统", isEnabledCallback: function () { //callBackListUrl = curListUrl; return false; }, onClickCallback: function () {''); calloutAction.close(); } }); calloutAction.addAction(calloutAction1); function alert1() { alert('cnblogs'); } function alert2() { alert(''); } //Create two menu entries. var menuEntry1 = new CalloutActionMenuEntry("Entry One", alert1, "/layouts/images/CRIT_16.GIF"); var menuEntry2 = new CalloutActionMenuEntry("Some Other Entry", alert2); //Add the menu entries to the callout action. var calloutAction2 = new CalloutAction({ text: "一统", menuEntries: [menuEntry1, menuEntry2] }) //Add the callout action to the callout control. calloutAction.addAction(calloutAction2);
calloutAction1 当中的 tooltip 是鼠标放上去显示的内容。
isEnabledCallback: function () { return false; } 如果返回False,则当前的按钮不能用。
CalloutActionMenuEntry 构造函数有三个参数。前两个参数都是必需的。第三个是可选的,但非常有用,因为它允许您显示带有文本的图标。
将一个包含要显示的图标的 URL 的字符串传递到文本标签的左边。